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Everything posted by curra

  1. curra

    Reply from SS

    I'm not holding my breath yet. "Some support" could really turn out to be some support so we'll see...hmmm Any way it looks like a better day today with su much sunshine and a little hope <'> <'> <'> <'> to All of you, you're a fantastic bunch <'> Curra
  2. curra


    Meno, what is that?? I went through it without any of those awful symptons thanks to a HRT and cod liver oil for joints. I've always been a bit moody so I didn't notice much change. Girls, you don't have to suffer nowadays with the menopause, ask your GPs for help. Curra XX
  3. Hi PSA, I can only recommed you to practise your test every day until you're so confident that you KNOW that you can't fail. If it's the theoretical part that you're failing, get a software test sample and do it over and over again until you know the answers by heart. I used to read the highway code every evening marking the answers to the most awkward questions and answers. If it's the practical test, same thing, go out and drive everyday and simulate the situation with a friend who will be observing you. What I found most difficult to remember was to look in the mirrors before doing anything, and even if you're doing it, you have to move your head a bit so that the examiner sees that you are looking in the mirrors, otherwise they take points off. Good luck! Hope you get the license next time!! <'> Curra
  4. Last year I took a tour to Europe with my son and the travel agency asked me the same questions. The reason was, according to them, that the travel insurance doesn't cover preexisting conditions so I had to sign a paper accepting that any harm caused to him, other people or property as result of his ASD would not be included in the insurance policy. A mild sedative would be a good idea in case your daughter is too scared or agitated and it would be worth asking your GP. Melatonin usually calms my son when he's nervous. Good luck! CurraX
  5. Hev, have you tried setting up a password to start your PC? Steve may try to plug the wires in again and damage your computer. Hope it's all a bit better today <'> <'> Curra
  6. That's great news, J'sMum! Hope you get the help and support that you need! <'> <'> Curra
  7. Just got a short letter today saying that we will be discussed in their next meeting "as it would be most appropriate for you to have some support". Can this be real???? I still can't believe it because I fear I may be disappointed.... If I do get support it will only thanks to you Guys ! <'> <'> <'> Curra
  8. Have a fantastic time, Fran! Happy holidays!! Take care if you're driving. CurraXX
  9. Hi Fran, Thanks for your advice <'> M's gone from depressive to angry mood in the last days added to him not wanting to go out, it hasn't been a very happy Easter - but at least he had a good laugh for some minutes looking for jokes in the web (some of which are in the Bad Joke thread). I have suggested him to type his feelings, because he's a very good writer (he often gets praise from his English teacher) but his answer is always "I do not write about feelings". Last night a good friend of mine asked him over the phone "why don't you go out and enjoy yourself? " He got angry and told her " I don't want to go out, no reason, end of story! so stop asking"! Fortunately this friend is a psychologist and we know each other since we were in our teens, so she knew how to take it. That leaves Tae kwondo and other sports out. But I think that M would enjoy the hand weights as he's always concerned about his weight, so I'll give it a try. Great idea!! Thanks! :thumbs: Curra
  10. curra

    Bad joke thread

    English translations from around the world: Rome laundry Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time Bangkok temple It is forbidden to enter a woman even a foreigner if dressed as a man Tokyo bar Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts Norwegian cocktail lounge Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar Japanese information booklet about using a hotel air conditioner Cooles and Heates: If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself. Spotted In A Safari Park Elephants Please Stay In Your Car Outside A Farm Horse Manure 50c - per Pre-Packed Bag 20c - Do-It-Yourself. Swiss Restaurant Our wines leave you nothing to hope for Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand Would you like to ride on your own ass? Athens Hotel Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9 and 11am daily Bucharest Hotel The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable Leipzig elevator Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up Moscow Hotel (across from a Russian Orthodox monastery) You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday
  11. Thanks, Smiley It's a great idea to get rid of stuff and make some money! CurraX
  12. Excellent link, Pumpkinpie! Thanks for sharing it! I've just asked SS for an assessment, so it's going to be very useful Curra X
  13. Just checked it out and it costs �0.01 !!!! Hmmmm, how much profit does Amazon make? Curra
  14. A similar story to a nephew of mine who died at 33 without dx or support. Curra
  15. Thanks, Carrie <'> Don't know if there's this type of help here. It seems to me that everything has to go through the SS channel or the GP The RNIB gave me a link to a support officer near my area, hopefully they can help. CurraXX
  16. curra

    Proper Grown Up

    Have a great time! I love the theatre but I haven't been able to go to many plays lately. Last summer I took my DS to London to see "The Mouse Trap", he loved it! I'd really recommend for teens who enjoy whodunnits. We also saw an open air performance of The Comedy of Errors which was brilliant! Would love to go more often but we don't get much theatre here, must travel to London again sometime Curra
  17. Canopus, This is also a good description of my son although he's not so much into computers. I hope that he reaches the balance as he grows up into adulthood like you did. <'> Curra
  18. Same here, Forbsay, although I have met a few parents at school and a support group, these contacts stay on the surface because there are not many chances of developing a friendship with them. Our children's needs make us more sensitive and I would personally like to meet people who understand me and accept my son for who he is and those people are not easy to find. Most parents I have met have not shown much interest in staying in touch with me because my son and their child, NT or AS, would not get along. I have met other mums to NT children and we could have a good chat when our children were younger, but now their kids are into sports and going out in groups, while my son is very different, so the contacts died out - and then there are also a few mums who don't reciprocate my interest in talking to them which may be due to their own personal reasons. Also I am all the time caring for my son and have no possibility of going out alone with friends which makes socialising for me almost an impossible task. I've grown used to it and to a certain extent accept it but I do feel alone and am always thinking of new ways to meet other people because I am a sociable person, so I'm seeing now whether I can do some volunteer work while my son is at school. Resentment is not a very helpful feeling. One cannot control how other people react and it's not one's fault if others are prejudiced, afraid of something or they are simply rude. I've seen that anger and feeling sorry for myself make me less assertive and sociable, and like Bagpuss, I have gained a lot from counselling because it helps me to let go harmful feelings and develop self confidence. I agree with your hubby, get in touch with people in other circles. But these things take time, in the meanwhile take things as they come <'> <'> CurraXX
  19. curra


    Have a great time, Tally!! Curra
  20. OMG, are thing THAT bad in OZ? (no offense to anybody, it's only supposed to be a joke) Now, talking seriously, some AS children need a lot more help than just the right support at school, as it has been in my son's case. M needs a very low dose of Risperdal to calm him down, that has been necessary in order to help him with counselling otherwise he wouln't respond to it. As to residential school, I think that is also something that dependes on the needs of the child and the type of family. I prefer to have my son with me because he's a child with too many social fears and before he can make a minimum of contact with other people I don't think he would be feeling happy away from the safety of his home. But that is just my son's situation. Good luck Hev, I hope that you get the help Steve needs! Curra
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