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Considering setting up a university society for autistic students

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Hey everyone,


I wonder if you could help. Im currently considering applying to set up a society for autistic students at Sheffield university. I need to conjure up a name and would prefer it not to have a reference to Autism in the title (although it is not being ruled out). This is so some people who may be applicable to the society dont feel anxieties by joining, and also to cater for those who have maybe undisclosed/partially disclosed their condition.


Any suggestions?


I thought one which was ROUTINE but not so sure about that one!

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Goodluck with this :thumbs:


I know there is a forum called 'Wrong Planet' that makes me feel sad, as it puts up a negative as if 'defeated'.


This forum is full of bouncy positive contributors, no doubt something good will come. My contribution would be 'Right Planet' something positive. With a rainbow logo. :D Aspie's would automatically make the connection. Or 'Open Doors' same logo.


:robbie: Happy light 'fluffy' but that wouldn't appeal to the men though, would it....! :whistle:


Fran x

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Hi Chris - nice to 'see you' again.

I quite like 'Routine' :thumbs:

In a similar vein - what about 'Diversity' as it's a University group?

Getting really obscure now - what about a symbol instead of a name - an 'equals' sign?



You could even put that in a circle (white on red like a roadsign) and tease people a little bit more!


Fran - I don't think 'right planet' is too fluffy - and i'm a blerk (well, I was last time i looked!)... On the downside, though, it's a bit 'in yer face' for Chris' remit especially if you add the aspie rainbow :)

(BTW: I think 'wrong planet' is actually quite positive - the implication being that on a different planet what's judged negatively here would be accepted without those judgements. so it's more 'loud and proud' than defeatist, you just have to look at the other side of the coin! :thumbs: )


Hope that's helpful



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How about Spectrum? It means something to those that know, but is vague enough to be fairly meaningless to those that don't.

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How about Spectrum? It means something to those that know, but is vague enough to be fairly meaningless to those that don't.


I likey that :thumbs:

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I like BD and Zaman's suggestions - afraid my head isn't working at the moment so nothing to add. I would however be really interested to hear how you get on. I know that Sheffield (well Sheffield Hallam, but I think there's some cross-over :unsure:) is very strong in its support of ASD students and something peer-led would seem like a positive to add to that. What are you thinking of doing as a group? I really hope it works - I wanted to do something similar at my uni and was instantly met with all sorts of (metaphorical) barriers put in my way - I was told things like there would be ethics problems with such a group, confidentiality breeches etc. It really put me off, so I hope it can work somewhere else and might make others unis finally realise what they're missing out on in not supporting ASD students. :(

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Bd and Zaman's suggestions sound good to me!!!!


I think with the ethics issues you would be better off opening the group up to a slightly wider sources of people to unclude those undiagnosed but seeking diagnosis, diagnosed ASD's, and also NT's who have an interest (eg close friends/partners ASD students, parents or carers even, researchers, medical professionals at uni).


That way essentially the group includes all who have an interest in ASD's which should be in line with other clubs like car clubs which have interest in motoring or football clubs. People could remain anonymous in medical terms and i doubt you could legally make people disclose unless they want to anyway.


Also what are the aims of the group??? the aims need to be clearly defined as they will effect who wants to join. Im hoping to go back to uni in next 18 months and such a group might be of interest on a social skills type front and also if the group builds up good resources of local help sources, medical professionals and differences in local NHS policies and rules for accessing services. And thats on top of the more obvious student type social pursuits.

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I like 'Diversity' or 'Spectrum'.


Although if it's not clear from the name that it's for ASD, how are people going to know they might want to join? :unsure:


You could add a byline clarifying things?



Edited by bid

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For considering the byline/acronym idea, How about SUSAS: Sheffield University Students Autistic Society


I am really liking the Diversity or Spectrum ideas.

Edited by CEJesson

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I like BD and Zaman's suggestions - afraid my head isn't working at the moment so nothing to add. I would however be really interested to hear how you get on. I know that Sheffield (well Sheffield Hallam, but I think there's some cross-over :unsure:) is very strong in its support of ASD students and something peer-led would seem like a positive to add to that. What are you thinking of doing as a group? I really hope it works - I wanted to do something similar at my uni and was instantly met with all sorts of (metaphorical) barriers put in my way - I was told things like there would be ethics problems with such a group, confidentiality breeches etc. It really put me off, so I hope it can work somewhere else and might make others unis finally realise what they're missing out on in not supporting ASD students. :(



Sheffield has a group present called the Monday Club (a lot of Hallam students may go, I dont think many uni Sheffield students go), and this is a general chat session amongst people with an ASD in the city.


However there is nothing online dedicated to anything in Sheffield and certainly nothing university (I am at Uni Sheffield not Sheffield Hallam) run for students on the spectrum. That is why I am trying to get our union to accept the proposals.


I have already accepted speaking to other students with Asperger's at the disability/dyslexia support service and so maybe can get an idea whether this is worthwile from them too. I wish it to start by Freshers week (September 2008). It is vital any new students on the spectrum get notice of the society.


As well as being an 'online portal' almost, the society will have informal gatherings. I am a member of the university walking club, which is rather laid back and I'll aim to base the society on that model. Hopefully I can arrange anything from a chat/get together/lunches to walks out, and later on days out.


