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Everything posted by Gilbo

  1. Elvis Costello - Get Happy!! So as I continue to go through his back catalouge in order every album seems to be better then the one before it, that tradition carrys on here, but if it survives Trust and Imperial Bedroom Punch The Clock will probably kill it off.
  2. Gilbo

    For Gilbo

    Well I thought that my method was fairly standard but ok: Step 1: Save a picture you want to your computer. Step 2: Type imageshack.us into your browser. Step 3: Click the browse option on the Imageshack site. Step 4: Click host it. Step 5: Copy and paste the link given in hotlink for forums. Step 6: Should go to signature.
  3. If you dont want to be a female then there are ways to cure it.
  4. It is possible to set parental controls on most computers.
  5. Gilbo

    3 words

    Superior To Homosapiens
  6. Yes, The Bends is a lot better then Hail To The Thief. I have heard Funeral before it was okay, I suppose. Oh real thread contributions. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III Prince - Sign O The Times
  7. Lets not forget that most experimental music sucks, and that most of the best music ever relies on a formula of some kind. Valuing innovation over songcraft is quite stupid really.
  8. My cat Spike (16 years old which is older then me) went missing a while ago, for 2 weeks. It scared me witless, so do you know what I did? I prayed to God, and he answered my prayers Spike was there the next day. It made a Christian out of me. You should try it.
  9. Haha, Auriel suffers from teenage angst. I bought Bob Dylan's "John Wesley Harding", Black Sabbath's "Black Sabbath, Vol 4" and The Who's "Quadrophenia", all are uniformly excellent. I also listened to Led Zeppelin's "Presence", what the hell happened? Even "In Through The Out Door" is a very good album this just plain sucks. Apart from "Achilles Last Stand" thats the best song ever.
  10. Creep is from there debut album Pablo Honey, the album shows promise but fails to deliver it. Fadeout is actually called Street Spirit (Fade Out) its the album closer on The Bends cracking song. You should listen to The Bends it is amazing and griips you immediatley. Ok Computer is not quite as good but it is still very good and takes time to get into.
  11. I mean The Bends is such a great album, why did they go electronic?????
  12. I listened to Paranoid and Radiohead's Kid A: Paranoid is awesome as ever Kid A still leaves me cold and confused.
  13. Gilbo

    name change

    Someone please change my name to "Your Paragon Of Excellence"
  14. I clicked on this thread hoping the starter had multiple personality disorder. Happy birthday anyway.
  15. Good man. Today I have listened to: Frank Zappa - Hot Rats, Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti and all The Smiths albums, which I would rank: 4. The Smiths 3. Strangeways, Here We Come 2. Meat Is Murder 1. The Queen Is Dead
  16. Gilbo

    Name that tune.

    Led Zeppelin - Black Dog "Times are tough for English babies Send the army and the navy Beat up strangers who talk funny Take there greasy foreign money"
  17. Gilbo

    Name that tune.

    Ian Dury And The Blockheads - Blockheads Now That Your Pictures In The Paper Being Rhythmically Admired You Can Have Anyone You Have Ever Desired
  18. What were you getting plenty of?
  19. Gilbo


    At your age you should know better. Gimme 23 months.
  20. Gilbo


    What would Hard Gay do?
  21. Gilbo


    Your avatar offends me.
  22. Why thank you good folk.
  23. Gilbo

    Auriel in plaster...

    Get better soon. Me and Wilbo went to Alton Towers for my fast approaching birthday, you were missed. Of course if he was Northern like me there would be no need for a plaster cast.
  24. Sweet: I just spent the day on the computer. It twas good. Very good. So good that im going to do it again tomorow.
  25. Gilbo

    Unsociable me

    It sounds like you have the same problem as my mum. I have no idea how to entertain myself so I am always asking for her to take me out. I wish I knew the solution but honestley I do not. I am trying to become a boarder at my school as I understand there is more for them to do. But I have gone on a irrelevant disconnected rant so I will stop there.
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