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Everything posted by Tensing

  1. Oh you poor thing, believe me I know how you feel. I found hot tea was great hurt like made at the time, but eventually abcess drained and it was bliss instant pain relieve.
  2. Need Ideas. Totally Off Topic Okay Ladies (and Gents) This is totally off topic sorry. Dear Partner has finally taken the hints and proposed. So now I?m totally stuck for wedding ideas. This will be my second time and his third, he is not keen on a Church wedding and I?m not keen on a Registry office do, so I need some ideas. Thank you all in advance.
  3. Ho help or advice from me just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.
  4. You can download a lot of stuff from the website.
  5. We have it, or rather had it, it is now doing the rounds at school. Very well, and clearly written, with pictures. You can have a look inside it on amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1...0538229-8428601
  6. Tensing


    I would ask for a referal to Speech and Language Therapy, okay he may not gain speech but I think you should atleast be able to have access to an expert, who will be able to advise you on methods of communication. Question his teacher, find out what they are doing and what they are not doing and why?, Don't feel silly asking you have a right to.
  7. No exactly how you feel, all comes at once doesn't it.
  8. Tensing

    boxing day

    I'm sat at home alone except for the cat, Kids with the ex, DP at work.
  9. Tensing


    I was just about to post so I could find out what Mountain I was. Well Scarfell Pike is not to bad, been a while since I last climbed it though, Rosie was on my back in one of those little baby-back-packs, she's 8 and half now and weighs abot 5 stone.
  10. When will it all stop? Sorry feeling really low, and need a good moan. Well it?s the end of term two out of 4 have now broken up and the youngest two only have tomorrow left at school. H is still struggling with school, though school still seem to think he is coping just fine. He has his SENDIST Tribunal on the 1st February and I am really not looking forward to it. AND If I hear the phrase ?we have other children whose needs are far worse, and their parents haven?t got a problem with our teaching?, So their parents don?t realise their children have got problems, what do they want me to do? Go round telling the other parents that their children have got a problem. R?s behaviour is getting worse (not so much naughty, as odd) and again school just don?t seem to care or even acknowledge any problem. I personally feel that she has at least dyslexia and possibly dyspraxia. She has at least got someone from SENSS coming out to assess her in January and is awaiting an appointment for the paediatricians in the New Year. S has had her insulin changed and she now has to inject at lunchtime with a fast acting insulin, some LSA (who has nothing to do with my daughter) complained today to my daughters head of year about my daughter injecting in the canteen, because her needles are sharp (blunt ones would be fairly useless, I feel). Her head of division has now decided that she will have to inject ?somewhere? quiet and would I phone the deputy principle to discuss it. Of course he did not have the courtesy to phone me and being the last day, by the time S was home from school and told me I could not get any response from school. On a plus point J?s school has finally agreed that my son?s hand writing is unreadable (as I have been saying for the last 5 years), so he is now getting help with his handwriting and an Alpha Smart to help him in his lessons. Oh and to top it all my Ex-Husband is being a t*****r again, he still fails to believe that H has anything wrong with him.
  11. Very proud Mummy here, Henry had his first school play today and he was a king. Unfortunatly he rushed to get dressed afterwards and came home with his jumper back to front and his shirt inside out.
  12. Henry's favoriate subject is death, has been for about two years. He'll tell you all about "his past deaths" and sometimes lifes. He loves asking qusetions about famous dead people, Nelson being his favoriate, Henrys wants to kill all the French and Spanish for killing Nelson (I mean it was only 200 years ago).
  13. Interesting, I have an underactive thyriod.
  14. All of mine do, Henry has been known to get up and play.
  15. Luckily Henry regards the nit comb as a medical item which means (despite his hate of having his head and hair touched) he actually lets you comb his hair with the nit comb, in fact its the only way to do his hair.
  16. Sounds interesting, wish my LEA would open their eyes to Henry's problems.
  17. I have written reports about my son and then read them and they have had that effect. It always seems so much more real when its written down, who ever writes it.
  18. Tensing

    IS IT ME

    It's always hard getting a diagnosis, even if you already know its coming. Some people, especially men (sorry to all the wonderful men on here) find it near impossible to accept that there is anything wrong with their children. Give him time
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