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Total rant, avoid at all costs

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Why me?


I was laying in bed trying to sleep & it just wasnt happening, i figured that it may help to come just blast off some of the mess thats going round & round & hopefully be able to go back up & go to sleep :(


So many patient people in the world yet they keep MY son's education problems going on 8 years, oh beleive me i know i'm not the only one but i just feel that the majority of people with "special" children are special themselves and cope a whole lot better than me.


So many people in the world that dont or wont look after their pets, yet its MY dog that gets run over & MY duck that dies in my hand & MY 2 goldfish that die last week within a week of getting them and MY rabbit that has to be put to sleep last friday because he was getting sicker by the day & the vets have no idea why. Ok so i am supposed to think myself lucky because the dog is still alive, and i do....apart from the whole cage rest 24/7 thing & him whining pretty much all day through boredom :blink:

but come on now......one thing at a time please....or at least just 2 or 3! this is getting silly now!


Why is it that you can have a mother that is violent, or at least was when she was capable! Who drinks herself silly, smokes like a chimney, sits on her fat a$$ all day, manipulates everyone & everything around her and its not her that gets the cancer its her dad, who doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, rides his bike everywhere, plays table tennis, works his butt off 24/7 and never hurt anyone in his life! Dont get me wrong I wouldnt wish it on her or anybody else for that matter, just dont understand how the whole thing is worked out.


How can you end up with the greatest best friend on earth, that is there for you pretty much always for almost 20 years, but she hurts you more than anyone by simply having "perfect" parents! How do we even get along, what should we have in common being brought up so differently that she has her cars bought for her by her dad & I cant even get my dad to tow my car to the garage for me?


Is it seriously just coincidence that its MY car that the drunken b***h from the pub decides to smash into on her way home 3 weeks ago because shes mad at her friend instead of me? Who is now still drink driving around while my insurance company have taken my car & i'm still waiting for the cheque so cant get another!!


What about then having a friend tell me to buy a car so he can get it through its MOT for me in total costing me ?120 which would be great only the car doesnt go & now the guy wont talk to me because i only gave him the money for getting it through the MOT & not what else he was expecting so i cant ask him to fix it & oh yea, told you already, cant get the stupid car to the garage.


Why is it that usually people have ways of express their feelings, some can paint, some can sing, some can write, then you get the ones that just vent their frustrations instead by jumping out of a plane, going paintballing, i dont know....anything....and then theres me.......I dont have the imagination to write "feelings" cos as far as i'm concered "feelings" are a big confused mess, I dont have the imagination to paint feelings, i'd end up with a blank canvas and even more fed up cos i'm incapable of doing something so simple! And then theres music, well i love music, but sing? not me, never in a million years......Of course that leaves venting, well i'd love to jump out of a plane (with or without a parachute sometimes!) but i never have the money to do anything and always have the kids so cant do something for "ME" anyway.....so what am i supposed to do? I could just moan all the time, but then everyone thinks you are negative, synical etc etc etc nobody really wants to know if you are "alright" or "how've you been?" its just small talk. So what are people like me supposed to do?


If you pretend you are ok when you arent you get told off, if you tell people you arent ok they think that "you must be alright because you know you arent" how on earth that makes any amount of sense i'll never know!


To be totally honest with you that really is just the tip of the iceberg but i guess it is the main things that are getting me down tonight so thats wuts coming out!!


Sorry to sound miserable, but i had to get it all out somehow, i think i'm going doolally :crying:

Edited by minerva

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>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


I hope having got it all out, you'll be able to finally get to sleep tonight.


K x

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Hi Minerva


Sometimes it seems like the whole world is queueing up to slap you in the face with a wet fish. Sorry it's your turn at the moment, it does seem like a rough ride you're having and you've every right to rant about it.


It's not always easy to cope with what life throws at you but it's OK to admit it. It's good to blow a fuse every now and again, helps clear the head sometimes.


