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Everything posted by keepingmesane

  1. sorry just wondering how many people on here have more than one child who is AS/ASD. i now have two dx asd and i have concerns about isaac though he is still young. im pretty much positive i am asd (my mum and dh agree) and im sure dh is AS
  2. i have two children who are autistic. saw jasmines consultant this week and he had got a team to rewatch her ados assessment, she scored 8 which was borderline asd... but upon watching it, it was glaringly obvious to them that she definately had a lot of markers. he even admitted that the ados is really only suited to boys who are more 'classic' the only thing he cant decide on is whether she is autistic or autistic spectrum disorder? is there a difference? when my son had his ados he scored autistic rather than asd. im glad that things are on the move now as i was frequently told not to worry about her and that she was a normal little girl (the nursery were the only ones who agreed with me and they fought so hard to get the professionals to listen to us... so big to the nursery for standing by us) it also looks as though her statement is going through with no problems as well now just waiting to hear if she got her place in a specialist unit for school starting later this year. my son is going to go mainstream school with support so it means im having to split my twins up to different schools thanks everyone for your help and information throughout the time that we were with the professionals
  3. wow, great thread and brings back soooo many memories. funny really cause i have bought several of the dvds in the past as they have been released, gret to hear cities of gold is out! used to love rentaghost and adventure game as well as the ones already mentioned
  4. hi all, sorry for the question but ive been feeling quite troubled of late over my younger son. just to give an idea of our history, please bear with me... kieran was always a different baby, never put things in his mouth and could never giggle or laugh much. he was dx high funtioning asd at about 2 � and had pretty much classic autistic traits... very introverted etc... though he has now gone pretty much the other way. jasmine had a bleed in her brain at a week old and was dx mild right hemiplegia at about 1 �. she is a VERY social little girl who i felt had some odd behaviours. all the professionals felt she was fine and it wasnt until she went to an opportunity group at an inclusive nursery, that someone agreed with me. both kieran and jasmine went to the inclusinve nursery from the age of 3 and they were put on seperate floors as there was a suspician that jasmine was being affected by kierans behaviour. it turned out that jasmine was far more complex than kieran and it has taken a lot of fight and support from the nursery to finally get the professionals to see that jasmine is extremely complex and no one really knows what is the matter with her... although they are saying that she is semantic pragmatic disorder, sensory issues and possibly asd but they wont dx as she had an ados where she scored borderline (after the ados we were contacted by the consultant who had put more of a specialist team together to review the ados video and they felt it didnt give a true account of jasmine and that she was most likely asd) jas seemed quite normal most of the time, although a little scatty and it wasnt until structure was really introduce with nursery that problems began to show... we have always been relaxed at home and she was used to doing what she wanted when she was ready. she is having to go into a specialist unit this year when starting school unlike her twin who will be going into mainstream with support now my question really is about my younger son isaac. he was a model baby for nine months, very happy. as he has grown up ive noticed that he does like to put a lot of things in his mouth... including eating the sandpit! most children take a mouthful and no more... isaac keeps on going! he is very headstrong, and very phsyical. i have had the odd concern about him but of late he has been having horrific tantrums that are so similar to the ones kieran had at this age. they are more than a standard tantrum he has also started lining things up more of late and gets a little funny if someone else moves them. there isnt enough going on at the moment for the professionals to really see, they have said they will see him if i want them to as they respect my worries. did your child seem ok and then start to regress, or have they always been the way they were from birth? apologies for the very garbled post, my head is a little all over the place with the prospect of no.3 following my bigger two
