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Everything posted by robert7111a

  1. Hi Chunkymonkey What a lovely post and thanks for sharing. I have several AS traits which means I'm not as severely affected as your husband, but I do share some of his traits. I have been married for 14 years. My wife is still learning things about me. She has an enormous ability to tolerate some of my quirks and wierdness but I do try and live life "normally" despite having poor social skills. Before I met my wife, I had little or no outlook on life and tried ending it twice. I was going to say things will get better - until I read further down when you said things are getting worse. But you have managed 4 years and this clearly shows how much you love him. But there are some things that you won't be able to help with/or seem out of your control and this probably stems from this deep rooted problem(s) that your husband has had to deal with all of his years. Patience, love and support is the key. It sounds like you have really made a positive influence in his life. Don't give up now.
  2. Alexon I wouldn't wish this upon anyone and certainly would never hope to be in a position to wish somebody luck during a tribunal case - but.... if you have a sound legal case, then I wish you every success. 11 and a half years is a big achievement. Your employer/LEA will have to pay the price: this is either reinstatement or lots of compensation and bad press. They might think twice if they know the case is going to court. This will also have a negative impact on Aspergers in general and remove an excellent role model (i.e you) from the system if the school wins. But I hope you've found yourself a good solicitor and witness(es) that understand and who can speak up in your favour.
  3. My thoughts exactly. Think I saw one quick clip of (possibly) a father who had no input whatsoever. I didn't see the programme through to the end.
  4. I need at least 8+ hours but sometimes I can function on 5-6+hrs 2 or 3 times a week. Away from sleep, I am constantly "on the go", twitchy, fiddly, things in my mind etc which means I can't sit still or relax at any point of the day without moving. Tiredness can therefore be a big issue for me along with irritability. If I'm really tired, then the sensory overload comes across such as TV being too loud etc and I would need to lie down and "recover" for about an hour before even contemplating sleep. And then there are only a certain number of hours in the day...how can I possibly fit all this in?
  5. The worst thing was - my parents, my daughter and my wife having to deal with such an embarrassing (and unecessary) situation. I could have ended up in hospital And of course, I should have known better. I just forgot on the night that I have been eating less these last few weeks which should have meant an concomicant reduction in alcohol. But they can all see the funny side now and tell me they've all been there (daughter excepted of course!)
  6. Get yourself off these mind-altering meds !
  7. I suffered badly last night after stupidly not eating enough whilst out drinking with my family and parents. I vomited lots last night and fell unconcious. And to make things worse, I didn't get the sleep I wanted as we stayed in a motel and got woken up at 6 this morning with staff banging doors and generally making too much noise. I was very hypoglaemic first thing but felt slightly better after eggs on toast and tea for breakfast, but I have gone through today alternating between feeling really ill and kinda ok. Have been rehydrating lots throughout the day, had lunch and managed about an hours sleep this afternoon. I really feel kinda stupid/embarrassed and know I should have known better. Just that one drink too many without any non-alcoholic drinks in between. Not a good example towards my daughter....
  8. 2013 could spell the end for my current employment (or it might not) - depending on a major announcement to the Health Secretary in December/January. So I could either be out on the scrap heap..or be spared...50/50 at the moment And at my age and a lack of jobs in my speciality, simply moving to another position somewhere else is not an option.
  9. Hi Alexon I'm sorry I can't answer your question specifically. How long have you been a secondary teacher and how long were you employed for in your present/former school? There are various legislative procedures that employers need to follow in dismissal cases - i.e. they can't just fire you on the spot. This is illegal. Did you tell your latest employer about your diagnosis or did they find out by other means (i.e. from your doctor) If they found out without your knowledge, then this is a severe breach of confidentiality and you definately have a counter-claim to this. The doctor/person who gave this information to your employer could be struck off/sacked if your express permission wasn't sought first. I really hope this works out for you - do keep us posted.
  10. robert7111a


    Lyndalou, I hope you can make the right decision with this. If you do decide to have it removed, remember it's your own body and don't let any professional bully you into keeping it/or tell you that it can't be removed. If the side effects outweigh any benefit then it's a no brainer - get rid of it.
  11. robert7111a


    No problem, I'll forgive you. Guess I didn't "get" the fact it was a joke. No I don't work in HR and I'm definately not a doctor - but I do work in the medical field for various doctors and consultants. I got interested in medicine at school (and my grandma was a medical secretary and lecturer) but because of my difficulties at school, I never got the grades for medical school and it's a bit late for me to start now... Before my present career, I worked alongside clinical psychologists in what was then a mental asylum before this hair-brained idea by the government of "care in the community". I work with patients and treat them and am very fortunate to be privvy to a wide range of medical literature which helps me with various topics of research in things that interest me.
  12. robert7111a