I hope you got some sleep after you'd spilled it all out. Sorry I have nothing practical to suggest - sounds like most of it is out of your control anyway - but hang in there, there have to be better times ahead.


>:D<<'> for you.




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ive no words of wisdom but i definately find letting it out helps,i also wonder how some people constantly get the s*** stuff thrown at them and others breeze through life without any bad stuff happening,i wonder if its like a draw when we are first born like a short straw,i know which straw was drawn for me :o other days i feel my life is good,depends what day im having.

keep your chin up,let it all out,better out than in as they say :lol:

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Hi Minerva,


It's pretty obvious you're having a tough time but, and I know it'll sound cliche'd, it will get better. Call this 'tough love' or whatever you want but you've got to turn your life around. I'm probably the worst person to talk about this but, having been through tough times of my own (both in the past and now), I do know where you're coming from and I know that if you don't take control of things, no-one else will do it for you


It's true that bad things always seem to happen to good people and 'bad people' seem to get away scott free but you've got to stop thinking about it and letting it rule your life. Maybe it's easier for me but you need to almost block them out and try to rise above it (why, for instance, is my mother-in-law still alive despite being a bitter twisted chainsmoker when my dad, a hard working intelligent man, died through MS when he was 58?). Yes get angry about it but try not to let having someone crash their car into yours suddenly take on 'cosmic meaning' or 'karma' - like the saying goes (or the clean version anyway) 'stuff happens'. I'd be right royally pi&&ed off too but work out how you're going to get around/solve the problem and then concentrate on doing it. When one of my guinea pigs got ill recently I just had to do whatever it took to sort the problem out given the circumstances/situations


I know that when you're down everything and everyone is against you - Sainsbury's must hate you because they've run out of lettuce, traffic lights hate you because they always turn red when you're in a hurry, the birds hate you because they make a mess of the washing... You know that it's all just happening my chance but I fully understand why it does feel as if the whole world is against you. If you believe this then you'll live by it and end up (wrongly) attributing everything that goes wrong to being the work of some 'divine power' (possibly from above, possibly from below) - kind of like people who believe that they've been cursed by gypsies...everything that goes wrong after 'the curse' must because of it


I know that you won't feel like it but you've got to put the brakes on and say 'No more'. You need to find something, no matter how small, that gives you a lift. You say that you can't express your feelings through painting, writing, singing etc. so, in that case, don't try to as you'll just end up feeling frustrated and even more miserable...do somethign ele instead, or, try to look at these activities in a different way


If you want to write then write about what you know. Forget about trying to write about 'feelings', just write about something that you know about - maybe write about the funny things your kids have done, or about a family holiday or something (I usually end up writing about old pieces of computer junk). In the case of writing, you don't need to follow any set pattern and I often find that I become so engrossed about writing something that I forget about everything else


Same goes with painting. I can't paint for toffee but I'll happily doodle on a piece of paper with a Biro. Yes it'd be great if we could all paint like Picasso but we can't. If that's what you feel like doing though, do it! Sod inspiration or trying to create a masterpiece, just let your hand start doodling on a piece of paper and something will come - maybe it won't be a Constable landscape, maybe it'll just be a set of strange shapes but, when it comes to art, who's to say what is and isn't art?


I could go on but hopefully you'll get the point. You've got positives in your life and I think you need to focus on them rather than the negatives - you've got kids and a dog (as well as other things I'm sure), and, although they might provide 'problems' along the way, try to remember the times when they had you creased up with laughter or turned up covered in mud. Growing up we didn't have 'problems' we simply had things that we had to workaround or solve. Don't focus on what you can't do but on what you can. By all means give things a try but if you find that you can't do it or you don't like doing it, try something else


As others have said, it's Ok to be down, miserable etc. and it does often seem as though everything's against you. It's fine to let your emotions out and get upset but it's how we respond to these problems that makes us the people we are. I don't want to sound like a TV evangelist or anything but the only person who can turn your life around is you. It won't be easy and it might not be quick but you can do it - the important thing is to take that first step. Everyone here is here for you and can lend a sympathetic ear, offer advice etc. but you've got decide to not want to let life get you down - go out there and face it


The Neil


PS Please don't think I'm being nasty, just wanted you to maybe look at things a different way

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Thanks all for your support, i'm knackered now so hopefully tonight i'll be able to pass straight out by 8pm lol




I hear what you are saying & i dont take it like you are being nasty but if i had ?1 for everybody that told me life is what you make it then i'd have a car that started!!



