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Everything posted by justamom

  1. I think the person has given you good advice Viper, sorry it was not a good meeting. Chin up luv we are here for you!!!
  2. OMG, Hope you managed to change your flights - safe journey home!! <'>
  3. Good luck Viper, stay strong!!!! Let us know how you get on!!!!
  4. Hi all, I received my dd report yesterday and was pleasantly surprised she has improved so much and got all 4's which is brilliant for her. She loves school and has only had 4 days off in a year which i think is brilliant (she is never ill ), i want to show this part of the report to Keegans Senco because he asked me the other day if my dd has as many days off as he does, what a cheek. DD, does not have all the difficulties that he does and this just proves that I am not a lazy a*sred mum who does not want to get out of bed in the mornings to take her kids to school. It proves that he has medical issues stopping him from attending as much as her... Ha in ya face!!!! (sorry childish moment over)
  5. They cant do that can they withhold treament because of behaviour! thats mad,,,, But like you say he is frustrated because of communication difficulties. I too would have been angry.....
  6. Absolutely right Phasmid, surely taking a mobile phone is not that bigger crime!! and TBH most kids would not dob there mates in that was totoally unfair of them to do this to her!!! The whole trip seems to have been a b*lls*p. I hope it goes well with the meeting! Good luck!
  7. justamom


    Bubble tubes are wonderful and very calming!!!! I'm not sure how much money you have got to spend what about fiber optic lights???? mirrors/music / mobiles hanging from the ceiling! if i think of anything else i will let you know.
  8. I am so happy for you LouLou hope your new place is just what you are looking for!!!!!
  9. I've had this argument time and time again in the school where i work, a few of the TA do the same want to take away snacks from a child for bad behaviour or not doing work ect..... It falls on deaf ears and i refuse to partake in it... As i have pointed out that the child stresses about the snack being taken away and therefore is unable to do the work that they want....
  10. Mine's been a week from hell, hubby has been away in Africa for 2weeks and TBH i usually do everything on my own anyway but something has just snapped in me and i have not coped at all... Probably ruined his holiday coz i have been on the phone most of the time but hey!!! thats the way i feel at the moment... Keegan has been on one for about 3weeks now and there seems to be no end in sight!!! I think i should reserve my spot in that cell too, god its hard!!!! Everyday is a fight of some sort and not everybody understands!!! I really should be thin from stress but it has the opposite effect on me!!!
  11. Just this past week the Senco told me that i might be contributing to keegans problems and i questioned myself and ended up in a right state, you aren't a problem and i know they make us feel like ###### but we are doing the best we can!!! I also wish that i could think more on my feet and give them a mouthful but i always think of things afterwards..... Maybe its an idea to complain!!
  12. I am so pleased for you Smileymab, absolutely brilliant news!!!!
  13. Thanks for your replies, yes i am being oversensitive at the moment you are right and i must not take this personally i do me best and thats what counts.... Thanks!!!!
  14. Had app with CAMHS today, it started off really badly with Keegan refusing to enter the building because I wanted to show our liason officer the lyrics to S.O.S (posted a while ago)because this is the way that he feels. Mr L had to fetch Keegan from outside the building and eventually conducted there consulation in the garden. Because keegan was angry with me most of the comment were about me, 40mins later and they return and Mr L tells me what they spoke about and it turns out that Keegan feels that i'm a worry wart (his words),he says that he is the only child with a earlier curfew than his mates, i ring him or txt him constantly and i should not worry so much because his friends think i worry to much. Imust worry about him at school but not at home???? I told Mr L that none of his friends have AS, they have a sense of danger, the can cross the road without being hooted at for just crossing and not looking they have street smarts he doesnt. If they say they are going to Jack house they go to Jacks house not to Johns house. I know that i am over-protective but i feel i have to be how do you balance it out with stifling them.... I feel today like am a cr*p mother that i failed him because last week the SENCO said that maybe his behaviour is or could be attributed to me I am just being oversensitive i guess but it still packs a punch....
  15. Thata so interesting, never really thought of it in that way. Keegan loves Charmed and its pretty scary to watch I have bought him 4 sets I never thought that i might be feeding his fear of demons (thats what the programme is about)!!!
  16. Yeah, i hold back too, because i get a side ways glance thats says "surely not all that happened in one week-end " and the best reply was "you should be more strict and just say no"..... I smile sweetly and grin and bear it!!!!
  17. justamom


    My son has a phobia of nail files, he goes nuts if he sees one we have to hide them away so not to set him off
  18. My dd play is tomorrow and she is the lead with not one but 2 solo to sing (proud or wot) i too will have to take a box of tissues just thinking about it makes want to . Wish her school did more than one show!!!!
  19. You never cease to crack me up!!! (no pun intended)
  20. Yeah, its so true Lauren, they fight like cat and dog but god help anyone that dares have a go at his sister!!! She is home now and has had a wonderful day, nobody upset her and she loved it!!!!!!!
  21. Morning all, What a night last night.... Today my dd has got her induction day at Keegans school, as you know he has been signed off school. On friday he insisted that he goes to school, after a big row i let him go and was phoned at 11 to collect him he could not cope, i wanted to say i told you so but he would not take no for an answer and he had rather a bad week-end because of his stress. Last night, he was in such a state because he wanted to go to school today to look after his sister. He says that he did not cope his first day, he was upset crawled under a desk and made fun of so she is going to have the same kinda day he did. Bless him his anxiety and his feelings about his time in school ares quite bad and i never realised it until last night, how he feels because he does not really know how to verbalise it. He thinks that she will not be able to cope just like him, I tried to explain that we are different people and deal with things differently. He is adamant that he should be there to protect her, how do i tell the poor kid that she does not really need protecting. He said nobody was their for him and he wants to be there for her. We had about 2hrs of this and eventually when he calmed down he said he knows he wont be able to cope at school all day so he would trust us that she will be ok.... He has an app at CAMHS tomorrow so i need to explain to them about all of this.......
  22. justamom


    The things that they come out with are just adorable..... My god hair up to her bum and hardly any left or dear, at least it will grow back!!!!
  23. Glad he was not around to find it, but what a shock just today on the forum we have had poo found (vipers house) and now a dead rabbit - OMG what's next....!!!
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