  5. hiya, yep my daughter does it a lot and my son occasionally does it, it drives me batty with jasmine as i never know what she is on about and it can be a frustrating time for both of us until i twig what she is thinking of, which can take several hours sometimes as she starts talking about things that happened months ago
  6. i have been looking at various books to get information for myself, ds1 and dd1. but im confused as to why all the books are asperger and not any for autistic spectrum? ds1 has a dx of asd and dd1 is looking very likely to be dx soon. are aspergers and asds considered the same for books? its just that i have read a couple of books and its not like my twins at all. sorry for the daft question but thought id ask and enlighten myself
  7. hi all my asd son is really into rough playing and loves running and crashing into people and also doing flying kicks and punches (oh and sword fights with anything he can swing about). i presume he is learning it from other children at nursery or softplay as we dont have tv here except for specific dvds which i know dont have that kind of play fighting happening in them, though im sure there must be some that i just dont notice. we do try to calm him down when he is in one of these hyper moods as he doesnt understand that it hurts people, especially his 3 siblings as they are all smaller than him in general im understanding of it as i know he is just excited and full of energy but its got me wondering if maybe i should have something or somewhere that he can do he 'fighting' like a punch dummy or soft area, but im not sure if thats encouraging him to do more... if you see what i mean. i was thinking it could be therapuetic for him but dont want to make trouble for myself later so thought id ask for thoughts and ideas from others who may have been or are going through it at the moment thanks in advance
  8. hi and welcome i feel very much like you do ever since finding out about Autistic Spectrum Disorders when one of my twins was diagnosed, now his twin sister is also strongly suspected asd and i have not so good feelings about my second son. i have started the ball rolling by seeing my docs but the local mental health team have pretty much dismissed me from and unexpected 10 min phonecall they made to my house (if only they had seen the gibbering wreck that i was after the call then maybe they would have understood me more), im now on the waiting list to see a psychologist as really i just want to know one way or the other as i have always wondered why i am so different to others and why i find things so difficult. i have lived a life of pretence which is now affecting my marriage. i am sure that my dh is AS as he has so many traits which he agrees to some of it but is happy to tootle along in his own way. good luck in what you decide to do, just wanted you to know you are not alone but its a hard process for an adult as im finding out
  9. hi, im not sure i can help much as i am very much like your daughter, all my life i have been a VERY fussy eater and survived on little, i just wasnt bothered by food and to this day it hasnt really changed. my mum did the best she could and just fed me whatever i was into at the time. as an adult ive been able to control more what i have each day and i have to say that the thought of food really puts me off eating, sometimes the only time i will eat is if it is just put down in front of me. i go through food fads quite often where thats all i will eat, last food fad has been plain toasted pitta breads (since my youngest daughter was born thats pretty much what ive lived on just cant face much else) its kind of like a pregnancy craving that wont go away and the thought of any other food in its place just makes me feel nauseous. my asd son (4) has real difficulties eating and has very little appetite except for the rare few items he likes from time to time, his twin sister (also suspected asd) is very particular about flavours, has a very bland palate and also eats very little at times. all my hv and i can come up with is to feed them what they want and supplement with vitamins
  10. thanks everyone i asked mainly for myself but also thinking of my son. i have always been a really bad traveller,as ive gotten older i got really into gaming but cant play most games for longer than about 30 mins, and only about 5 mins with first person type games. i was really bad witht he xbox. ive had a long break from playing games and dont watch tv much anymore but dh got an xbox 360 the other day and it within minutes i was back to feeling really ill. our ds1 really loves games and has picked them up very quickly, but sometimes wants them off again quite quickly, and i began to wonder if he got the same as me so i decided to see if anyone here (or their child) suffered similar, thinking it was maybe another sensory issue or might be connected to asd anyways thanks for the replies
  11. hi everyone, can i just ask if anyones child suffers from motion sickness a lot, including when watching some films and computer games?