Nothing that is going on in my life is in my control at all, the things that were in my control get taken out of my hands soon enough....


ie, i'm broke got a MOT due so i get a lil part time job at a pub i hate working in just because i can take my youngest son with me so i drag him to work with me religiously every sunday (which he seems to enjoy) & i feel bad for doing it but its ok because its only until i get the car through the MOT. So after 3 months of working every sunday for 8 hours with my 5 yr old surrounded by drunks i get my car taxed & the work done on it & get it MOT'd and then 3 weeks later my car is written off by a drunk psychopath.....


how am i supposed to even try to see that in a positive way? The only reason i dragged him with me is because i figured it wont hurt him if its a temp thing. But to expect him to have to do it again now while i try get this new heap moving is beyond realistic, so do i drag him back to work with me again every sunday? or do i give up & forget trying to get mobile, leaving myself with no way to get the dog over the other side of town every time he needs Xrays & check ups?


I'd love to see positives but i just dont, i see that my youngest son being very well behaved loving child who is doing well at school is a positive but he doesnt get anywhere near the time & attention he needs because of the other one so i just end up feeling guilty.


I dont want to be living where i'm living and have wanted to move for 5 years or more but cant because if i move then the LEA will change therefore sending me back to square one. So i'm stuck here, cant see a positive in that, probably could if i knew when it was going to end but there is no end in sight.


I could go on & on on but at the danger of sounding even more of a whinger i'm going to shut up now.....


Just cant grasp why people can say life is what you make it when everything that goes wrong for me is out of my hands!!

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>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


hunni :(>:D<<'>


i totally understand where you are coming from. I feel much the same way some at the moment :( .


I don't have any advice - if you find the answer - let me know!!!


Certainly, doing something for yourself can help - but sometimes that seems impossible (both mentally, and physically) as well.


Last night i was sooooooo stressed, i'd worked myself into a headache and was feeling very sorry for myself. I wanted to go out for a walk, i wanted to pick up the phone and moan to someone, i wanted to get away for ten minutes, i wanted to be left alone for a while. But i couldn't, M needed me. That's when it gets hard for us.


Thinking of you >:D<<'>

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Hi Minerva,


>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

You just did yourself a huge favour by writing that out hun >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> I bet you feel much better for it too.


Carry all that stuff around in your head makes you weary. Its good to get it out and write it out. I agree with what all have said.


I remember a saying. 'When life serves you lemons, 'make lemonade', we all have our ups and downs and sometimes it feels like your taking two steps forward and five steps back.


I find reading a good book is a great way to escape life, or walking, just to get you mind off 'stuff'.


Walking with my favourite music is my 'Prozac'.


Sounds like you have had a really rough time lately. If you were to sit down and write 5 things you enjoy doing and just take time out to do ONE thing for you, something you have always loved doing and having even thought about doing it in ages. That is a good place to start. Just try to do one thing this week, its a start, make a commitment to yourself. Its just making a simple change like this can turn your thinking around.


You are important, I hope you find that thing you love and have a go this week, it may be just what you need to do, to help make you smile today.


Be gentle with yourself, just getting this off your chest is good, to acknowledge, life really ....... sometimes.


You will be surprised how some peoples lives seem so perfect, but I guarantee you, they are not, not always, I believe we all have these feelings from time to time. Its just choosing to think positively is a choice you have to make, just simply change your mind your focus, life can and will get better. Have faith in yourself, you are capable of making 'you' very happy. But its okay, to be really sad sometimes too. :(>:D<<'> >:D<<'>


Hope this make sense.