I will also hope to attract academics and those in the medical profession, and students in other areas such as sociology, psychology and medicine.

Edited by CEJesson

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Or Neurodiversity? Anyone on the spectrum would know what that meant.



Ooooo yes, very clever Pearl, I like that one :thumbs:


Clare x x x

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Or Neurodiversity? Anyone on the spectrum would know what that meant.


I took the neuro off 'cos he said he didn't want anything obvious :rolleyes: tut! pah! tut! :rolleyes:

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I hate to say it, but autistic/aspergers students are unlikely to come. A lot of guys won't appreciate swanky catchy names in the same way ordinary students might. What you need to do is get the disability office to arrange something, and get them to get onto the various autistic students, and advertise, and try and get them to come along.

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I hate to say it, but autistic/aspergers students are unlikely to come. A lot of guys won't appreciate swanky catchy names in the same way ordinary students might. What you need to do is get the disability office to arrange something, and get them to get onto the various autistic students, and advertise, and try and get them to come along.


Why wouldn't they? Having social difficulties doesnt mean you don't want to be social. (Although some peeps, both NT and AS, don't want to be social, & that's just fine.) My lad would be there like a shot.

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I hate to say it, but autistic/aspergers students are unlikely to come. A lot of guys won't appreciate swanky catchy names in the same way ordinary students might. What you need to do is get the disability office to arrange something, and get them to get onto the various autistic students, and advertise, and try and get them to come along.

I would want to go - I don't think these suggestions are swanky catchphrases. The trouble I have is with the disability office so having a student run group would be ideal.

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I hate to say it, but autistic/aspergers students are unlikely to come. A lot of guys won't appreciate swanky catchy names in the same way ordinary students might. What you need to do is get the disability office to arrange something, and get them to get onto the various autistic students, and advertise, and try and get them to come along.


I have spoken to the Disability office - I said to my mentor last year that I intended to do this 'ready for Intro week September 2008' - I have also mentioned this to the lady in charge of autistic students within the disability/dyslexia support service. I shall be speaking to some autistic students in the near future in the disability department and hopefully will be able to get them to join :)

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I really like Diversity,it has positive connotations for me as I think diversity in people is a marvellous thing! And may I say I think your idea is a fab one! And I agree with Pearl, my lad likes being social, trouble is many NT peers just don't 'get' him!


Was thinking, youre right that this will only work if the students this group is aimed at are informed, so on top of getting the Disabilities/Dyslexia team on board, make sure that the student union are well informed and get the dates of the first meeting into the Uni newsletter type thing. Media coverage is a godsend for things like this. Would you keep us posted on how thigs go? I'm really interested!



Edited by pookie170

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I really like Diversity,it has positive connotations for me as I think diversity in people is a marvellous thing! And may I say I think your idea is a fab one! And I agree with Pearl, my lad likes being social, trouble is many NT peers just don't 'get' him!


Was thinking, youre right that this will only work if the students this group is aimed at are informed, so on top of getting the Disabilities/Dyslexia team on board, make sure that the student union are well informed and get the dates of the first meeting into the Uni newsletter type thing. Media coverage is a godsend for things like this. Would you keep us posted on how thigs go? I'm really interested!




I am a course rep for town planning so its easier for me to communicate with those at the union - I shall inform them of this. I shall definately keep people posted on developments :)

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It seems that Diversity looks the best option - I certainly agree with it.


Therefore when I start the society application process I shall most likely name it as that.


Furthermore please let me know what you think about the following ideas:


Organising trips in the society (various ideas of what to do)

Socials in the society in the form of laid back pub visits and coffee breaks

Maybe setting up a blog or internet forum (not to the scale of this one!)

Advertising the society through newsletters and/or flyers


I intend to advertise it through the disability/dyslexia support service as well as the Union.



What would you like to see in this society?

Edited by CEJesson

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It seems that Diversity looks the best option - I certainly agree with it.



Socials in the society in the form of laid back pub visits and coffee breaks

Maybe don't call them socials because that has (for me at least) scary connotations of having to 'do' social - maybe call them group meets or something similar :unsure:


Maybe setting up a blog or internet forum (not to the scale of this one!)

Definitely - maybe simply use one of the Yahoo or Google groups*


What would you like to see in this society?

Me :D *thinks about whether it would be possible to move unis* :lol: Seriously though, I really wish you every success with this. Having something like this would make a huge difference to the loneliness and isolation I am feeling and could also be a really formed pressure group should some type of group injustice come to light.





*other search engines are available :whistle:

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Update: I have received an email back from my support worker who has instructed me to write out an email introducing the society - for her then to ask her manager whether it will be acceptable for it to be emailed to All students on the spectrum at university and those who are coming to the university in September. That is certainly better than getting the odd word in during mentoring sessions :)


Unsure how to structure the email and how to introduce the society whilst being sensitive to everyone's needs. I shall have a think...

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Maybe don't call them socials because that has (for me at least) scary connotations of having to 'do' social - maybe call them group meets or something similar :unsure:


Yeah I agree the term 'social' may be too OTT or concerning for some. I would do as you suggested and go along the meet idea.


Social gives the impression of some big bar crawl which i dont want to convey - as a bar crawl will probably never be on the agenda - it is far too intimidating.

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