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Everything posted by lindy-lou

  1. aww well done little man!!glad he enjoyed it and you!!
  2. hi hailey has your daughter started her periods yet?girls normally start there monthlys 18 months after breast development starts,im just waiting for my 11 year old to start hers,she has started to develop breasts but has very inverted nipples which she is really paranoid about,poor kids,us girls never get the easy end of life do we!! <'>
  3. any advice on how i can get india to poo on the toilet??shes perfectly happy to wee on it but refuses to do a poo on the loo,shes only 3 years and 4 months but i think she should be learning to open her bowels on the toilet,ive tried all sorts of bribery tactics i.e-presents if she tries,ive got her to sit on it and try with me holding her hands but she just pushes twice and says i cant try,ive tried to get her to sit on the loo with a nappy on just to get used to the feeling of sitting on the toilet but she wont do it,she is really aware of the fact that the other kids at the nursery use the toilet and is always saying" i am a big girl but i cant learn" when she asks for her nappy,do you think i should just leave her be and she'll do it when shes ready or should i keep encouraging her to go on the toilet,i dont want it to turn into an issue,but i do want to get her out of nappys before she starts mainstream school. lynda x
  4. we should launch a bring back nitty nora campaign,its only lazy dirty parents who cant be bothered to run a comb through their kids hairs thats the problem,if their kids were sent home and told not to return until they were free of lice i bet the problem would improve,i asked our headmistress why they cant have the nit nurse in school and she said it was stopped because its termed as abuse if parents dont give their permission and only the parents who do their kids hairs that give permission so theres no point!!MADNESS!!
  5. i dont really drink in the house because i get a hangover even after 2 glasses of wine i hate having to get up at 7am feeling like cr*p,especially if indias been up most of the night,i DO love going out for a drink though,my tipples tia maria and coke and il end up on baileys before the nights out,going to hubbys work do tonight and all the drinks paid for yeeeeha! im so pathetic when im hungover
  6. aww <'> its so hard to accept that your child isnt going to do all things others just take for granted,we all expect kids to love parties but to some its just torture,i think a big part of being a parent of an autistic/ASD child is learning to view the world through their eyes and accepting that they dont see it the way we do,difficult and heartbreaking i know but they have to be able to feel comfortable in their surroundings,imagine if we were made to go somewhere we didnt want to be,that was loud and our senses went wild and we felt immensley uncomfortable,but on the other hand we have to try so hard to help them to fit into society and whats expected of them,so were in a tug of war situation,you cant stop your other boy from attending and you need to take your son with you,im finding out that if there is going to be change to indias routine in anyway, like tonight were going to hubbys work do,i have to talk to her about it and prepare her days in advance so she knows exactly what to expect and what we expect of her,doesnt mean it will work out ok but i think it does help her to be prepared for whats going to happen,i hope your feeling a bit better now,it takes it out of you i know,be strong hun x lynda
  7. glad to hear your bit of joy
  8. hi laine,whereabouts are you in cumbria?im near whitehaven!
  9. aw so sorry to hear about your dog mum22boys most children do learn about death through a pet dying,it is awful for any child to become aware of there mortality and go through the pain of losing something or someone they love,it is a valuable lesson for them too though as they get to see that life goes on and the pain they feel gets less with time.