  12. we applied for the ff as our support workers kept telling us to do so. i didnt think we would get anything but we got a phonecall and visit this morning, from the sounds of things we are entitled so i would say Di, put in for it... its doesnt hurt to ask
  13. and tbh im not sure if im happy or sad about it. The speech and language guy (james) was great, really friendly and remembered us from last year when i had a very young lauren with me at kierans assessment. he spent quite a bit of time chatting with me and watching jas, then played with her. jas went really shy when we went in, she went over to james and gave him a big cuddle and then sat putting teddy in and out of bed repeatedly until we finished talking. annoyingly she was on her best behaviour and didnt do most of the things she normally does. The idea for today was to make a decision as to whether jas was to have an assessment for autism, but it turns out that james will need to spend more time with her as she is just too complicated. he did see a few things but generally she was within 'normal', but he acknowledged that this is a known prob with jas and accepts what ive said and what the nursery have said about jas. basically jasmine is 'normal' but only for a short time before she starts again, like a record! her mind is also very much like a fragmented hardrive so jumps constantly to things we just cant follow he is going to go into nursery the first week she is back and spend time with her, he will also speak to all those who spend the most time with jas and will also look at all the 'evidence' (films of jas, reports, observations etc) that have been put together by the nursery. so it is good news that he has listened and that he will look into it more, i feel incredibly sad though as i am aware again of how much of a fight we will have to get her help. James agrees that jas has very extreme behaviour etc which would place her on the autistic spectrum... but its such extreme 'positive' behaviour that its most likely it will get ignored. the diagnostic criteria is usually set on being anti social etc James even acknowledged that jas will probably have quite a hard time of things due to being so all over the place. of all of our lot jas can be the most hard work, mentally she is so much closer to isaac. she is a lovely little girl who i, and everyone who meets her, adore very much. i just feel so sad and hurt when her eyes that once sparkled with life, now look blank or distant. a lot of people have quietly hinted that she is on the spectrum and that she is a lot of work... but its not obvious enough to those who see her briefly
  14. hi i also have M.E so can sympathise with how difficult life can be, i am married but pretty much live as a single parent as dh does absolute diddly squat and hides out of the way most of the time leaving me to do everything with the children. all my children are still little so havent had the joy of schools yet, my son is diagnosed asd and our nursery is convinced that my daughter is also asd but we are being told to 'wait and see' a lot of the time by the professionals. hope you find this site very helpful, i have found the support of the members a big help. feel free to message me if you want to chat
  15. ((((lizzie))) it is great news the school is on the ball and hopefully it will mean your ds will get the right support when he starts school. i know how difficult it can be to hear that another of your children has special needs, i have had my dd1 dx with mild right hemiplegia and then spent the next year finding out ds1 was on the spectrum.. got over that hurdle and started to settle when the twins started nursery, only to have them tell me that my dd1 has a lot more complex needs that the nursery and doctors have not seen before... im worried that i still have two younger children that i have no idea about. i hope that the school continue to be helpful and people start listening xx
  16. hi all, my twins are 4 in oct and we are having difficulty getting them to walk much. kieran will walk short ways around somewhere he wants to be (like the park) but often wants to be in the buggy or stands with arms up to be carried, if we try to get him to walk then we just get him throwing a paddy on the floor or he will just not move (he is too big to carry about and its equally just not possible when i have 4 small children) kieran just seems to sit placidly and take everything in, he always has been like that. jas used to walk at least a fair amount before getting tired (she has mild right hemiplegia so i understand the tiredness)jas wants to be into everything and enjoys going out but for the last few months she wont walk much at all. in fact my two year old walks more than them without once asking for pick up or buggy. i dont know what to do next tbh! they are quite tall children so are getting too big and heavy for a buggy, but i cant just stay at home until they decide they can walk. am i supposed to be tougher on them? i just cant see a way to force them to move as it just doesnt work. my parents and sister also have great difficulty getting them to walk more, when they are having one to one they will walk a little farther than normal but its still not much compared to peers. and its a major problem if you try walking them somewhere and then they have a major meltdown. anyone else had this problem? im worried that if i bring it up to their 'professionals' that i will be laughed out the door and just told to 'make' them walk i know they are still kind of young so im trying not to expect too much but i simply cant keep pushing the four of them around in buggies.. i can see my younger two ditching the buggy before them
