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Everything posted by gromit

  1. Karen what a hoot, my wee boy does exactly the same game!! He will play it for AGES and wants me to go through as many people I can possibly think of and then still act as surprised as I did the 1st time! Last night got a pizza delivered for dinner (karate night, too late to cook, oh all right am a lazy moo) When it arrived W took it and said "we'll enjoy our pizza, thankyou very much" then he said to the guy "now you enjoy your money" to which hubs and I ended ourselves, it was just soo comical.
  2. OOPS!! JUmped the gun there before I even read the link!! Got all worked up about what that silly man said. Whoever said a little knowledge is a dangerous thing....wot a pig!
  3. Try googling "Tom Cruise" and "Gay". The guys a loop, from what I've read the whole scientology thing is a major ego trip, anytime he doesnt agree with one of their doctrines they just rewrite it for him. Well they wouldnt wanna go losing one of their biggest benefactors now would they. Oh and he made some awful comments about Brook Sheilds being a bad mom. She was really brave to admit taking antidepressants for her severe post natal depression.........he said she was harming her child. wot a pig
  4. Townsend for his windmill, Paige for epic performance, Hendrix for genius and have to mention Jack White for pure rawness. Listening to Robert Plant and The strange Sensations new album, Mighty Rearranger..tis pretty damn good for an old timer. Stones take note!!
  5. Hi there, really sorry your little boy is struggling, its hard enough dealing with the whols ax process but other parents can be a ###### pain. Not so long ago I was on here at the end of my tether as parents had been writing anonymous letters to the school complaining about my son. (these were passed on to me by the VERY unprofessional HT but thats another matter) I was paranoid and stressed both at what my son was going through but also thought that everyone was against us. Had confrontations in the playground which was ridiculous and overheard many comments about my boy. All that plus the total absence of any invites to parties.....thats not true, he went to 1 last year which ended in a meltdown and the parents of his classmate looking on and tutting. Since then I've tried talking to other parents a bit more, NOT to explain my sons behaviour in any depth but just so's they see that its difficult for him and us. Dont get me wrong, some parents just think my boy is a wee git and I'm probably to blame..........well stuff them, their kids will only pick up intolerance from them, which is a shame. But I have to say that more people talk to me now. I dont want pity, if anything what I've noticed is that the parents I do talk to, their kids now have a better relationship with my son. My son now has one friend and he's 7. I think what I'm trying to say in a VERY longwinded manner is try not to write off all the other parents. Some of them will understand, some wont but dont give up trying to include your boy in stuff. As for the lack of support your recieving just now, I'm sure someone else will be along who can pint you in the right direction as it sounds like you've got evidence coming out of your ears that your son needs it. Take care and stay strong
  6. Hi Agree this is a difficult one. Have been wondering myself whether to insist on testing for ASD for my son. I am currently playing it by ear as last week he did slightly better at school but dont know if a dx will help in terms of extra help. To be honest I will probably request that they at least consider it as I know a lot of his behaviours fall into the spectrum and for my peace of mind I feel i need their opinion. As for the label what I'm wondering is if that even where there is extra support in place, perhaps a label will help change peoples attitudes, the ones that work with your kid. I'm so sorry your daughter is being bullied in this way, maybe this is something the school can adress as no kid should have to put up with that hope I havnt made things worse with my own questions Best of luck
  7. Hi Florrie, sorry about how your feeling with the anger and everything. If it helps to write it down maybe you try it more often....better out than in my mum would say (or is that my hubs talking about his flatulence ) Get real angry with the world too sometimes and find that some strenuous exercise helps me release some of that pent up aggression and leaves me more able to focus on what I can do about it. I dont have any personal dx but in any sort of confrontation get flustered and always seem to go off on a tangent. so I find that making a list of things to discuss at meetings helps me keep on track. Best of luck
  8. Hi, This is an awful situation to be in but in NO WAY is your boy a wee s**t or to blame. I can totally relate to everything your saying, my son is really violent at times and gets so upset about what he's done ... REMEMBER their behaviour is only a manifestation of their confusion and inability to cope. For an educational establishment the school sounds very uneducated in dealing with this. The caretaker incident is totally unacceptable and probably needs to be recorded and reported. I dont know what else to say really, others have gave really good advice so I really hope you can see you have support here. Youre strong and doing your best for your wee one. Best of luck. <'> <'> <'> <'>
  9. My son who is coming up on 8 has declared that he will be a great scientist. Unfortunately he wants to use his power to do evil and is hellbent on world domination. I've even heard him practicing his evil laugh.......too much Pinky and the brain methinks. Sorry, slightly offtopic there.
  10. Hi Tony and welcome I'm relatively new here but can say I got the warmest of welcomes,. Everyone here does their best to share their knowledge and experiences and help give you some direction when things seem a bit crazy. You will get understanding and loads of support.
  11. Thankyou for this Brook, I dont know if my son has Aspergers or not but so many of these communication issues apply that I and the professionals (grammar!!) have to consider it at least. Gonna print this one off. Ta much.
  12. So glad for you treetree, it must be a relief to get this recognition at last. Sounds like this will let you concentrate your energies on getting all the support you and your wee one is due. <'> <'> <'> <'>
  13. Hi Jomica, Sorry but I havnt read any books so far apart from Tony Attwoods one but this isnt really for an 8 yr old. What I would say is you could try going into Amazon and doing a search there. I did this and my foggy memory tells me there are a few books written from the person with the ASD's perspective, with a couple specifically from someone with high functioning autism or aspergers. Sorry cant come up with the names but amazon does have reviews on most of their books so you can at least browse these. Hope this was of some help.
  14. We've already got one by Mr. Wonder but I'd like to request another. Its called "As" and its my alltime favourite song which always makes my heart soar even when everything feels negative. I've put the lyrics but you really need to hear it if you havnt already. Its been covered loads but Stevies is the original and best I think. As around the sun the earth knows she?s revolving And the rosebuds know to bloom in early may Just as hate knows love?s the cure You can rest your mind assure That I?ll be loving you always As now can?t reveal the mistery of tomorrow But in passing will grow older every day Just as all is born is new Do you know what I say is true That I?ll be loving you always Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky Always Until the ocean covers every mountain high Always Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea Always Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream Did you know that true love asks for nothing Her acceptance is the way we pay Did you know that life has given love a guarantee To last through forever and another day Just as time knew to move on since the beginning And the seasons know exactly when to change Just as kindness knows no shame Know through all your joy and pain That I?ll be loving you always As today I know I?m living but tomorrow Could make me the past but that I mustn?t fear For I?ll know deep in my mind The love of me I?ve left behind Cause I?ll be loving you always Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky Always Until the ocean covers every mountain high Always Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea Always Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream
  15. Canny get it to work either, wanna see what some of the teachers think.
  16. gromit

