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Everything posted by justamom

  1. Congrats Phas!! Wish mine went to a school near you!!!!!
  2. I think you are brilliant, if someone said to me give up chocolate for 8days i would think that my life had ended!!! Good on ya and keep it up
  3. Yeah i have used complimentary therapy for my son... My mother is a reflexologist and armotherapist, and I swear by alternative medicine!!!!
  4. justamom

    PE teacher

    I cant tell you how livid I am about the PE teacher, and I have had a day to calm down. We had app with Rheumatologist, she was very adement that he should not do any form of PE whilst he has inflammation or pain, she will write a letter for me excusing K from PE until further notice..... She is concerned that his blood test is a bit raised, because the methoxerate is such a potent medicine especially for kids she has to be careful that is does not affect his bone marrow so we are going to have to have more tests.... He might have to have injections into his hips to help with pain, we will just see how the steriods work or not... Both hubby and I have phoned and left messages, even the receptionist recognised my voice (and accent South African), hubby said he is going to the school on thurs morning at 8.30 and he will not be leaving until he is seen.... God help that school the XXXX is gonna hit the fan....
  5. justamom

    PE teacher

    Hi all, I have still been popping in but have not posted in a while!!! Hope you are all well! K has been ill lately and off school for 1 week due to a flare-up of his arthritis.I sent the following letter in today:- I wanted to inform you of K's current situation regarding his arthritis. He has not been very well lately and has not been at school over the past week due to a severe flare-up of his arthritis in his knees and hips. He was seen on Wednesday by our GP who wanted to admit him if there was no change in his condition after a course of steriods. We are due to see the rheumatologist and we will arrange to get a letter for you stating that he cannot do P.E. even non-contact sports until his next review. Please excuse K from P.E. until further notice. K was given dention by the PE teacher today for not having his PE kit with him even though he was not doing PE. It's apparently the school rules to have a PE kit with you even if you are not doing PE - Why???? NOw they are doing cross country at school and its about 2miles, K said to the teacher today that he cant do (after handing him the above letter). Teacher said that he could walk it. What the . He has no understanding of his condition even though i have phoned and spoken to him before.... I am so glad that K refused to do it, he knows that its too much for him... I have phoned the school and tried to speak to the teacher but funny how no one is available... I am soooooo mad
  6. I agree with you cmuir, medical condition is a huge umbrella!!!
  7. We have a new puppy she is a Westie and is only 4mnths old, best thing we did was getting a puppy the kids absolutely love her and its very therapeutic for K as well he is besotted with her
  8. My pharmacy are having the very same problem, luckily K has still got a few days left but I was given 5 days worth and asked to return at the end of the week??? When renewing the perscription the nurse at the doctors had never heard of melationin she said it was the first time she had come across it...
  9. LOVE it - cant wait... I'm from South Africa and we have hot Christmas's so love the cold winter Christmas's with all the trimings and the lights dont get me started i love the lights!!!!!
  10. OMG, I dont know what to say!! Praying things work out for you!!!
  11. K has detention today for this very same thing, I have refused to let him go in the past and ended up having a meeting with the Senco because I also felt that reasonable adjustments had to be had because of his AS. Most of the time teachers dont recognise that AS is a disability - a hidden one at that so they dont realise that they have organisational skills difficulties.
  12. I think its rubbish too cant find my house either!!!
  13. I have just got my kids a westie pup and I could not make the decission you are faced with, its so hard its like having another member of the family!!! I do hope you dog is ok!! All the best
  14. I think you should phone CAMHS to ask them for advice perhaps he needs some form of counselling from someone because it seems like he has been thru a hell of a lot...
  15. What a silly lady, he is not really doing any harm.....
  16. Oh hunni, i feel for you . <'> but what is there critera????
  17. So true what you have just said, it would be a wonderful idea to have a disabled BB and be judged on personality!
  18. I am busy watching BBLB with my family and my moms friend that is staying for a while. She did not see Pete on friday night and was watching his eviction and she just made the most unbelievable comment that i am still gobsmacked about:- "If I was his mother I would pretend that he was not my child" - I gave it too her with both barrels so to speak. You can imagine what i said it was not nice. She thought that his behaviour was all an act and that he should stop the act and calm down. I just cant believe that someone can be so hirrible, naive and down right ###### mean!!!
  19. I too have been enjoying having a few days of chill out as i call it, like today i have been pottering around the house doing odd jobs and i am still not out my pj's yet. I dont really like being on my own but we all need a bit of time to re-charge our batteries now and again especially before school starts..... My mom is a reflexologist and armotherapist and its such a help with K's arthritis having her around to help out and give him a run or make oils it all helps out. I hope you go for it !!!
  20. Hi flora, K has just finished his first year at high school and believe me I was as worried as you are. I felt phycially sick dropping him off the first day at school. I have to admit that we had a few hicupps in the first 3weeks and then he seemed to settle in very well (until recently you know the saga of him being signed off the last month of school). Its a very big deal going to secondary school and its so much of a change, but you are really on the ball and if you keep things in check it should be ok. Like you say stamp out bullying from the word go and hopefully he will do ok. I wish you and him the best of luck. Enojy the holidays and my god i did not know that we only have 2 weeks left. Its gone really quickly for me!! Justamom
  21. Yeah! They are ganging up on her i think! What was that all about last night with Jenni saying that if her boyfriend is not at the eviction it will be Ash's fault. No way hunni its all your fault you fell for Pete now Pete has Nicky and she is gonna be in trouble with her boyfriend..
  22. totally agree with you on this bullet!! He should understand about Aisleyne being shy and speaking in public, she did her best and he should have been honest with her!!! I love Aisleyne!!!
  23. I have been to Buckingham Palace and Covent Gardens today and I have just got home after a very long walk, 3 tubes and 20min journey home on the M25... Its been a very long day but enjoyable. The kids stayed at home with hubby and 5 friends and I went out for the day doing the touristy thing. The q's at the palace where mad we must have waited about 1.5hrs before we were hurded in because of the securtity checks things took soooooo long. On arriving home today after being gone from 8.00am to 8.00pm I was greeted at home by my kids with HUGE hugs and "PLEASE dont go away" again from my son. He said to me "only today did I realise how much you do for me mom". . My popcorn did not even taste the same coz you never made it" Bless him . "I need you so much mom" Which was so lovely and made me feel appreciated so much. Its the same old same old only once you are gone do they realise how much you do for them. At least they acknowledged it hey!!! Hubby's nackered - does not know how i do it all day and he is ready for bed. I still have to hang the washing out that has been left in the machine since 7.30am (put it in just before i left ). Kitchen is a bomb site but I have been missed thats the main thing Small problem though i am off to Ireland next week-end with my folks for a well deserved break how are they gonna cope without me then!!!
  24. justamom

    steves a mascot

    Oh wow i bet he is well pleased!!!
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