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Nic m

I have a date on friday night!

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A gorgeous young man asked for my number on friday night, and he has texted tonight to ask me out to the cinema ooh!


I have never dated someone i dont know, but i am excited i feel so silly but in a good way!


Any advice?

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I have no advice to offer Nic, its so long since I last dated I would have absolutely no idea what to do


Just enjoy! (And choose a good film!)


Then come back here & tell us all about it, we want ALL the details :devil:

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Don't sit at the back...

don't indulge in anything of a snogulatory nature (unless you want to)

Don't eat the popcorn if he holds it on his lap ;)

Don't say 'ooooh those hot dogs in the foyer look really nice - can you buy me two or three in the interval?'

Don't take a friend along for moral support

Wear clean undies (in case you get run over)

Have fun :)

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Ohhhh first date! How exciting!


I lurve that squiggly butterflys in your tummy feeling :wub:


Just be you :)


And - let me just have a 'mummy moment' - tell a friend where you're going - and text her when you're home (not saying whose home.... :devil::o ) safe.


Have fun!

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Thank-you all you have made me laugh!!!!!!!!

Snogging oh my!! all that bumping noses and banging teeth from your teens

If it goes well i shall tell you all (well me being a good girl, it will be how the film was)

if it doesn't i will let you all know anyway about my jaunt into the dating world!

Some titbits for now we have been texting all night! he is 30 and irish

and he is tall and gorgeous i shall not go near the popcorn! brownies promise!!

the film is american gangster, and oh help i love the back seat! its my girls fav we have been sitting at the two seats at the top of the stairs for years

Nite nite


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Some titbits for now we have been texting all night! he is 30 and irish

and he is tall and gorgeous i shall not go near the popcorn! brownies promise!!

the film is american gangster, and oh help i love the back seat! its my girls fav we have been sitting at the two seats at the top of the stairs for years

Nite nite




Sounds like George Clooney noooo :shame: eyes off everyone George is mine. :shame:


First dates - our Pastor advised never do anything you wouldn't feel comfortable doing if your parents were in the same room :)


All the best, sigh of relief it isn't my George. :wub:


Fxx >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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He is very dark, celtic looking, dark hair blue/green eyes my favourite look, and tall! george is also gorgeous he has a nice wee place in my heart.

Now frangipani that doesnt leave a lot does it!


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Thank-you all you have made me laugh!!!!!!!!

Snogging oh my!! all that bumping noses and banging teeth from your teens

If it goes well i shall tell you all (well me being a good girl, it will be how the film was)

if it doesn't i will let you all know anyway about my jaunt into the dating world!

Some titbits for now we have been texting all night! he is 30 and irish

and he is tall and gorgeous i shall not go near the popcorn! brownies promise!!

the film is american gangster, and oh help i love the back seat! its my girls fav we have been sitting at the two seats at the top of the stairs for years

Nite nite


i love irish accents :wub: if someone asked me out with an irish accent i would go like a shot!!you have fun lovey,maybe you could wear shortcakes pencil skirt,that would be a good talking point!! :thumbs:

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Tall dark and irish, sounds like my kinda guy, you lucky girl. l am very jelous!!! Oh l am with Hev on the accent, never mind the film, just listen to the voice!!!Have a really fab time :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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He is very dark, celtic looking, dark hair blue/green eyes my favourite look, and tall! george is also gorgeous he has a nice wee place in my heart.

Now frangipani that doesnt leave a lot does it!



Someones hooked :wub::thumbs:


Ah bless >:D<<'>



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hahaha the poor man would prob run a mile!!! Nic I could lend you my pulling skirt that I wore to work yesterday bound to get you the large popcorn and drink combo then!! Serous note just be yourself and enjoy sure you will have a great time let us know how you get on! x

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Thank -you all,

i am looking forward to it and my friends are all laughing at me (in a good way) i love getting dressed up but i think this is another jeans night!

Frang, help i think i am hooked! but i shall play it cool! ha ha i don't know how to.

I am looking forward to updating you all as much as going on the date itself!


