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Everything posted by Richt

  1. No way anyone outside can judge, our little family often worries about implications and "what ifs" but I don't think we'd change anything for the world. But that's us. Our youngest misses out quite a lot, we do our best, but he doesn't live the same life as kids in his class. All the same, he's resiliant and tough, knows his own mind and stands up for himself - he's a survivor and will do OK. I'm the ASD one, the eldest attends a special school (learning difficulties & physical disability) We do fine most of the time
  2. North Wales snow has been mad - sure we get it on the mountains all the time, and maybe once a year get it by the sea. Snow closed the schools yesterday, they all went in today and were sent home lunchtime, by 1700 it was bright sunshine and no snow. The Police are still saying "No unessential travel" Maybe it is global warming, if so, I'm celebrating - in 30 yrs my house will be on the beach - by then I'll have achieved my dream and not care any more! I was also surprised there were so many Welsh here. Cheers R
  3. Five OK sorry, that was the post before, but nothing else springs to mind, ignore this and carry on with famous (and now I can't stop thinking about Julian, Dick and Anne, George and Timmy the dog! )
  4. Richt

    Oh yuck...

    Agree with Jen A few years ago we had a couple of weeks with an awful smell I couldn't quite place - but had smelt before (country boy, me), when a nasty stain appeared on the ceiling it suddenly twigged - dead rat in the attic, all eliminated very quickly (& new cavity wall insulation helps! - Believe it or not they can climb up the cavity from a cracked drain, and can get through holes you wouldn't believe.) R
  5. Debs Where have you got stuck? Ancestry.com is a US site (if I remember right) so they don't have all the UK answers, there's actually a lot on Genes Reunited, Utah saints (sorry Mormons - no I don't mean that, Latter Day Saints - phew got the politically correct name in eventually) Joking aside the IGI is a very useful site. I started with my Grandad, who knew his Mum, Dad and Dad's Brother and where they lived - everything else was sketchy, working back from the record office (Grandad's dad was a twin, which helped) managed to go back to 1680 (eventually) it helped that at the time I was living near where they lived then, so the local record office had everything on microfiche, but a few trips to London & St Catherine's House started to put facts together. The census online is brilliant - I'm stuck until the next one is released in some areas. Most satisfying moment, Grandad always said we were related to a rich branch of the family (it's not a common surname) He was born in the Valleys as a Coal miner's son. I managed to prove we were before he died. Low point, I found his cousin who went missing in the 1940's and didn't get to reunite them. Most interesting point, I visited a distantly related family and was looking at their family photos, I / they could have sworn that the picture they had of their son was one of me. (Aint genes wonderful?) Can't really go back any more, so I'm working forwards, as the last in my line it'd be really nice to pull as many live family members together as possible for my 60th - in 2026! Sorry folks - this was well off topic R
  6. Richt

    freezing children.

    Make the children hate you by depriving them of any warmth, a really good move, proves you have no empathy with children, don't understand how they think (a fart's a fart) Seems to me the teacher is really insecure, bless him - he needs some help
  7. fiction (Double feature) - so really it should be Rocky Horror (OK that's 2 words)
  8. Seriously, I was walking by a lake this week and her 18 month old was feeding the ducks, I was on hyper alert incase any sneezed (Like the baby Mallard on the Hovis ad) It's funny, but not
  9. Sorry folks, been off bb and mobile for a bit in the country - does the world of good. Gary Moore, what did he do red? Just proved he was an arrogant sob. Them was the days you could go to a gig (Ok they were plastic bottles of pop) but when he started posing he got nailed by the pack. "If you don't stop throwing those bottles I'll walk off the stage" Threatened to take his guitar home. Most folks were waiting for Jethro Tull to properly open for Marillion. It was a really hot day, guess poor old Gary got a duff time! Ian Anderson came on stage and focussed the crowd, engaged them, far better professional (but not a guitarist) - maybe a mandolin counts????
  10. Richt

