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Everything posted by lollypocket

  1. lollypocket


    Oh sweetheart I know what you mean - we all have up and down days, and days when we can't go on. I think you need to see the GP though as you sound like things are really getting on top of you just now. True, the pills won't make your Son different, but they may make you able to cope a little better. I have been on and off Prozac for years. I am much better able to cope on them than off, and I still have days where I feel I can't cope If you are feeling sick, exhausted and shaking it sounds more like a panic attack and I would see the GP for that too. Please go and talk to someone about this as you need to take care of yourself for your sake as well as your Son. I hope you feel better soon Take care KW
  2. Sounds like you both had a lovely time KW
  3. L used to turn lights off and on - now it just tends to be on and he too is a Blackpool Illumination merchant!! I read somewhere that the repeated off and on can be used by an ASD person as a form of strobing to slow things down. So some may be using it to slow the world down a little and make sense of it. A lot just get pleasure from the cause and effect of it. And some just do it to annoy as said previously KW
  4. Hi, I had mine in for a year before I removed it. It healed okay, but took a long time. I removed it as I kept catching it on my jeans when standing up. I thought I had ripped it out once when I was getting out of the car, and was almost physically sick with the pain I had a stainless steel ring initially then changed it to a gold bar. I had it done on a whim and did really like it, but I just seemed to keep catching it. The procedure was relatively painless. I had the anaesthetic gel to numb the area, and it was a very quick piercing. I used to clean it with savlon spray. The only thing I did find is that when I was pregnant I had a stretch mark begin from that point on my tummy, I suppose because the skin was already weakened from the piercing. Not that I didn't get others - but they were all lower down Go for it - you only live once KW
  5. Well I haven't hit the big 40 yet - but my mind has been elsewhere since I had L. I know the brain is supposed to shrink during pregnancy and then it returns after birth, but I don't think mine ever did I will go to put the kettle in the fridge instead of the milk - always going to another room and forgetting why I went in there in the first place - the list is endless. You are not alone KW
  6. lollypocket

    Feeling icky

    Please see the GP Smiley - when I read about your left arm, and being so tired I was concerned. I don't know how old you are and your current fitness levels but this was my Dad's first symptoms for heart trouble. Whatever it is - it doesn't sound good. Please get and see someone soon. Take care KW
  7. Thanks for the replies I took it in this morning and basically said it was L's mat and L sits on it for circle time. Don't know if it will work - but it is certainly worth a try Thanks again KW
  8. Hi, I have read somewhere about using a mat or hoop with an ASD child at school to help with personal space issues. I am going to provide a small mat for the school to use with my Son, but for the life of me cannot find anything in print to provide them about why it may be useful. I met a woman a few weeks ago who said she was using one for her Son, and although she hated the idea he seemed to love it. If anyone knows where I can find something in print about this or hoops I would be most grateful. Thanks KW
  9. Excellent - really pleased for you both KW
  10. lollypocket

    Bird rescue

    Oh dear We went through a similar thing with mice - my cat would bring them in to play with and then lose them. Hubby and I would catch the poor thing and put it in a small pet carrier (especially bought as it happened so often) some mornings you came down to a lively one and others you came down to very unlively one KW
  11. I passed in a manual after many attempts, and have driven both manual and automatic. I prefer the response from a manual, but also like the ease of driving in congested traffic in an automatic. I think that the most important thing is getting from A to B and not how you do it, so would go for it in an automatic if you are happy driving one. I persisted out of sheer ###### mindedness to pass in a manual. It took me 3 years of off and on lessons and tests,when I may have been driving sooner if I'd gone for an automatic. KW Can't believe it has bleeped that out
  12. Hi, I have no advice I am afraid as my Son who is 4.5 is the same and gets really angry. He throws things and will run up and bash the TV if he is angry. How it has survived this long I don't know. Js Mum I am curious about these websites that deal with anger - can you tell me any of the addys for them? KW
  13. Hi not sure about a suitable seat with a harness. Here is the latest info on the laws: Link KW
  14. Thought this may be of interest: Link KW
  15. Don't have any personal knowledge but a websearch threw this one up - they do look pricey, so hope someone knows somewhere else Special Needs Toys KW
  16. Bullet that sounds like my school pickup yesterday. Heard my Son shouting and screaming when I got there. When he came out I was asked to have a chat with the teacher cos he had had a 'bad day'. I was blissfully unaware of how bad my Son was at nursery for the longest time, because they would never mention most of the bad stuff. I agree that I would prefer honesty. KW
  17. Hi, I am sorry things are so bad for you right now I think you need to see your GP and discuss how you are feeling as you sound depressed (sorry if I am stating the obvious by saying that). I was in a really bad place two years ago, didn't know my Son was ASD then. I wasn't coping and had lost 'the will to live' basically. Had I carried on the way I was going I may have done something stupid. I saw my GP and HV and was given antidepressents and sent for a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I won't say that it made me the life and soul, but it made me able to cope better. I would keep knocking on the doors for hands on help from SS or whoever, but think you need to see someone about your current state of mind. If you speak to the GP and explain what is making you feel how you do, he/she may push for help on your behalf. I hope you can get some help soon Best Wishes KW
  18. What a shame that they have made what he feared a reality. I think it depends on what your Son wants, as to whether you complain. He (and you) may want to give them the benefit of the doubt, to get themselves sorted and see what happens from there. Starting at college can be chaotic for NT students, so it is no surprise that it is more so for our children. I wouldn't give up on them, just have a healthy contempt and give them the time to come up with the goods. Then complain like billyo if they fail after that. Hope he gets to do what he wants KW
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