    I take offence at this comment Where did I ever say I was an expert about what's best for women...???? And what other men on here said they were experts? (Some) men are not completely dumb you know....I do happen to know a few things... Lyndalou asked a question and I (and others) have offered our opinions And I do happen to work in medicine....so yes, I do know a few things (but am only an expert in my particular field)
  13. Thank you Warrior, I really appreciate your kind comments - seriously Newbie 101, how have you got around your communication problems? You say you had some success
  14. Um...I was going to post some help and some of my experiences but...guess its too late now...
  15. robert7111a


    Getting back on topic, I hope you've had some thoughts on what you are going to do about your implant.
  16. StoneDog, I disagree with the first line of your post Yes, sorry I made an error regarding the "reversal"...I meant to say that the OP's comment about it being unlikely that "taking garlic and chlorella would lessen Asperger traits" is most certain: i.e. it's very unlikely. (it's been a long day...) You ask about whether the standard peer reviewed medical references can be found...the Lancet (amongst others) were forced to retract their article on this subject but the evidence is there if you can find it. Again, I have spoken to and listened to many parents - the whole MMR thing is not hysteria. There are plenty of books out there and they can't all be wrong. The truth is coming out but Government bodies still want to discret it all. I know what goes into vaccines, you only have to read the manufacturer's label and many of the ingredients are toxic. It's no wonder why there has been a big explosion in behavioural disorders over the last decade (and vaccines are not the only culprit). People are starting to wake up to the truth but the time bomb is still ticking... And in answer to the original poster's question about taking legal action against the company(ies) that adminstered the MMR jab - don't bother. Pharmaceutical companies are indemnified against any legal preceedings brought against them. At best, they may pay out a sum as compensation "to keep the plaintiffs quiet" but they (Pharma) will never admit liability. The whole practice stinks
  17. Welcome to Orwellian Big Brother! The UK is the security camera capital of Europe. Nothing like undesirables snooping and infringing our civil rights. I have had several arguments with security staff on railway stations if I'm out photographing trains. It's about knowing your rights. It's only going to get worse...telescreens in your front room next...?
  18. I disagree AS cannot be reversed - otherwise this forum wouldn't exist if everybody could become NT. I have read widely about the MMR debate, spoken to many parents and read Dr Wakefield's research and it is coming to light that he was right. There is good chlorella and bad chlorella - make sure you have the right one For me, raw garlic does not make my social issues worse and it is a great detoxifier.
  19. Sorry guys, I won't use the "D" word in this thread again. <upbeat mode on>
  20. robert7111a


    Actually, the government and pharmaceutical companies collude and know exactly what we are putting into our bodies (and what the chemicals do) but you're right, they will never ever be upfront about it. The pharmaceutical companies thrive on sick people - they make no money from healthy people. Sad fact I'm afraid
  21. Hi and welcome. You'll find a lot of friends on here. I too was bullied at school and led astray (which caused me to get into serious trouble at one point) and like you, never learned the requisite social skills and therefore never really had any (proper) friends. I was also teased at work during my 20's. Then during my late 20's/early 30's, I was mocked and bullied at work which led me to four years of clinical depression/parasuicide. I never knew I had AS until my 40's. I have always been distrustful of people and got used to my own company and doing things solo. People do still look at me wierdly from time to time but I don't let it bother me any more. I have learnt social skills in order to do my job and get on with people professionally but that's as far as it goes unless I can find a mentor to teach me these things. I have a lovely wife and daughter who are very supportive and tolerant of my quirks and I suspect my daughter might even have some of my traits. I like to think I have a few friends on here and would be happy to chat/share with you.
  22. robert7111a


    Unfortunately the practice of using human guinea pigs for live clinical trials for new drugs/products etc has been going on for many decades. Lyndalou is right to be concerned as it will only be a matter of time until the long term effects (if any) come to light. In my personal humble opinion, anything that interferes with normal physiological function is not good - especially when there's a profit to be made for the drug companies. There are always side effects with any drugs - one has to be savvy so that informed choices can be made. Does the benefit of treatment outweigh the side effects or do the side effects outweigh the treatment? Only Lyndalou can decide this for herself, listen to people that she knows has had this implant and...listen to her body.
  23. robert7111a


    It can also make you bleed for many weeks...:{
  24. robert7111a


    Is this one implanted in the arm? Side effects do include nausea, dizziness, mood swings, headache, breast tenderness, period pain, etc.
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