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Everything posted by Tensing

  1. I got Henry's badge on Saturday. At the moment he does get any mobility and only get lower rate care.
  2. Check local councils website, ours have the form to download.
  3. Henry got his Blue badge through today, which is great news, wasn't sure we would get one as at the moment he does not get mobility.
  4. Great News, it can feel like you are going mad at times can't it, I'm sure one doctor was close to lableing me Munchuasens by proxy at one point .
  5. Both my boys do/did this, thankfully the 13 year old has now started wearing underwear and shorts in the house.
  6. Yes I was only have watching the begining but as soon as I saw him and his step father I said to my daughter "he's autistic".
  7. Tensing


    Please tell them, I am a youth leader and it causes so many problems when we are not told about a childs problems. A classic example was a few years back when I was a cub leader. I took a group away camping, first morning one tent were awakened early as the tent door was wide open and the sixers sleeping bag covered in mud. So I had a chsat with them all about closing tents when they had been out for a wee and not walking mud over other people. Next night about 11 o'clock I was in the hut getting bits ready for the following day, when a leader from another group came in with one of my younger cubs who he had found wandering round the car park (50 yards from a busy dual carriageway) barefoot in his PJ's. Soon became obvious that the kids was sleep walking, managed to get him to sit down with a blanket round him, while I pulled out the consent form, next thing we knew he was fitting on the floor, mild panic now (as I'm sure you can imagine) from all the leaders present. Ambulance immediatly phoned, as the consent form had nothing about either sleep walking or epilepsy. So I phone the parents to inform them, and let them know we were going off to hospital and they could meet us there (campsite only about 10 miles from home town). They were very unimpressed at being woken up at that time of night, and informed me that their son often sleep walked and had fits, but they had not put it on his form in case I didn't take him to camp, which would have been inconvienent as they had a wedding to go to . I would have taken their son had I been aware, but I would have taken precautions, such as putting him at the back of a tent next to a light sleeper, making sure his tent mates were aware of his problems. So please tell his scout leader, give him as much information as he needs.
  8. I've found out who it is, got my son to phone the number from a payphone. A bit happier now as I know the 12 year old in question and I know he is over 150 miles away.
  9. I have reported it to BT and will phone the police when I calm down a little.
  10. I?ve gone all shaky Just had a phone call on the land line, answered it and it was some young lad asking if my 11 year old daughter was here. Obviously she isn?t as she is at school, he then went on to tell me what he wanted to do to her, and I have to say I am shocked. He put the phone down and I did 1471, not expecting to get anything, and can you believe he didn?t even withhold his number. I was just about to phone BT and he phoned again. I have no idea who he is, but I will find out.
  11. No great advice I'm afraid, just sympathy and to let you know you are not alone. I constantly have school telling me that they have children who are far worse off than Henry. The lEA gave this as a reason for not assessing him she actually said "other children are worse than Henry and their parents are not asking for assessment", to which my reponse was something along the lines of "I don't care, just cause other childrens parents are to doozy to realise their child has problems, why should my child not be assessed?"
  12. It annoys me that I offfered her Henry's appointment card and she declined. I saw them stop a teenage lad take "his" details (somehow I doubt he was truthful) give him a card for his mum, which ripped up in front of them and then walked away laughing. I see kids who should be at school in all the local small towns and parks, but very rarely in the bigger towns (were I was yesterday), Yet I see EWO's in all the bigger towns and never in the smaller towns. I know a lot of parents do take kids out of school for shopping trips or birthday treats, so why don't EWO's go the Alton Towers and Chessington for the day? Any way I spoke to school this morning and the are happy to back me should anything come of it.
  13. I know, but you still feel bad, especially with Henry asking if he was being arrested. Luckily I phoned both school this morning and Henry's School have had it in his School/Home diary for weeks.
  14. I'm considering educating Henry at home, school is so far beneath him in many things and way above him in others, atleast at home I could tailor it for him.
  15. I?m so angry I have just taken Henry to the Hospital for a routine appointment, thought I would save time (Ha-Ha) and take Rosie for her blood test at the same time. Husband working today so we had to rely on buses always adds to the excitement of the day. Any way waited over an hour and half, then spent another hour in the clinic. Then rushed over to the other part of the hospital for Rosie?s blood test, waited another 45 minutes. Finally got out of the hospital about 1pm, kids staring so decided to get something to eat before catching bus home. We walked into town, had a sandwich visited a couple of shops to buy hats and scarves (cold day and I forgot to take them out with us). Walked round the corner to the bus station and got stopped by the police and education welfare officer, got a grilling about why the kids were not in school, took my details. Walked down the road Knowing I had now missed my bus, and got stopped another two times. My kids never miss school except for hospital appointments etc, and I get stopped.
  16. Henry has always had a lot of contact with hospitals and doctors etc, so when he was being assessed I just told him that another doctor wanted to have a chat with him and see how clever he was. He is always happy to "perform" for doctors, therapists, teachers etc.
  17. I have not had any contact as yet and I am not sure if I want too.
  18. Henry was born very early 23 weeks, he was a normal birth, and spent 10 and half weeks in hospital. My older three were all c sections 1 emergency (natural labour 42 weeks) and 2 electives (38 and 39 weeks).
  19. Well Saturday Henry who feels he has to run everywhere decided to run straight in to the corner of the table. Net result one cut eye lid and tears. When I finally manged to pull his hand away from his eye to take a look, he sobbed "I'm going to lose my eye like Nelson" (Henry is totally obsessed with Nelson and Trafalgar). Anyway I decided A&E was a good idea, even though it was Saurday afternoon, suddenly realised as we were not at home we were in a nieghbouring town, I didn't actually know where the local A&E was, know where the hospital was but not A&E. Anyway managed to get a lift from a friend just as Henry was getting a little wobbly and pale. Spent the next 2 hours in A&E with Henry drifting in and out of sleep, finally saw doctor and all Henry wanted to do was question in him on medical techniques. Monday morning was the spent at the opticians, having his sight checked. He now as a black eye. Oh and this morning he announced he couldn't go to school today as he was dead, he then dropped to the floor with his tongue hanging out. What a weekend.
  20. Oh a nice hot cup of Tea, White no sugar and a chocy biscuit.
  21. I moved to West Yorkshire 3 years ago from Sussex and I had never heard of it until then.
  22. I have a spare new o2 Sim Card if you want it.
  23. Tensing


    Well Done, I wish our LEA would see fit to give my son a statement.
  24. If he likes army green, then cadet direct do some good piced army standard ones http://www.cadetdirect.co.uk/
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