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Everything posted by Tilly

  1. Such sad news. My thoughts and prayers go to Mrs P. and her family. Tilly
  2. Tilly


    Heartfelt sympathy go to you and your family at this very sad time Amanda. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Tilly
  3. Outrageous!! I'm not too sure but I was always led to believe that there was an upper limit on the amount of time a child was expected to travel. Fight your corner Oxgirl, the other two parents fought theres and they came up with a solution best for them so you fight yours until they come up with the right solution for your lad. If they can do it for one child they can do it for yours. Try to get ds school involved too a wordf from the HT might help. good luck Tilly
  4. Tilly

    Areas You live

    From Sunderland, although its been missing the SUN for quite a few days now. tilly
  5. Could you ask the teacher for a home /school diary. I found this a godsend when DD was in early years as she wasn't very verbal, so if a quick line saying what she had done during the day, what she achieved, any upsets etc. were noted. I also would write down if she had little sleep, not much breakfast etc and what she enjoyed doing etc. At the time dd was at a mainstream school so I could see the teacher if I had any major concerns and vice versa. tilly
  6. Dd also done the two feet on one stair up until last year when she was 10 - incidentally if there was anything on the stairs she would opt to come down on her bottom. Don't know if this will go down very well but I did comment to her about the way she came down the stairs and told her to do the one foot one stair whilst holding the hand rail or I think she would have gone up and down the stairs like a toddler. She also walks slightly on her toes or tends to skip on one foot. tilly
  7. Ice pops and lots of sleep. tilly
  8. My sentiments exactly. I have opted out for the talk for my dd. The girls in Dds SEN school were offered a talk with a specialist nurse but in dd case she has coped very well with the changes and I was worried that a conversation totally geared for the subject would freak her out. Too much information in one go so to speak. Little and often worked well in our house - so far I always made it a positive thing too good luck tilly
  9. My Dd was like this when she was about 4 and I had to sing (which if you heard me, isn't the sweetest sound) instructions, requests, etc to her for her to understand. I often felt that I was living in a surreal Andrew Lloyd Webber musical the majority of the time. Anyway as Dds understanding developed the singing for conversation stopped. Ironically she doesn't like anyone to hear her singing now and will only do it when she thinks no one is listening. tilly
  10. On now 'documentary following an autistic 5 year old as he undergoes the Option process in the USA - an intense course of family treatment which has astounding results'
  11. Thanks Js Mum what a lovely thought. Must admit I'm feeling a bit frazzled, guilty, sad (I suspect you, recognise all the familiar emotions) these six weeks holidays and a hug is just what I could do with at the mo. Tilly
  12. Thank you so much for your positive replies, to tell you the truth this afternoon I was all for throwing in the towel but after reading your responses I think I'll keep up the battle. Tilly
  13. Hi, Having applied for one of these to convert our loft for dd to have her own bedroom/ time out space we were turned down last August because the underlying problem according to DFG was we were overcrowded - yes hello that is why dd hasn't got her own room. We went to appeal which was finally heard in May and now we are told that DFG are more commonly used for a physical disability and that we should now start the ball rolling with Childrens Services. Surely if that was the case why was an OT and surveyor sent out last June knowing fine well dd has ASD and not a physical disability. I was wondering if anyone has had a DFG or was turned down like me - I ask because I know my friend was funded for her daughter who too has an ASD- and lives in the same Local Authority as myself. When I informed DFG of this case (with my friends permission) I was told that they cannot speak about other cases - and in all the years that they have worked in the department she has never known of such a thing and could she have the name of the child - I'm sure she thought I was bullsh**ting - so I promptly told her - and now I'm waiting for her telephoning me on Wednesday. This has now been going on for 18 months. Surely they can't discriminate against the disability and surely the individual needs are to be met. Tilly
  14. I've just shown the video to dd and asked her if she would like to go. I was told in no uncertain terms that we are not allowed to go because it is FORBIDDEN - it says so in the title. Hope those who go have a wonderful time. Tilly
  15. I've just been in contact with The Carers Centre who have a young carers group. I believe its a youth group type of setup andI know that they take the kids on trips and even mini breaks. Unfortunately they won't be able to get in touch with me until after September as the youth leaders are very busy at this time of year - but I have heard very positve comments from othe parents about what a godsend it has been especially this time of the year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that dd1 will be accepted and that she will attend and enjoy the experiences. Good luck Tilly
  16. Hi Lizzie, My 10 year old daughter attends a SEN where the vast majority of children have ASD approx. 90%. She previously attended mainstream for 3 years but as she got older the difficulties were becoming greater and the curriculum harder for her to access. We too were wary that she may not have a good role model as she has a good sense of what is right and wrong behaviour, but it hasn't been a problem with our dd - her school also does an integration (for the children who it is appropriate for) with local mainstream schools where they attend a lesson which they enjoy whether it P.E., History or art etc. In our case dd was to vunerable to stay in mainstream and I'm sure she would have seen quite unacceptable behaviour there too. Best Wishes Tilly
  17. Could others please let me know that if a mod deems a thread to be removed is it discussed/decided by others. I ask because the explanation given for the removal of a thread I started was 'we have a policy of not naming individuals'. I understand the policy although I do think it has been broken a few times and many individuals have been named on this forum i.e Jackie Jackson, Ros Blackburn and many on BB. The thread i tried to start was about a high profile celebrity who denies rumours that his teenage son has ASD. Tilly
  18. Tilly

    Gelli baff

    Dd has pestered us for a very long time to get the horrible stuff, so yesterday we decided to treat her to 1 bottle of the stuff. She was all excited and she wanted an early bath - all I can say is it looked like wallpaper paste. She stayed in 5 mins then asked for the 'Gloop dissolver' which didn't work - and then needed another bath to wash the dratted thing off. I've spent the best part of this morning washing tiles, taps, sponges and bath toys. Save your five pounds and put it to a better cause e.g a bottle of wine Tilly
  19. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. thought I'd join in too. I always feel like this at this time of year when other families and children are out playing and having get togethers in the garden etc. I know exactly how you feel BLizzie I often feel very sorry for my other daughter who can't access activities like her peers because of dds anxieties etc. Hoping this feeling passes soon for us all. Tilly
  20. Tilly


    I thought they were called Hobos but that theory was shouted down on Sunday by my Big Bro and Big Sis, and they seem to think the brown and pink chews, you could also get brown and yellow were called Toffee Splits. Tilly
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