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TheNeil i didnt mean to sound like i was getting at you. I appreciate you're trying to help.


Smiley, sorry that you feel rubbish too :( i will definately pass on the secret if i find it out anywhere!!


Frangipani, I have a few things i love doing, going to the gym is one of them.....which i cannot do while my son is out of school. Ice hockey skating is the one thing i've always loved doing releases a lot of anger or whatever, but i cant get anyone to have the kids so i can go & if i take them then i end up getting stressed out cos i cant skate i just have to hold the lil one up instead!


i think a great deal of my frustration is down to the fact that i really cant get out or do anything or hide from anything or really anything at all!


If i got a break from the $*** every now & again i may feel a lil more positive but i really dont, i'm either running round after the kids, trying to sort out paperwork, working, cleaning out animals or something else really exciting.



I actually have the weekend to myself this weekend & the friend i was supposed to be going to visit has decided he'd much rather sit & watch the F1 so thats that, I have no kids & nowhere to go so will end up working again.


Even when I manage to get the kids sorted & some money in my pocket (which is rare) Its never when someone else is avaliable too.


Its like a dead end.......the only light i find at the end of my tunnel is a b****y train!!

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Minerva , I was so sorry to read your post >:D<<'> >:D<<'> I hope life looks a bit brighter soon and please know you have lots of friends on here willing to listen.... >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Take care

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Minerva >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

Life sucks at times. I know, we all do exactly how you're feeling. Everything hits the fan at once, But look at it this way it can only get better cos it sure as hell can't get any worse!

as for that free weekend, go out yourself, who cares- go to the pub on your own or go walking or just lie in bed all weekend. But just take the time for yourself to relax.

The car? get onto the insurance people and start harrassing them (what is it with insurance companies anyway... :angry: ) try and get something sorted with it. If the guy at the garage continues to have the hump, sod him and go elsewhere- huffy men just get on my goat so if he loses custom then tough t**s. Take the bull**** by the horns and give it a good kicking (hypothetically!)

But do take that time to yourself honey, you need it.

Oh, and by the way, i think you're very good at expressing your feelings in your posts.

Take it easy,


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hope you are feeling better soon minerva, i was in that space a couple of days ago, the funny thing is the more we try to solve things the harder it gets sometimes, i think i just backed away from it and this gave the 'grey matter' time to recover?!


take care of yourself :)

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Hi Minerva


>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


Just keep believing all this bad luck will pass, tomorrow is a brighter day, dont stop believing. Hope those $$$ start floating in, you can make it happen, keep believing, read books that lift you up.


You can get out of this feeling, its good to brood around in it for a bit, like Kirstie said stay in bed all weekend reading maybe just what you need. Cook yourself your favourite meal, its the little things we do for ourselves that really count.


Sending you lots of cyberhugs, just remember you are not alone in feeling like this. Take a deep breath, it will get better



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Thank you guys >:D<<'>


I'm not really sure how i'm feeling now to be honest.


All hell is going to break loose at the funeral, our family is a big fat mess because of the way my mother is.....and i already got abuse for being "linked to her" which i had to point out that he was too....in fact he made her i didnt!! So i know its not gonna be pretty.


I'm thinking i might hide at the back by myself, may be easier than appearing to be taking anyones side :huh:

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Minerva - just read this. I'm so sorry about your grandad :(>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


I think TheNeil has given some good advice but perhaps a good idea would be to ignore it :blink: until things lift slightly! If you see what I mean ... :o Come back and read it in a month or so.


Thinking of you and praying for you

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minerva, just read this and im sorry you are going thru so much.

reading your story is almost like reading ny own, except the dad bit, but i too have a ###### mother, (who i dont have anything to do with) and for a long time everything in my life went bad, i had a best friend who i truly loved and believed was my plutonic soul mate till she kicked me in the teeth.

