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Everything posted by Shnoing

  1. Now aged 29, ASD: didn't disclose at any time. Now 25, ADHD: did get disclosed due to statement, but didn't like it at all. Now 9, ASD: disclosed, but doesn't care about it (yet).
  2. One question: there's really a "Master in Autism"? What's the Bachelor it's based upon? (Just because I'm interested: I've got a professional doctorate [Law])
  3. Recommendation: Luke Jackson's Geeks, Freaks and Asperger Syndrome: he uses the appropriate lingo, I think.
  4. I don't get it. Who thinks up those "research" subjects??
  5. Yes. But you have to ask for permission of the admins, who are very reluctant to give it. Try Gareth Nelson of Wales.
  6. You know any Spanish? See here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1285313/releaseinfo
  7. We had already (in Resouces): http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/16242-the-black-balloon/ http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/23523-movie-featuring-autism-at-the-berlin-international-film-festival/ http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/20533-mary-and-max-a-movie-mentioning-aspergers/ and "Ben X", but the search doesn't allow search termswith three letters or less.
  8. I've found out by now that (a.) yes, I have feelings all right, but (b.) the energy required to put them into words is obviously so much more than among neurotypicals that I prefer not to talk about them (even though I can, when properly motivated), and (c.) the requirement to "talk about my feelings" (when stated by someone else) induces a very strong feeling of unease and avoidance which has nothing to do with my feelings before I'm asked to "talk about my feelings", only with the present situation. ... Just like asking a wheelchair user to walk around so you can see where his problems are. What has worked, though, are group settings where several persons talk about their feelings re. a case (case supervision).
  9. I still wish you the best. I think it's unbelievable to have you waiting for so long.
  10. I got my dx only at age 37, so I cannot compare directly, but my awareness of people having different mindsets ("theory of mind") dates from my age 15. And that's not due to lack of intelligence: I'm in the 98th percentile and have a professional doctorate. So, I'd make a guess that he's confronted with his condition by others, who should possibly stop doing this, at least at this young age.
  11. Sounds like there may be problems with his diet. Any known allergies?
  12. The one that stayed in my mind is "Geeks, Freaks and Asperger Syndrome" by Luke Jackson. But it's more for teenagers.
  13. I'm in two minds: I'm not British (is that compulsory for taking part?), and my autism dx doesn't say anywhere "Asperger", so I assume I'm more on the HFA side - on the other hand, the forums I hang around are Aspie-specific.
  14. Would the author prefer a return to the good ol' smacking? Children with attention deficit will presumably pay some attention when the alternative is corporal punishment - who wants that any longer?
  15. Hello there, I got my diagnosis at age 37 -- 5 years ago. For about one year I went through a period of what I (looking back) would call grief. I spent some time reading every book about autism which I could get, but that's much less time-consuming by now.
  16. Our son (9) has similar problems but we don't have a solution either. Despite him attending a special ed school and 2 hrs. of speech therapy per week. Etc.
  17. To relate what happened is (still) difficult for me at age 42. I only give it a try because I've read some about "social grooming". About that story thingy: by now, I know when to stop myself, otherwise I'd re-tell every detail and bore everyone to death.
  18. Interest in stories, yes, but "story"telling only consists of describing the setting (e.g. a pirate ship), no action at all (at age 9).
  19. Chris Slater-Walker, Gisela Slater-Walker; An Asperger Marriage; ISBN: 1843100177 Ashley Stanford; Asperger Syndrome and Long Term Relationships; ISBN: 1843107341 Luke Jackson; Freaks, Geeks & Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence; ISBN: 1843100983 Jean Kearns Miller; Women from Another Planet?: Our Lives in the Universe of Autism; ISBN: 1410734315 Karen E. Rodman; Asperger's Syndrome and Adults... Is Anyone Listening? Essays and Poems by Partners, Parents and Family Members...; ISBN: 1843107511 (Uh oh) Eileen Riley-Hall; Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Overcoming the Challenges and Celebrating the Gifts; ISBN: 1849058938 Rudy Simone; Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome; ISBN: 1849058261 Jennifer McIlwee Myers; How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger's; ISBN: 1935274139 Charlotte Moore; George & Sam: Two Boys, One Family, and Autism; ISBN: 0312374240 Paul Collins; Not Even Wrong: A Father's Journey Into the Lost History of Autism; ISBN: 1582344787 Dawn Prince-Hughes; Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey Through Autism; ISBN: 1400082153 Jerry Newport; Mozart and the Whale Deborah Lynn Jacobs; The Same Difference; ISBN: 0880924659
  20. We met at university, and had (have) very similar interests (both on the spectrum). There seems to be a lot of social pressure on NT partners of a NT-AS relationship to quit, so this may pose a problem.
  21. http://www.asd-forum...st/#entry342321 ? Eta: keep clear of anything with FAAAS in it.
  22. Independence. One thing though: if your own children depend on you, do you lose your independence without entering a state of dependence re. yourself?
  23. Well ... he should know the concept beforehand, and he should want to try it. I think a good way would be to give him access to reading material. "Person-centered" does indeed mean that the client decides about how "fast" it goes.
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