  10. how insensitive can you get!!poor lad,you did the right thing in sending that email,im not sure what you can do to help alex with his fear,maybe a book or video explaining life cycles?its not like you can say that no ones going to die is it,because then if anything happened to anyone he loves it would make matters worse,a tough situation for you and poor alex must be terrified,wish i could be of more help. <'> lynda x
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/kalamkari-king-size-...1QQcmdZViewItem lynda x
  12. we all need to have a meltdown of our own sometimes,we deal with such huge emotions when it comes to our kids,and as we are the main carers(i know some dads are too!)we get the brunt of everything,i get mad when ive been in the house all day and hubby comes home from work and gets mad at indy 5 mins after walking through the door,i know its hard when you just want some peace after a hard day at work but when ive dealt with the meltdowns and challenging behaviour all day it makes me FURIOUS!!wow im gonna give myself a meltdown just thinking about it lol,it would be good if we could all have a screaming room to go and let it all out once a day so it didnt all build up like a pressure cooker,everyone runs for cover when i have a meltdown
  13. i personally think that honesty is the best policy,you can still be tactful while being honest,if they are to trust you they have to believe what you say and i dont think that skirting round the issue is going to be any help to them or their child in the long run,my consultant was very blunt in giving me indias diagnosis,no frills as i would put it,but i was told what i needed to know without her being condescending or brutal,and i appreciated that,as i knew where i stood and what was going to happen,i understand what your saying about the parents not being ready to take on a disabled child but in effect they are already doing the same as what they will be doing after dx,and there is no right time to be told something like that about your child,the sooner and more prepared for it they are the easier it will be for them to make the transition,i would wait til after xmas though,so it doesnt spoil it for them,this is just my opinion and others may disagree but i can only go on personal experience,i hope you find your way through it. lynda x
  14. the mandala http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...8295739-7221221 the mucky hands set http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNIB-Charlie-Dimmock...1QQcmdZViewItem hope there what your after.
  15. ive got my little ones nativity on the 19th,so we shall see how it goes,im not filled with confidence,she had a pure meltdown last night over putting the xmas tree up so i think xmas is just going to be too much for her
  16. what is it your after viper?we can help you look for it!!
  17. what are your views on the dad who took his terminally ill sons life?he was found not guilty of murder and pleaded gulity to manslaughter,he got a 2 year suspended sentance,his son jacob had hunters syndrome,i personally feel that he only tried to act in his sons best interest and couldnt bear to see him suffer anymore,i know we shouldnt play god and life is sacred but i will not judge until i have walked in those shoes,im sure his life will never be the same again and he will have to live with his actions for the rest of his life. so what do you think? was this an act of unselfish love for his child or murder? rip little jacob
  18. you can buy the lava lamps in argos for 9.99 and im sure they sell the kinetic toys as well,if you have an au natrel near you they sell kinetic things as well.
  19. it could even be the tin it came in,the list of ingredients are fairly common so you would think there would be a reaction when eating other foods.
  20. aw das <'> <'> <'> try and think of it as the beginning rather than the end,at least now your G/F can get the appropriate help and you know where shes coming from,aspergers is an ASD,it may make things clearer in her head too,knowing that there is a reason for her being the way she is and shes not just "odd" , is she open to learning about her condition?knowlegde is power,and you can educate her yourself,das i sincerely hope that when my daughter and nephew grow up they find someone as wonderful and caring as you,your a very special person and i know you will deal with this with dignity and grace,your g/f is a very lucky girl to have found you lynda x
  21. my AS nephew is in year 9,he spent most of year 7 & 8 on a part time timetable and is now full time through his own choice,my sister has had to battle relentlessly to make the school aware of AS and its implications and they now have a good understanding and really look after dan,if hes having a bad day hes allowed to come home early and they dont really worry if he decides not to go at all,like i have said in another post,we think that schooling is more about dans social progress than any academic achievment,and he has held his own against the bullys and even though he doesnt have an easy time,theyve come to realise that hes not an easy target as he will fight back and theyve seen his meltdowns so tend to leave him alone,he's made some pals and seems happier than he's ever been at school thankfully.
  22. im sure people think i just dont dress india,im always opening the door with a naked 3 year old holding onto my legs
  23. it looks awful and frightening,amazing no ones been killed and so few injured,thankful at least that it happened at 6am on a sunday morning,hope everyone down theres ok and you havent had to be evacuated.
  24. i dont think anything works except regular wet combing the hair with a nitcomb,even if you use the lotions you can get it only kills the ones theyve got and if the schools got a bad case of the,the kids will have them back in no time,just a scurge of the times i suppose,i hate the little critters,its like a personal crusade every time i do my kids
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