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Everything posted by trekster

  1. Yes having problems accessing your memory can be an asperger thing. Sounds like she runs out of steam because 'being good' is hard work having to think all the time what she needs to do to keep others happy. This can be related to hormones, diet, hunger or sleep patterns.
  2. My prn.. Can calm me down after a panic attack. Do your meds help? Live life, Some antidepressants and other meds have the opposite effect on autistics to expected. I was hyper on tranquillisers angry I'm anti depressants and anxious on benzodiazapenes. Try a google scholar search on (name of medication) and autism. Eg 'diazepam and autism' to see the latest research on how certain meds help with anxiety etc. I can only take tramadol during the day because I get nightmares if taken at night. Cocodamol I can take at night but is weaker than tramadol.
  3. trekster


    Sounds unfortunately familiar
  4. One place you could meet quite a few Yorkshire and other autistics including me is autscape. Www.autscape.org It's a retreat conference for and by autistics. York.org.uk brought up a few sections about autism including a phone number 01904 554256 but that's the teaching team. They could know who else to contact regarding funding for autism/aspergers diagnosis. There's also a document for the adult autism strategy which would include information about diagnosis.
  5. trekster


    Does to me as we'll.
  6. trekster

    Hello there

    Welcome from someone with similar interests to you. I collect postage stamps and enjoyed getting letters from abroad or did until I realised why......the gluten in the stamps was addictive. Once I stopped licking the stamps and eating gluten and dairy I had a much clearer head. I forget to eat drink sleep do coursework and other basic stuff like you but was diagnosed 'mild aspergers' which basically meant I was mild on the day! I also need help cooking but as we all need support sometimes in our life am fine relying on others for nutrition. I still choose my own food. I speak a little Spanish and French and have been to those countries on holiday speaking those languages including Tenerife.
  7. Welcome templek and hope you get your diagnosis and some post diagnostic support soon. I ended up with PTSD as a result of the abuse suffered at the hands of my 'father' only got recognition and a diagnosis last December so can empathise with your situation.
  8. Hi and welcome. Did the crisps and snacks contain gluten, malt or dairy? If so they could be what he's really craving. Also the reason for diminished appetite. I felt yuk for a few weeks after completely withdrawing from gluten dairy and malt but the experience has been worth it. Is his jacket tight fitting? If so a squeeze vest or weighted vest might help with his sensory need for the jacket. Dressing regardless of the weather is an autistic trait. He seems like the sort of person who would be receptive to an aspergers identity. But would he go for an assessment? Could his gf be in denial of her aspergers and projecting that behaviour onto him? Have you looked up visual stress or irlen syndrome? They could explain his light sensitivity issues. You have a legal right to a carers assessment from social services.
  9. I looked up the generic name of my meds to try and find a suitable type. Eg liquid preperations have benzoate in them and tablets have milk but orodispersives ie melt in the mouth meds I can take. I've also tried supplemants to help with pain anxiety etc.
  10. Have you made an official complaint against the Dr who triggered you so badly? You can see a different Dr or can change practice. Hope your venture out with the carer was beneficial for you. As someone whose been suicidal in the past i can empathise and hope you find some better mental health support soon.
  11. i have a PRN which i use when im panicking to a trigger song or cant sleep.
  12. Pleased about your son being assessed for autism, can you contact healthwatch regarding the problems with the other 1 or go to your MP?
  13. Sorry i got your area muddled up with somewhere else. A search on nas.org.uk website came up with this link http://www.thetukecentre.org.uk/
  14. Hello and welcome to the site, i hear there is good support for people in your area post diagnostically.
  15. Yes i have that problem as well due to my phyiscial pain issues.
  16. yes i do as part of my complex post traumatic stress disorder.
  17. Could you get a pushbike and cycle to Yate? If you are a student at UWE (or have been) there is an autism group there as well.
  18. Can you get help from BASS or the create centre in Bristol? Can you claim carers allowance for looking after your partner or your partner after you? The fibromyalgia group is quite active in Bristol and on facebook, i highly recommend them if you can attend their coffee mornings.
  19. Can't you get a financial assessment to see how much you can afford to pay for care? Chase up the new budget arrangements as it's nearly June.
  20. Your symptoms sound very familiar to me. A lot of anger and I've done some of the symptoms you describe. Personality disorders are often confused with autism. Is there a NAS support group in your area who could provide advocacy support for you?
  21. trekster


    Hi and welcome I run cinema a and pub groups in bath
  22. Congratulations it's autism hope you get post diagnostic support.
  23. How did your daughters assessment go?
  24. i do combine posts if they're by the same person and if that person wasnt an original author of the topic.
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