Im not making comparisons hun just trying to say i understand.

i know its hard to believe but it does get better.

big hugs

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the funeral was yesterday so its time to pick myself up again!!!


i'm gonna start by showing off!!!!





Funny how you dont really realise these things when you are related to them! I kne he was fantasic, and OMG was he a character....but quite how many people he had affected was something I never really thought about.......


He has his own story in the local newspaper!! It was put in on Wednesday......Evening Post story


I'm so proud!!! :tearful::D:wub:

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Well i'm presently waiting for whatever is going to smack me in the face today.....


Monday my car was clamped by a cowboy clamping company who put a sign up for no parking but disguise it so that it looks like a normal sign and place it where you have to look for it to see it (apparently as long as there is one sign no matter how big or where then it's legal!!) they then sit around the corner waiting for some poor unfortunate to park there (even for only 10 minutes!) and lamp their car, then they dont answer the phone for 45 minutes which allows them to say that they havent heard from you & bring the tow truck along ready to take ur car & demand �200 cash on the spot or they're gonna take your car!!!


It's supposed to be �100 unless the tow truck has been called, then it rises. But they just ignore the phone so that they can say you were ages :crying:


Eventually, after my mum, dad, auntie, uncles, great aunt etc etc etc all got involved the police were called(we were by my grandfathers shop as i was visiting to check on everyone)


The policeman was lovely but powerless :crying:


After another 30 minutes (and both my kids being looked after by random ppl cos i was late for school!) the policeman called this mans boss & asked him to make the man reduce the fee back down to �100 and he took me to the bank to get the money out & waited until he took the clamp off before he left to make sure he didnt try anything else!!


Tuesday, Camerons bike was toeln from our back garden....it costed me �200 :crying::crying:


Wednesday, my clutch goes on the new car i bought less than 3 weeks ago to replace the new car which died within a week that i bought to replace the car i had written off last month. The clutch is going to cost me �300 :crying::crying::crying:




Thats �600 down within 3 days (and i was in money trouble to start with!!)


I really could use some words of wisdom of how not to drown cos i'm really really really trying really really hard to find positives & i always keep smiling however p'd off i get but i really dont know how much more i can cope with!!


I now have 2 cars that wont go, no money to fix either of them & wont get anything for either if i sell them broken :tearful:


Man i really wish i was still randomly posting stupid jokes that get on everyones nerves insteada all this stuff lol

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>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>



take care of yourself honey-think positive-i know its hard to do :whistle:


must be something going on -ive had a similar spate of mad incidents occuring one after another..........







Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others,

even the dull and the ignorant;

they too have their story.


Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,

you may become vain and bitter;

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.



Keep interested in your own career, however humble;

it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs;

for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

many persons strive for high ideals;

and everywhere life is full of heroism.



Be yourself.

Especially, do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love;

for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

it is as perennial as the grass.



Take kindly the counsel of the years,

gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,

be gentle with yourself.



You are a child of the universe,

no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.



Therefore be at peace with God,

whatever you conceive Him to be,

and whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.



With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

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Thanks UltraMum I needed that lol, rainbow queen that was a lovely poem thankyou


something vague i hope i'll be up to spamming more of them very soon. i'm working on it lol


for now i have some more news.....


I know i know i sound old!


But back in my day this would NEVER have happened!!


You already know that just under 2 weeks ago Camerons �200 BMX was stolen from the back garden (yeye stay with me i'm getting to it) anyway, i told everyone i know to be on the lookout for it. Last night i get a call asking me to describe the bike & i get told "leave it with me!"


So today i'm out & i get a call from my son saying that a guy has come to the house telling him that he has the bike. He so say :huh: bought it from his friend (who obviously has no name!) and he is willing to give it back but he wants the �25 he paid for it (�25!! darn druggies!!) so i ask to speak to this "person" tell him he needs to get his �25 back from his friend....he refuses & just says he isnt gonna get it from him & he isnt going to lose out so i pay him �25 or dont get the bike :blink:


WELL!! I tell him that I will be home by 7pm & that he is to come around then & we'll talk.