    Never ill

    Despite the childhood normal infections, I've managed to get to nearly 40 with hardly a day off work. some days i've felt like saying "sod it" and roll over, but really ill? Never (aside from injuries) Perhaps it's attitude? Perhaps it's because I used to eat potatoes straight out of the ground as a child?
  11. The law is suposed to stop discrimination, and give an opportunity to claim redress if you feel discriminated against. This can only exist in a society where free speech is allowed, and we are also able to debate what other people believe and question whether that is the right view. Society hasn't got that right yet, god knows, it is so liberal, and yet so restrictive. This is creating a feeling of fear in everyone - tomorrow we could be blown up by a radical (who's entitled to his opinion) raped by a paedophile, beaten by a racist... Society can't hope to create understanding, while the press are pushing fear onto the masses. This isn't a police state or a people's State, it's a Media State. All muslims fly planes into buildings All lone men are paedophiles All whites hate blacks The Government is trying and failing to address the simple problem - most people just want a quiet life, if they're entitled to help they should get it. Most people are happy to accept a person for their qualities. Maybe there just isn't a sense of community anymore (outside the net) and that's what's missing Sorry if people are offended - I just say what I think. Who else thinks that the media are responsible for a lot of the opinion that is destructive to society? Flames expected!
  12. Richt

    Is this OTT ?

