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Everything posted by justamom

  1. Yeah, know what you mean, well done Reece
  2. justamom


    Yeah, moment of madness i have changed it again!!!!
  3. justamom


    The thing with all these avatars i cant make my mind up and keep changing them all the time!!!! Spoilt for choice
  4. justamom


    thanks just changed mine again!!!! I having a bad week - hoping my avatar will help- super woman!!!
  5. I wondered where you were??? Glad you are back, hope the tooth heals soon
  6. Hope the weather is great for you, enjoy enjoy!!!!
  7. justamom

    How st*pid am I.

    Your a nutter but your a concerned nutter!!!
  8. No way, are you being serious??? How did you go about claiming in do they have a form or what???
  9. My kids use the webcam all the time, while talking to friends on msn but dont use if for anything else other than msn
  10. HI Amanda, poor thing has been thru alot - you said that he would be started secondary school in sept my son is in year 7 and his biggest concern was having a "accident" (he does not have alot of control)in class and his school mates know about it.... Good luck hope you get the see/talk to consultant soon
  11. justamom


    Yes, keegan shows empathy! but not all the time - difficult to explain
  12. Me too that's on a good day
  13. I think you need to have this checked out because my son had excactly the same problems but he was about 7 when he started soiling for no apparent reason.. It turned out to be inflammatory bowel disease i'm not saying that's what it is but its worth checking it out..... What surgery did he have to his bowels....
  14. Kids should come with volume control as if!!!!
  15. <'> <'> thinking of you!!! All the best Justamom
  16. I agree with what everyone has said Viper!! Dont feel guilty honey you are not a mean person doing this for your own benefit.... Hope all ok
  17. Oh, i did not realise this about a consultant being the only one to prescibe it!!! Bummer i'll try the gp and see what he recommends.
  18. Hi all, I am taking Keegan to the dr's tomorrow but i was wondering how many hours sleep did your children have a night before they started taking melatonin. I want to see if Keegans sleep patterns are serve enough to warrant melatonin??? He goes up to bed at 8.30 and is still awake after 12 more 1ish most night and wakes up at 6.45/7. Maybe all in all about 5hrs sleep and this is now affecting his moods and school????
  19. OMG, its taken me 2.5hrs to try and get Keegan calm, I am drained just been for a 20min walk to try and take him away from the house to just get away IUKWIM. It all started today when he wanted to go with his friends to the park, the park is 1road away so i agreed he wasn't gone long before me came home holding his head and burst into tears. A girl friend of his had been swinging, he walked infront of the swing and they collided and she fell ontop of him but both her feet hit his head (she had great big high healed school shoes on)and he was so upset. Firstly he was in pain and secondly so cross because his friends laughed at him, he just got on his bike and road home.... He still has a headache and a great big lump, on a thursday keegan has a tutor come round and during his meltdown D arrived to tutor him, he has experience with special needs children so luckily understood what was going on. Keegan refused to see him, he locked himself in the bath room ranted and raved at dh, myself and D. D tried to speak to him and he eventually came out the bathroom and D was sitting in the garden waiting for Keegan to calm down, keegan then started to throw things about in the garden - spade, umbrella, chairs etc which we ignored because nobody else was around to get hurt by any of this.. This continued for a while during his shouting and general meltdown mode. He is only now settling down, i am not really sure of the triggers i think it could be 3 things in all:- 1. He was in pain and did not really know how to deal with it 2. Hates being laughted at - takes it personally (kids usually laugh when someone falls over but he just see it as a personal attack) 3. He did not want to see D tonight I am going to take him to the dr tomorrow if i can get an emergency app - his ears are making the funny noise again and he is not sleeping, we might have to get something to help him sleep... ARRRRGGGG - what a week roll on friday!!
  20. Thats the best news ever!!!! I'm so happy for you
  21. Missed you lovely humor Hev, glad your back
  22. justamom

    Suze's avatar

    Glad to here you are sticking around Lauren..... told you this site was addictive
  23. I went to Ikea today and bought him a new lamp to try and help him sleep better but he has just blown the lamp (keeps switching it on and off)and he has now blown the upstairs lights, thank goodness hubby is not working nights because there is no way i am venturing into the garage to switch them back on!!! I afraid of the dark!!! Hubby is trying to calm him down now, he is so hyper and just will not settle..... in for a rough night. I have already written a letter to his teacher and i want some correspondence back this time or else i will have to go up and see him face to face....
  24. justamom

    Suze's avatar

    Totally agree Lauren
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