Then i call the police :devil:


They were late coming :rolleyes:


But he hadnt been anyway so i assumed he wasnt going to come. 2 minutes after the police leave the boy turns up! TYPICAL!


So we talk for 2 minutes about why i should pay for my own bike :huh: & then i tell him i'm going to call my friend & ask him to loan me the money & i call the police (again!)


He'd left by the time the police got here again BUT they had him in the back of the car.....so now my kids are petrified that he is gonna come round petrol bomb the house or something similar which is great!


I am just shocked at the nerve of it! I mean how dare he expect me to pay him to give me back MY property!!!!!


The worst thing is i am as soft as anything & if he would have given us the bike I would have just reported it back & taken it no further, so for the sake of �25 he just got his butt locked up for the night!



anyone wanna be my bodyguard?? :wub:

Edited by minerva

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Flipping heck, what a cheek :o:o


Minerva....two of us will be worrying tonight....last night my next door neighbour confronted some youths outside who were hurling abuse and him and his wife after they came back from a night out, the gang legged it, and came back mob handed with baseball bats and proceeded to threaten him, his wife, his kiddie and trash his garden and hurl bricks etc at his house.....VERY SCARY times we seem to be living in............I've never seen a group of kids behave like that and it terrified me :(


Glad the Police got the fella trying to sell your sons bike back to you......take care >:D<<'>

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:blink: Bagpuss thats terrible!!


It sure is scary times.....when i was little we got in trouble for playing basketball in the street or riding our bikes past peoples gates!!


These kids seem to get away with anything!!


Me & the kids have just been to my friends wedding party though and another of her friends was buying her daughter WKD and she was outside smoking, the girl is 12 :blink:


Cameron told me that she was outside smoking & i said "i dont want you near her" so he says "Mum, i'm not gonna start smoking and drinking just cos she is you know :P "


boy did i feel stupid lol :lol:

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Given the horror stories that everybody's got, why don't we, as a forum, pool our resources and just discover an uninhabited island somewhere, move there, ban visitors and pretend that none of it is happening


I know that where I used to live (before moving to my current little house) Mrs Neil and I put up some wrought iron railings along the front of our house (mainly to stop teenagers sitting on our wall at midnight, drinking and shouting). We'd finished putting them up, went into town and came back a couple of hours later. Some <insert VERY rude word here> had only unbolted and swiped them. What's more, they dumped them in a garden 4 doors down :huh:


I suppose, as way of balance, I had only used 10mm (diameter) self-locking steel bolts rather than welding them into place but... Oh and all of this happened on a Sunday afternoon so, naturally, nobody saw a thing. Probably the same <insert another very rude word here> who keyed three sides of my car. We moved house after that saddling me with an even bigger mortgage :angry:

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>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


OK for everyone out there who is currently feeling like Minerva here's some very wise words from some very wise people :D



Some things in life are bad,

They can really make you mad,

Other things just make you swear and curse,

When you're chewing life's gristle,

Don't grumble,

Give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best.



Always look on the bright side of life.


Always look on the light side of life.



If life seems jolly rotten,

There's something you've forgotten,

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps,

Don't be silly chumps.

Just purse your lips and whistle.

That's the thing.



Always look on the bright side of life.


Always look on the right side of life,



For life is quite absurd

And death's the final word.

You must always face the curtain with a bow.

Forget about your sin.

Give the audience a grin.

Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.



Always look on the bright side of death,


Just before you draw your terminal breath.



Life's a piece of ######,

When you look at it.

Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.

You'll see it's all a show.

Keep 'em laughing as you go.

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.



Always look on the bright side of life.

Always look on the right side of life.




Believe it or not my psychologist (who I had for depression) suggested singing this song when I'm feeling down. I don't take the anti-depressants any more and for all the :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::angry::angry::angry: that I sometimes feel I just let it ride on by.


Hope things improve :D

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