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Everything posted by Linnet

  1. I also recognise people from their hairstyles as I've no idea what anyones face looks like unless they're stood in front of me. Because of this I'm better at recognising women than men as most men seem to have the same hairstyles. I work at a firm of accountants and can't recognise most of my male colleagues as they all look the same with their short hair and dark suits. I don't worry too much about not recognising people's faces unless I've arranged to meet someone somewhere then I get myself into a state of panic because I don't know how I'll find them. Fortunately, if I stand around looking last they usually find me.
  2. I watched it last night and was surprised to find that I know who 7 out of the 10 'celebrities' are. Some years I've known less than half of them. I have prosopagnosia so I really enjoy 'I'm a celebrity' because they all have their names on the back of their clothes and I don't have to try and recognise them. L x
  3. Hello and welcome. I was also older (47) when I found out I have Asperger's and, like you, have adapted to the world fairly well (in my own way) but after joining this forum I understand myself much better and have found it a great comfort to know I have things in common with the other forum members. L x
  4. Linnet


    Hello and welcome. I'm sure you'll find you fit in here. L x
  5. Linnet

    We need help!

    When I was young I went through a period of not sleeping because I overheard a friend of my mum's saying the unseasonable weather was a sign of the end of the world. Is something on your son's mind which is stopping him sleeping? Although I wouldn't say what was worrying me my mum dealt with it by telling me that if I couldn't sleep it didn't matter as I was resting my body when I was lying in bed. This helped me get out of the cycle of worrying that I couldn't sleep and once I started feeling more relaxed I started sleeping again.
  6. Linnet


    I also hated the swimming pool but overcame my fear and hatred when i was 42 and finally learnt to swim. I now enjoy it providing the pool is quiet and I don't get my face wet.
  7. Linnet


    I also hate the shower. If I have to have one I don't put my head near it. My solution is to have a shower attachent on the bath taps. I wash my hair using this by kneeling at the side of the bath and leaning over (luckily I'm tall enough to do this). In this way I can wash my hair without getting my face wet. I can stand in the bath and use the shower attachment to wash my body and I don't have to stand under the running water. As a child I use to scream and scream if I had to have a bath or a shower. My mum must have depaired of me. Hope you can find a solution for your son.
  8. I never wanted children and even now have no maternal instincts. However, my first husband desperately wanted three and after 11 years of arguing about this I had my son and he's the best thing to ever happen to me. After splitting up from his father (being a parent wasn't what he had expected) I was a single parent for 7 years and my son became my best friend as he got older. He gave me lots of confidence to do things I wouldn't have dared do before and it was my son who first recognised I had Asperger's. I couldn't have coped with more than 1 child but I am so happy I had my son.
  9. Well done on getting shortlisted. Great news. Good luck for the 13th L x
  10. Linnet

    Hello there !

    Hi there. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Hello and welcome. It sounds, from your post, that we have a lot in common. I was in my 40's when I was diagnosed and I, also, have a husband and son. I can drive but it makes me very anxious but the rest of your list could have been written by me. After spending my whole life thinking I would never fit in I've found there are lots of people like me on this forum and I think you will too. L
  12. I'm afraid I usually resort to talking about the weather (not very imaginative, I know)
  13. I don't even like the thought of having to get of mid - station. If at all possible I would always avoid such a situation. If I do have to do something which causes me stress I pretend I'm dreaming and distance myself from everything going on around me. I've learnt how to do this as I've got older and it helps in lots of situations. Good luck with your son
  14. I think perhaps your son has the same problems with time as I do. I cannot judge how long things take. If I have to be somewhere for a certain time it causes me a lot of stress because I cannot judge how long it will take me to get there. I have to set off for work at the same time everyday even on days when I don't need to because I need to do the same things at the same time each day. I time myself cleaning my teeth but for other things I rely on the radio as I know what I need to do before the news or before the traffic etc.Like your son, I would have gone on to the terminus rather than get off at a mid-station. I also won't go on any journeys where I have to change trains or use more than one mode of transport. Realise this is not very helpful but it may help you to understand what is causing his stress
  15. Linnet


    Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear you're going through such a bad time and hope you find some help from the lovely members of this forum.
  16. I also read your post with my hand over my mouth and nose - it is completely unconscious. I also flap my hands when I'm stressed or excited. As a child I flapped both hands but as an adult I only flap one. I did walk backwards for a while as a child but can't remember why. My mum says it was just a phase i went through. I have always made a clicking noise with my tongue and it really annoys my husband. I don't know why I do any of these things but they are 'normal' for me. I think they were all more noticeable as a child but I have learnt to be more discreet as I've got older.
  17. Linnet


    I love books, I have hundreds of them. I also love pebbles.
  18. I also feel guilty on the days I don't exercise but after a series of neck, back and knee problems I am trying to be sensible. My exercise routine is Monday - Zumba class, Tuesday - gym, Wednesday - Zumba class, Thursday - gym, Saturday - swimming. I try and go for a walk on a Sunday if the weather is fine but that still leaves me feeling guilty on a Thursday. I have been obsessive about exercising for the last 30 years despite hoping it was something I'd get too old for.
  19. I am frequently defeated by daily living skills even though I'm 48 and left home at 24. I am learning to accept that I am always going to struggle with daily existence and find life exhausting. It is a source of amazement that other people just seem to be able to do things and know things which I don't have a clue about. I know I'm not being very re assuring but I've survived the last 24 years and I'm sure you will too. Just remember you aren't the only one to find things so difficult. L x
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