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Everything posted by Helen

  1. Helen

    Dx Paperwork

    Yes, you should have received written confirmation of A's diagnosis.
  2. Tabz2711, I don't know if this link will be of any help to you, I've a feeling that this questionnaire is geered towards the younger child: http://www.mind-steps.com/assessments/assessment.htm The Australian Scale for Asperger's Syndrome - You could still have a look at it and try to think back on how your daughter presented as a younger child. Good luck.
  3. TM <'> RE: the distribution timeframe for cirulating reports/advice - the SEN COP for Wales states: 9:13 In preparing for the review meeting, the head teacher must request written advice from: >the child's parents >those specified by the authority >and anyone else the head teacher considers appropriate The head teacher must also >circulate a copy of all advice received to all those invited to the review meeting at least two weeks before the date of the meeting, inviting additional comments, including comments from those unable to attend the review meeting. If there's anything in the school's advice that you disagree with then you must provide, in writing, your intrepretation of the facts. If you are having problems getting the school to implement something as simple as a home/school book what chance do you have of getting it to address a more serious issue? I'm sorry to say that I don't think you will ever have a working relationship with this school... it just doesn't want to know.
  4. Helen

    Oh god, families

    Sorry, I can't resist the urge to post further on this subject... If what your mother has said is true, your brother has been insulting to you and to your own family. If I were in your position I would honestly reconsider attending the wedding.
  5. Helen

    Oh god, families

    I'm an only child so I can't make any suggestions on what you ought to do but here are some <'> <'> <'> I think your mother is speaking out of turn - why don't you phone your brother to see if your mother got the info correct?
  6. Nemesis, What a result! I'm so pleased for you
  7. My son's school doesn't have a homework club but there is the odd teacher who is prepared to give up their break in order to help any pupil who has difficulty with their schoolwork/homework. The Senco made me aware of this during my son's annual review. I explained to her that even if all the teachers in the school gave up their morning break/their lunch hour break to assist pupils it wouldn't have any effect on my son because my son firmly believes that the morning break is a morning break and that the lunch hour break is a lunch hour break - he is very rigid when it comes to things like this.
  8. Brilliant news!!!! Well done Nat!
  9. Annie <'> , Any news?
  10. Helen

    Job Application

    Good luck Tally My friend works part-time at an animal sanctuary, she finds her job very rewarding
  11. Hi Ceecee, I use to have ballet lessons at 9yrs old - I was hopeless at counting the beat I'm sure your little girl will do REALLY well Helen xx
  12. Hello LKS, there are times when my son has difficulty in completing a homework task and when this happens I write comments on his book/homework sheet that he tried his best to work independently but that he hasn't been able to complete the task. I have also written comments in his book when I have given him some help with his homework - I don't expect the teaching staff to give my son detention for incomplete homework. I understand where you're coming from. My son's math teacher does this, as well as a number of other teachers in the school. What's the point in having a bl***y homework timetable if the teachers don't adhere to it! I too brought this up with the Senco and she told me that the homework timetable was just a 'guideline'. I had to explain to the Senco that should one teacher give out unexpected homework my son would probably be able to deal with it, but when up to four teachers each give out extra unexpected homework with specified deadlines for that week their demands are likely to cause an overload in homework. I asked the Senco if the homework deadlines could be extended for a day or two in order for my son to adequately attempt these tasks - my request was immediately refused. I then asked the Senco for suggestions on how to combat this problem - she didn't offer any. So far my son has not been given detention for incompleted homework.
  13. Witsend, I don't smoke, never have smoked. Just wanted to wish you good luck
  14. Helen


    Hi HH, how are things? <'> Have a look at this link, it's taken from IPSEA's website: http://www.ipsea.org.uk/transport.htm Scroll down to the title Students with Statements of Special Educational Needs:
  15. LKS, here is some information from the NAS website on NAS Schools - an introduction : http://www.autism.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=132
  16. LKS, are you referring to Gabbitas? http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.ph...ghlite=gabbitas
  17. As a child my right foot would turn in whenever I walked, this gait was very obvious. I had a few appointments with a physiotherapist to try and correct the problem. I had to do some exercises in order to strengthen my ankle. I also had to wear scholls every day for 1 1/2 years to strengthen my instep - I would also wear the scholls in school. I had to constantly remind myself to straighten out my foot when walking. Even now, years later, my foot will turn in whenever I'm tired and have done too much walking, not that I'm aware of it... my husband points it out to me.
  18. Darky, Do you know the official figures/percentages which state how many SEN children there are on the school roll? You could ask the school for a copy of its SEN audit form - ask for the summary version, this way you'd be asking for impersonal data. The summary should detail: * the National Curriculum age groups * the number of children on roll within each age group * the SEN stages * the number of children on each SEN stage. Although this information would not be specific in relation to how the head actually spends his SEN budget it should give you some idea about how many SEN children your head is accommodating/the degree of their SEN. Procedure wise, I'm not sure whom you would need to approach for an audit summary; I had cause to demand this documentation from the COG.
  19. Yes Nellie that's the one!!!!! There is also some information on the NAS website, Special arrangements for examinations : http://www.nas.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=364&a=2191 scroll 3/5 down the page.
  20. Hello Nemesis and welcome, Now that your son has an official dx you could try getting in touch with your LEA's advisory teacher for Autism for some suggestions/support/advice regarding what ought to be included in his IEP (if your LEA doesn't have such a specialist then it may have connections with an autism outreach team). My LEA's autism specialist has been known to provide support not only to statemented children but also to children on the SEN stage School Action+. RE: GCSE exams - does your son tend to panic before exams, does he need extra time to get use to exam conditions, has he been able to complete exam papers within the allocated timeframes? There is a link on here somewhere about exam conditions which may be of some use to you - sorry I can't post it, I lost the link when my PC crashed a few weeks ago, hopefully someone else has it and will post it for you.
  21. My favourite ice-cream is Raspberry Ripple.
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