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Platefull of Love

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Everything posted by Platefull of Love

  1. Don't feel bad <'> . its not surprising really it all got a bit much today. you really have had a Lot to deal with. take care <'>
  2. <'> <'> Bambi <'> <'> I don't know you, but please stay, this forum is full of support, even when it seems no body else if listening, we do care on here as so many of use have been & are still going though it <'> Have you thought of telling your GP how down you feel to, they may be able to help, they may not, but its worth a try. I apologise if you have already seen your GP, I have only just returned to this site,( not on purpose, i forgot some log in details & I did miss the support , just knowing other are going through similar things is a great help to me ) so not up to date with things.
  3. <'> <'> <'> Hev <'> <'> Sorry to hear he kicked off when he came for his stuff . Its good that he is now missing you, enjoy the break though, may well do you both good. All the best for Sunday <'> <'>
  4. , Brilliant, not in the circumstances you want but you have a night or 2 off, make the most of it <'> <'> He is safe, also remember you are a great Mum, really thinking of you <'> , I really hope this pushes things, I know when I had to take Danny to the hospital due his mental health,( he wanted out of life ) its awful, but sometime people just have to sit up & listen. Shame it has to reach crisis point 1st
  5. Just wanted to say Hi again. I haven't been on for ages, I had forgotten my log in details, everything I tried seemed wrong. I have just tried again & got the right one. I haven't even read stuff on here for a while as I didn't like to read but not reply. A lot of stuff has happened since last time I was on, some good, some bad. but the best thing is Danny has now been issued with his proposed Statement for school , so that shoulod be in force any day now .
  6. I think most of us have felt the same at times, so keep at it, we are all behind you <'> <'> <'> <'> Does your daughter get any support for the self harming?, it must be really hard to deal with <'> <'>
  7. Thinking of you Hev, hope the meeting goes well <'>
  8. <'> <'> <'> I am so for Kai having to go through this & then not copeing ( who would ) & your mum getting hurt because of it all. I rerally hope you can get this sorted & he doesn't need to share with this lad, also the lads gets told very strongly its not ok.
  9. Oh Bleep, that they have cancelled <'> <'> <'> <'> . They cancelled ( totally decided they couldn't help ) a big meeting on me the day before it was due. I hope they manage to rearrange yours asap. Its an emotional rollercoaster. <'>
  10. Thinking of you for tomorrow ( & that they actually listen to ) <'> <'>
  11. Awww bless him, I have already had some of my Christmas presents as they couldn't hide them from me, had to show me
  12. I often speak gibberish, its worse when i am tired, but it is part of my ME/CFS, sometimes it the odd word, somtimes its the whole lot .
  13. Hi Debz, My middle lad is 13 & he has Aspergers. Like you it had come totally out of the blue when the consultant asked if I had ever heard of it, ( he wasn't even in hospital regarding behavior, he was in as had tummy pains ) I hadn't & it was quite a shock, although it has taken quite a few years for them to give the formal diagnosis. I to have had to take him to the hospital as he has threatened to kill himself,( he was admitted for a few days to ) Its heart wrenching to see your child who you love so much, to not See a future & think that is the only way out . To find notes & hear them say & do things is so so hard, when you want to help them, yet seem to be pushed away. I know those tears from both sides. I am lucky Dan seems to be over that phase at the moment, but I do remember it very well, it wasn't very long ago at all. Dan also had a while out of mainstream school education as he couldn't cope at all, One of the options that has been considered is the hospital schools service, luckily he is not doing to bad at school now, another is the bullying, its so hard for school to realise how real it is for the child concerned. It hurts, just wanted you to know you are not alone in this <'> <'>
  14. My Eldest has ADHD & is severely dyslexic ,But he also has other difficulties ( sight & hearing ). I am mildly dyslexic ( you will probably notice any posts I have forgot to spellcheck ), & probably ADD. My Middle lad has AS & is highly likely to also have ADHD to.
  15. A big Fat Zero, I was desperate for some respite, in the end my x husbands girlfriend has agree to have both him & my eldest for the time being, they did have somebody from the disabilities section, they just saw him on the pc & said he was able to communicate, I said not allways.., I was desperate. I told her about the fighting, I even asked my other 2 lads if he had hurt them & they said yes infront of the main SW, Eldest even said D. has probably given him bruises, yet all she could say was all Siblings fight . At that point I was not getting any break at all apart from they went to their dads on a Sat. Night. I am so lucky to have somebody who does care so much about hem, I do miss them, but I often pick up the phone & talk to them. I know I am lucky, even though at the main meeting when she said I cried alot as I didn't want to lose my lads, to me SS seemed to turn everything against me. I was very very upset. It is turning out ok, Now even S & D are getting on more, I am also finding it easir with just B at home. Sorry if I have waffled on., I have been meaning to pm both you & fiorrella as alot of stuff has happened & I so know how it feels like ( I know others on here do to ), its just on this main board some of the topics have been abit to personal for me to respond with words to, hence hugs sometimes meant so much more, yet i have sat here in tears to. I am shattered, so am off to bed, feel free to contact me anytime.
  16. I am so pleased they are now seeming to listen to you, hope they can help <'>
  17. Argos have a sale on for digital camera's at the moment. Not sure if they will have any left, but Aldi had a great drawing tablet in a week ago for a good price. Minerva, I am like you to, buy expensive things new.
  18. All the best for tomorrow. I can tell you really love your sister & children. I hope your sister gets the support for herself to ( as well as from you ), thinking of you both. ( & remember you & your family come 1st to, don't burn yourself out, but I can see how you feel you have no other option ) <'> <'> <'>
  19. <'> <'> I am not surprised you missed things with everything happening at one, it can all get to much <'>
  20. <'> <'> <'> Hev, so many of have been through the I can't cope stuff, I hope you get some support, we are all here for you <'>
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