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Thank -you all,

i am looking forward to it and my friends are all laughing at me (in a good way) i love getting dressed up but i think this is another jeans night!

Frang, help i think i am hooked! but i shall play it cool! ha ha i don't know how to.

I am looking forward to updating you all as much as going on the date itself!



You'll be fine..... relax...!


>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> easier said than done :)



Edited by Frangipani

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Well, cinderella is home! film was good but a bit long. he was very handsome and very much a gentleman.

The accent was very strong! i had a nice time, we talked a bit before the film it was easy talking to him. no butterflies though?

He said to me as we walked out the cinema How are you getting home bus or taxi? then said i have to work in the morning so i need an early night!

I said taxi, he walked me to the taxi rank and he said he would maybe give me a call through the week as he is not busy the next two weekends at work.

Now ladies and gents, what do i do next?

I am not very good at game playing, but i am so unsure about dating that i need help with the etiquette.

I am out of my comfort zone and its a bit strange, so any advice would be great.

p.s. it did feel good to be out on a date so i may need a bit more practice.

thank-you all for your support.


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Sounds like a good start...... I like a gentleman. Just take it one step at a time.

You say "no butteflies though" what you do mean ? 1) you weren't nervous or 2) you didn't feel the excitment/chemistry ?????


Clare x x x

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Well loon pants were in fashion when I last dated so wouldnt have a clue.


He sounds a real gentleman though, I would have taken the early night comment as a reassurance he wasnt going to try anything on.


I spose you could text him to say you enjoyed yourself, then leave it up to him.


I'm picturing James Nesbitt :wub:

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Well ladies and gents i got a text today to say he enjoyed my company and he will call through the week! woo hoo

i feel better now.

Clare i wasn't nervous bit i also did not have butterflies! i think because i had told myself so often that it did not matter the outcome.

I do like him though, i dont often agree to go out on a date, and i did have a wee smile on my face when he texted.

I think he is a gentleman, and pearl he is short haired, blue eyed and his accent was fab. (a slightly younger version of jimmy nesbit yes i think so, minus the curly hair.)

Thanks for all your interest this is making it more fun.

Frang, i think i like the idea of that.


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Sorry if I was being nosey, didn't mean to pry.

So glad he's texted, he sounds lovely !!! I've said on here before my DH is the image (well in my eyes and others have said also) of Mr N including the curly hair but minus the irish accent) ;)

Clare x x x

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Clare i did not think you were nosey, i like your interest.

i feel quite silly saying these things aloud. i think if i had lots of time to think the poor guy would be swamped with texts from me but being a busy mum i have only just managed to get my wee bubs to bed so he will hopefully not realise too soon what he is letting himself in for!(my renewed teenage crush stage)

Clare you are a lucky girl jimmy nesbit is swoon material, your own version of that is great.


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Pearl you have made me laugh, he is 30! but looks younger than that! so only a slightly younger version.

when he originally asked for my number i told him he was wasting his time as he was too young! i thought he looked about 23/24 but now that i met him again i'd say he looks about 28, i on the other hand am always being told i look older than my 34 years!

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so pleased it went well :thumbs:


now when i say i want all the goss i mean ALL the goss!!when he text you to say he enjoyed your company what did you text back?im not even gonna apologise for being nosey either,i love romance :wub::wub:

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i said back to him it was nice to meet you properly and i had a nice time too!i also asked if he had recognised me ( i approached him at the cinema he was waiting for me) he replied back he had not as he had consumed a lot of alcohol that night!

So i can only hope his continued interest is a good thing!


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Awwwww Nic, thanks for sharing all the goss, makes me feel all young again.

My Mr N is 5 years younger than me and not even 40 yet, so guess I am a lucky girl ;)

Looking forward to the next installment.

Take care Hun >:D<<'>

Clare x x x x

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I do hope i have something to update you on soon!

And guess what My ex has just called to say he wants to take our dd to blackpool for new year! first time ever, his family have been doing this for years but when we separated he still continued to go down there so i have never been out for new year in the last 9 years.

I have a feeling someone is looking out for me this year!


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