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Everything posted by trekster

  1. Test doesnt work on me because i know which answer = this persons autistic. So would give the NT answer to confuse people. Also because whenever ive lost something ive always been advised to 'look where i last had it' so im using past experience to influence my answer.
  2. There is a charity called 'autism london' and also the 'national autistic society' which is based in London which could help you. Welcome to the forum.
  3. According to an article in 2010 in New Scientist magazine 'aspergers feel others emotions too intensely to cope'. Empathy is to do with understanding how someone else feels about their situation. If I have observed or experienced the situation I can empathise with another person in that situation, if not I struggle.
  4. You're friend is a transsexual and it is impolite to refer to them as 'once a she'. To them they were always their true gender of he. As for your question as independence means 'surviving by ones own means' and we will always need someone to help us, Drs, police, etc ie no one is an island I don't feel there is such a thing as independent. There is however semi independence which is something I can manage to a point. I am a vulnerable adult and many autistics can be considered vulnerable adults due to the possibility of exploitation due to increased naivety. With support some of us can live in our own homes, I know very few autistics who don't have friends, family or carers to rely on for support.
  5. https://www.york.gov.uk/info/20069/housing_benefit/651/who_can_claim_housing_benefit Can you can claim housing benefit and find somewhere else to live? https://www.york.gov.uk/info/20134/personalisation_of_care/1255/get_adult_social_care Advice about getting social services to help you live in your home. You could also email NAS http://www.autism.org.uk/our-services/advice-and-information-services/welfare-rights-service/contact-the-welfare-rights-service.aspx Hope these links help.
  6. Welcome i was diagnosed age 16 and it was also a relief for me.
  7. You didn't do anything wrong that's the excuse abusers use to control their victims. Pleased you managed to have a discussion with your children and have given your son his own room.
  8. i can understand how frightening and upsetting this experience has been for you. Have you received any therapy for the abuse you suffered? Feel free to PM me as ive been trying to get EMDR therapy for my PTSD for a while now and im still waiting. You can ask for a copy of the sex and relationships policy from the school. Ive just googled "inappropriate sexual behaviour in autism" and came up with a few articles on the subject, Heres some extracts; http://www.mugsy.org/connor90.htm Accordingly, she sets out 5 basic philosophical principles : There is no correlation between access to knowledge about sexuality and (inappropriate) interest or behaviours. Adolescence is marked by curiosity and exploration, including about sexual issues, and this is appropriate, normal, and healthy. Ignorance breeds fear both in the individual and among his peers. Education and discussion about sexual feelings and behaviours have the potential to evoke more appropriate actions and reactions on the part of someone with ASD. Recognising and accepting rather than forbidding a behaviour will be more likely to lead to appropriate and non-excessive forms of that behaviour. Drives and desires are not to be repressed, but directed towards appropriate expression. What is the school teaching him about sex education? file:///C:/Users/Alfred%20Green/Downloads/NASAT%20016%20Sex%20and%20Relationships%20Policy.pdf http://www.alternet.org/are-some-men-born-pedophiles-new-science-says-yes-sexologists-say-not-so-fast
  9. Livelife said: "I don't intend to fail i am going to live my life my way, that's not failing its living in spite of everything others put us through" years of bullying has built up my resilience and determination like it has to you Livelife. i told someone im autistic and they asked me if i had something to kill myself with, they didnt believe in 'american so called syndromes' and were insisting my lack of communication was something i had consciously chosen to do, i havent seen them since, we went to college a long time ago but it still hurts the way he treated me. ive had to block people on social media sites because their behaviour was so offensive 1 person is a relative. As sia would say in their song "im bulletproof nothing to loose. fire away fire away, ricochet you take your aim, fire away fire away, you shoot me down but i wont fall, i am titanium".
  10. Hello and welcome Mines a overspending and hoarding type of OCD which im tackling with CBT "anxiety and depression workbook for dummies". My trust issues however stem from post traumatic stress disorder when i was younger. As for the humiliation of not getting excited, you could be asexual where you dont feel attraction in that way. This isnt something to be humiliated about.
  11. trekster


    im also trying to set up a business or a charity i havent decided yet, feel free to add me as a friend and we can swap ideas. :-)
  12. Anytime, at the top right of this forum there will be a search function. Click the word search, then type in the box, "tics" or "tourettes" to see if anyone else has posted about those issues. Another option is to click on the 'related conditions' section of the boards.
  13. trekster


    https://nas.recruitment.northgatearinso.com/n2rl/pages/vacancy.jsf?search=0 Is a job going at the National Autistic Society to do with campaigning but it requires experience. My interest in changing the world got me into the Public Health degree i started a few years ago. Public Health is about finding holes in systems and fixing them.
  14. This website has more information about Tourettes http://www.tourettes-action.org.uk/
  15. Another possible cause is Tourettes syndrome, contrary to popular belief not all touretics swear, my cousin doesnt have a swearing tic for example.
  16. Sounds like that forum isnt for you unless you can get the moderator to step in.
  17. Thanks for your response, can you have a different lecturer? Or take a support worker with you to make sure your needs are met?
  18. The expression 'there is absolutely nothing wrong' can be misinterpreted as being 'she's not autistic' which i doubt you thought Livelife?
  19. trekster


    Some of my disabilities ive needed formal confirmation in order to get help and support, others like my OCD i havent im just aware of my spending and hoarding habits. Yes dyslexia can include getting opposites muddled up.
  20. Have you tried contacting the disability department of your college about the experiences with the lecturer? Unless you let the college disability department and lecturer know about your disabilities and how they affect you; then they're unable to provide reasonable adjustments. As for the online forum bullying try contacting a moderator explaining autism isn't a '1 size fits all' disability and ask them to help you. Better still come here instead of this other unfriendly forum. Hope you manage to find a college that understands your needs. I struggled last year to get 1 module passed and nearly had a breakdown or worse because I couldn't get my university to understand my needs. I refuse to allow 1 person to be involved in my support needs but the rest are great. In fact I've just passed my 2nd year of a masters degree. I've very little family support but have managed to find a way through.
  21. trekster


    Easily done to get opposites muddled up for me it's a dyslexic trait.
  22. trekster


    Welcome my eds includes marfa11noid symptoms of being tall and managing to clasp my wrist with my finger and thumb all the way round. Are you being investigated for marfans or eds? I'm also dyslexic and run a social group for other neuro diverse adults.
  23. My poor memory improved with avoiding gluten and dairy for life in my diet and lifestyle also taking high doses of fish oils, or omega 3s for vegetarians they can use flax seed oil.
  24. They dont have pictures to protect the privacy of the participants. There are activities like workshops a sensory room and board games.
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