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Everything posted by anita81

  1. anita81


    ive only just moved here so i dont know anybody.my exs family lives on te street too.we dont get on.i have no phone eithher.
  2. anita81


    my ex as gone so im just hhere with the kids.i dont think he will come back.but he will at some point,he wants to have contact with my children.
  3. anita81


    Im sorry to ave to burden you wit this but ive just been sexually assalted by my ex partner.please dont tell me to call the police because i cant.if my ex partners family get wind of this there will be big trouble for me.i have no family or friends so im sorry to have to offload this onto youall but i feel i have friends on here that will be there for me and support me.i dont know how im supposed to feel(mayby its my aspergers).i just know that i feel ill.im sorry
  4. crack an egg into it and carry on mashing,the heat of the tate cooks the egg.it tastes really creamy.the more eggs added,the more creamy it tastes.
  5. i have a 6 yr old and hes into power rangers,and scooby doo.
  6. my son was diagnosed at 3 and was showing exactly the same symptoms as yours.it doesnt really matter if you didnt notice it.not a lot of people do.i noticed straigght away,but that was because i expected my child to do everything by the book.some kids are diagnosed a lot quicker.flynn was diaggnosed after a month.hhaving aspergers myself,i know wat my sons going through and its not all doom and gloom.my sons great and i wouldnt change him for the world.
  7. having AS myself,i can relate to the cleaning thing.most of the time my hhouse is a tip.my neighbour has to come round every day to tell me what to do.i too feel uncomfortable in a tidy house.i know i have to tidy though coz i have 3 kids running around.i can see the mess,i know its there,but i just seem to lack this thhing in my head that says "now you need to clean".If i do start cleaning i get distracted and plan to do it later,but later never seems to come.when i think about cleaning i feel uncomoftable inside.when my housework is done,i never get the sense of sattisfaction that its tidy.i have tried aving a plan of action,because i can only work to routines,but for me,it didnt work.my neighbour comes round and gives me small tasks everyday,and(sad as it sounds)praises me when its done.if she dosent come over though my house goes to pot.
  8. theres no biscuits left. scooby do isnt on yet. give morgan a kiss. but he seems to love the word "dog chod"!
  9. has anybody been asked yet if thhey are going to get a dog.i was asked today by a lady at the council.No im not ggetting a dog(we have a robot one whose a pain in the a**s!)
  10. i went to see my house today!.well for a four bedroom it is small.my bathroom is tiny and one of te bedrooms is tiny.but it is a four bedroom so i signed for it.i move in a week on saturday.when i do Flynns room,its going to be a sensory bedroom(i know it sounds quite ambitious but im quite handy at things like that).when ive done it ill take some photos and send you a link.
  11. so far i have been really lucky.Flynn attended a special needs playgroup from the age of 2-3.it was 2 days a week,3 hours each.it was a small group with children with different special needs.thhe parents would stay for the first hour,have a cuppa and a chat then leave and pick up the children 2 hours later.at the creche sometimes speech therepists would come,other weeks the music lady.before he left,the team leader suggested i take a look at the special needs school.she even took me there herself.the special needs school was great.Flynn would even get free transport.i decided though i would put him in a mainstream school.hhhe got his statement but whhen hhe started nursery hhe still didnt have his 1-1.i told thhe team leader at hhis creche and shhe personaly went to the school and told them hhow to handle Flynn and ggave them strategys.He got hhis 1-1 soon after.so far he has been getting on real well.The only problem i have is that for his age,hhe is really advanced(he can count to 50,speaks in different languages,knows all his shapes and colours and can read really well).im just worried that hes going to gget pulled back.like i said though hes coping well(only bitten his teacher once!!).and the special schhol has said that if hhe starts to struggle later on he can always join their school.
  12. thank you for all of your replies.youve all given me the push to get a second opinion.im gonna ask to see the main doctor this time.ive got an appointment again in 2 months time.i am going to keep a diary too,i think that might help.do you think i should take my mum?she might be able tell them how i was as a child.
  13. im not a happy teddy.it was time for my dianosis today as you might know from my last post.first of all my taxi was late.I DONT DO LATE!!!!got myself all worked up.the doctor i was supposed to seeing sent someone else to see me which i was quite annoyed about.well about an hour and a half of me talking and hhim writing notes,he took the notes to the doctor.5 minutes later he came back and told me the doctor said that i didnt have aspergers but it was only anxiety.he said yes i hhave sensory issues,communication difficultys and social problems, but that has been caused by my shyness,and then offered me anxiety counsilling!im so upset.i know i have anxiety,but who dosent after trying to raise 3 kids single handedly.i now feel i t wasnt worth the effort going.because now ifeel i just dont know who i am.hes made me another appointment for 2 months time.he was even rude to me.he laughed and said because i have sensory issues it dosent mean anything.i cant have a phisical relationship because of these sensory issues,so he asked me if the real reason that i cant have a physical relationship is that i might have been sexualy abused!(which i have not).i dont know where to go from here.do you think i should put up with this diagnosis,or ask for a second opinion?
  14. im at the hospital today at 1 to basically get my formal diagnosis.im a bit worried as i dont know what to expect.i know that i have AS, but how do i go convincing the doctor that i have it without seeming like a hypocondriact.i dont know whhat they want to know really.like i said i know im AS,and a formal diagnosis might not seem important,but i feel i need it to know who i really am(if you get me).has anyone else been through this?if they have please let me know whhat its like coz im absolutely pettrified
  15. ive had a great xmas .2 days before xmas, i was offered a 4 bedroom house by the local council! Might not sound a big deal but we are currently living in a 2 bed house(the rooms are tiny),and my AS has to share a room with his older brother and baby sister.we have been on the housing list for the last 2 years and was told we could be waiting up to 5 years.at last me and my children can have our own space.im signing for thhe keys on thursday
  16. yeah i watched it to.and yes i blubbed like a baby when he told his mum he loved her.
  17. i went to see flynns nativity the other day.it was soooo heart breaking.i was really looking forward to going.he had to sing twinkle twinkle christmas star with his class holding his star.so i came to the school and took my seat, camera at the ready.my heart swelled with pride as i saw him walking in hand in hand with his class mate.all was going well,until the hall started filling with parents.just as it was about to start flynn jumped up, stamped on his star and started screaming.he then had to be carried out of the hall.he didnt even get to sing his song Ikonw it was to be expected,but i really didnt think about it.it made it worse as i was walking home.there were 2 parents in front of me complaining."i dont see why that little girl made mary.my little girl would have loved that part"one said i wouldnt mind,but these children were only between 3 and 5 years old.and when i got home istarted crying and my partner said" whhat are you getting so upset for.its only a play" he did sing his song for me when he got home though
  18. anita81


    I FAILED!!!! I cant believe i failed.i failed mainly because i forgot to take off my indicator off(twice) oh well im sure ill pass next time
  19. anita81


    Can everyone send me some good luck today.ive got my driving test tomorrow.i really hope i pass because im getting tired of doing the school runs on foot!.(im walking a total of 2 hours a day!)
  20. anita81


    i would tell thhem your not happy.things like this needs to be done gradually.
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