    Nick's dx

    Hey Sylv, Be gentle on yourself and yours. Sending you some of these <'> <'> <'> <'>
  17. Thankyou everyone for your kind replies, I think I'll play it by ear as it DEPENDS on so much. One things for sure though, they're gonna be getting loads of information from me and the hubs. Have worked with enough professionals to know that some of them definitely do not like you jumping the gun. So will dutifully play my role and let them do theirs and will suss it out as we go. I'm taking my son too, havnt told him yet but plan on talking it over with my hubs tonight just how to pitch it at him....doont want him worrying so will play it down as much as i can without lying. Oh and BTW since the meeting last week and the new changes were brought in "W" my boy has had a brilliant start to the week. He's been much happier which is soo great to see after all the misery he's went through for weeks. Hope shines again. <'> <'> <'>
  18. gromit

    SENDIST Tribunal

    Sorry Caroline <'> <'> <'> Can you appeal?
  19. Big hug to you too <'> I'm totally with you on how difficult it can be. In the past year have had both experiences of being deserted for no good reason I could work out then I had to distance myself from a friend I've had for years. I would say that this was even harder...to walk away. But I would never walk past someone (LOL back to that again ) You know what I mean though...if someone was in real need and asked I'd be there. So yeah you'll probably feel bad about it......so you could maybe be doin with some more of these.
  20. Hailey, Thank you for this especially welcome to Holland. Was already a bit teary but this gave me that nudge over and had a wee cry...THEN a lovely smile at the end........Wonderful
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