    The only problem I have, is it's not pancake day for a few weeks yet. Being 22 (if you're dependant on your parents) means a bit of subversion, but being subversive about pancakes is a bit sad. She's an adult! She can go where she likes, see who she likes and eat what she likes - lucky her to have an aunty nearby who makes them. Probably better than a load of lager and a Kebab
  13. In fairness to Steve Vai (who was taught by Joe Satriani - for me a definite guitar god) He did a pretty good job of the guitar duel between the devil and Ralph (wotsisname - The Karate Kid) in Crossroads - young guy goes in search of the lost blues song. Don't think the "Karate Kid" played acoustic - that was Ry Cooder (Not mentioned yet but he did win in the film!) As for Garry Moore, unless he's cleaned up his attitude since '86 (Milton Keynes supporting Marillion) I would never listen to him -except some of the old stuff with Phil. The best guitarists I ever heard were a double acoustic, in a cafe in Montmatre. Right time, right place, right company.
  14. Microsoft, You're right it didn't make sense. Having the last word is normal, just means you really believe. (Whether or not you change your opinion tomorrow) Maybe the diagnostic tool is - "do you have the same belief tomorrow?"
  15. It has to be tea, about 20 mugs a day. I think it's genetic (lol)
  16. Being an adult, potentially on the spectrum and undiagnosed, can I make the following comments? Knowing (or thinking you do) where the "problem" lies is a great relief and that opens a lot of doors, yes you do lose the boundaries you spent ages building and think "sod it, I've got an excuse" (None of this is cognitive, it just happens) You then crash down to reality as people you once trusted start to look at you differently and you suddenly realise that "knowing" isn't a panacea. Life re-adjusts, so you are where you are, then you have to go on. Bridges are burnt, some are built, you question your sanity and eventually ( I hope ) you climb out better and stronger, I'm in between questioning and climbing. Standing back I know that I need "knowledge" I need to understand why, but you could never give me a "magic pill" that will make it all better From my point of view, I'm bright enough, experienced enough and old enough to handle this on my own, all I need is support (I'm not asking for that here - I get that somewhere else) Tell your children the truth, let them work through the stages while you can still support them, they'll thank you eventually.
  17. Our daughter has Soto's syndrome (nothing to do with this site) and we receive DLA etc. She is more expensive to keep (being brutal) because SSD arrange for her to have trips out with a befriender each week (probably ?5 a throw for a "treat") Summer holiday clubs, extra washing, time off work etc, etc. We don't regret a penny of it, she gets so much more than we can give her through our own efforts. The most important thing she gets is to socialise with her peers and have friends. She's nearly 18 and we know we'll be looking after her for ever. To ask Foster Carers to take this on without any extra support is unreal. They are being asked to put their lives and careers on hold to care for these children (no more overtime for example). DLA just about covers our extra costs, we don't depend on it and can manage our lives pretty well because we earn enough. Foster carers who don't have the same commitment to their charges can't possibly be expected to take on the level of care as a parent without some kind of "reward"
  18. Where I live, "Billy no Mates" is a derogatory phrase for someone who isn't socially acceptable - not because they are too wierd, just because they are different and "don't fit in". Often it is used jokingly by people who recognise some strengths in the person, but don't understand how s/he fits in with the social spectrum that brings them into contact. In some ways it's a positive, they don't hate "billy" they tolerate him, he's "sad", not "one of us" a bit of a joke maybe, but no threat (Maybe the OED will pick up on this definition 100 years in the future lol By the way, our influences are NW England and N Wales from a cultural point of view. I suspect I first heard it from a Mancunian
  19. You could always go to WH Smiths (are we allowed to product place on the forum? Oops) and buy a blank will form. (Not a lot of dosh) - or download? You then write down your wishes and that becomes a legal document so long as you have it witnessed by someone who isn't a beneficiary - follow the instructions (but is an adult) Then you need to keep it safe, so it can be found when you're dead and people know. I suspect (but can't confirm) that if you left a letter of intent that was clearly marked, even without the witness it would have to be taken into account in any legal wranglings. The ?70 - ?100 is just a cost for someone to store something and do a bit of typing. If you're married and die without a will, all you own goes directly to the partner, if you both die together it goes to the kids equally (so long as s/he hasn't got a will) Not sure whether the new legislation has changed this for partners, nor whether stepchilden qualify I think it is wise to give a copy to the witness (sealed) for safe keeping and also to remember that as circumstances change, you might change your will and you always want the most recent to be found. I guess if you have things that you really care about passing on, ?70 - ?100 is peanuts. (Solicitors etc reading this please confirm or deny) R
  20. I'm with Rainbow Queen and Lauren on this. It might be genetic but the fact that you are doing OK (like many of us) does not mean that you should be "blamed" for wanting your children to be happy. The advantage adults have over children is experience. A proper reaction is to help your child avoid all the mistakes we made and do all you can to "educate" them. I may have experienced lots of things in my life (sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll) but my duty is to care for my children and guide them so they don't make the same mistakes I did. When I become aware of a "threat" to my child's wellbeing, especially if experience has taught me about the "threat" I expect to be listened to without being brought into disrepute because of my past. We are not talking about me, we're talking about my child. Some professionals think that the child is created by the parent, every quirk, idiosyncrasy, bit of personality, uniqueness. Therefore fix the parent and you fix the child. In my experience that is rubbish and laziness on their behalf. Be strong, tell them it's not about you, convince them all you're doing is for the best interests of the child and keep notes. Be prepared for them to find you threatening, but you would be failing as a mum if you didn't have the best interests of your kids in mind. Sorry. Went on a bit Rich
  21. Richt

    kRISM Island discs.

    There are some really cool tracks out there people (Despite following Rush for a while, I could never dance to them ?2112? ?Hold your fire? good gig in Wembley, but they didn't move on) No-one has mentioned the Floyd yet, or Leonard Cohen as icons - Maybe they aren't (PREPARE FOR FLAMES INCOMING!!!) Worse moment - knowing someone who had tickets for the Wall Concert (Original Pink Floyd lineup, last gig in London) 1983? he couldn't go and I didn't ho hum
  22. I got quite obsessive about mine, back to 1600s, couldn't find out enough, so more interested in going forward, where are they? how did they turn out? Not quite so obsessive now, just an hour or so every now and then, I 've got loads of time, last in my line. r
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