  17. hiya hev my dh did loads of researching into aspartame and its such a nasty substance, i'll copy in a response he did to a friend of mine a short while ago, might be worth a read Hi, many thanks for the fwd of the 2002 review, very interesting. I agree that this should be an open discussion, as this topic is by no means cut and dried from either side of the argument that surrounds it. I have only just started looking at this, as it was raised very briefly during a meeting at my dental course. People seemed to have heard things about aspartame but no-one could remember why it was supposedly not a good thing, so i thought id take a look. I must admit that my science is not that great, but I think in this instance that some of the scare stories should be looked into more deeply and not simply dissmissed out of hand because of a handful of "independant" studies and the companies own PR scheme tells us to. As you said, these companies are not always altruistic and in fact in general the food industry and its in pocket industry investigations, are anything but. Vested interests and a big interest in the bottom line generally win over any ethical concerns. Just look at the tobaco industrys early claims for example, and there still telling the chinese its good for them, with massive lung cancer rates. MONSANTO and S D SEARLE are not nice corporations either. I agree that credible sources are indeed the BMJ, and EPA or as was the case for aspartame originally, it all pivoted on the FDA's decision, and for me thats where the story gets good. You mentioned that aspartame essentially contains two amino acids naturally found and dealt with in our diets, phenylanaline and aspartic acid, along with a little methanol to bind them, which is very much the companies stance that "well there found in nature right (fruits and meats, and alcohol), so cant be bad!", and it appears that the scare mongers believe this is where the lies begin. They concentrate on the fact that in our diets we dont recieve these as individual aminos but as parts of larger proteins, which are metabolised slower and are accompanied by neutralising buffers (pectin and ethanol) that protect our system against spiking blood levels of these three separately considered Neurotoxins/excitotoxins. The Methyl alcohol produced accumulates and may give rise to acute or chronic low level methanol toxicity that can blind, neurodengenerate and kill, formaldehyde preserves proteins and damages DNA in carino/terato/mutagenic ways, the formic acid is akin to epoxy resin strippers, whilst the aspartic acid excitotoxin disrupts/kills neural transmission and the phenylanaline is known to localise/accumulate and cause seizures, whilst a by product is DKP that is a known brain tumour induction agent. Altogether, a stunning combination for a diet product (dont you think), that will be worsened by a lack of food presence when consumed. The risk to PKU sufferers or unwitting carriers, is also enhanced with the spiked blood phenylanyline levels, as is the potential tripled effect across the placenta to unborn babies, for mums to be. Or so the scare sites say... However what is of interest is the way they systematically debunk the offical statements and PR babble, expose the inadequacies of the various studies (either in thier design flaws, vested interest based science, data manipulation, outright corruption of players involved, too short duration, low dose or single bolus dose based studies, the use of rats and mice that are 2-7 times less sensitive and which convert it differently to tyrosine with enzymes we lack) or the simple fact of citing many more unoffically relied upon experiments by uninvolved parties that show this stuff is not pleasant, is not a food additive and should be banned outright. Many case studies, as you mentioned do show people remarkably being cured of horrendous cases of ME, MS, ARTRITIS< LUPUS, ADHD etc etc that this stuffs alleged 92 symptoms can mimic, by simply cutting aspartame products from thier diets, symptoms returning if they do resume consumption. I admit this could be coincidental, but many of these people have lost huge chunks of thier lives and savings, baffling experts in various fields only to stop the diet coke and suddenly jump off thier crutches. Its kinda odd, it also appears to have mirrored increases in various illnesses in its increased consumption, but of course many other lifestyle factors are prevalent too. The other thing about these sites and the various Dr's, who are in support of trying to prove aspartame is dangerous, is that most appear to be doing this for the right reasons and are not, protecting anyone (rather damaging thier own credibilty) or trying to flog something off the back of it (at least not aggressively). It appears more of a desparate plea to WAKE UP a population they feel are being deliberatley poisoned. Anyways I mentioned how the story gets interesting with the FDAs role in the mid 1970's so heres a bunch of links to aspartames sordid little history including MR DONALD RUMSFELDS involvement in "ENSURING IT MAKES IT TO MARKET" (thats me sold then!), support sites , videos, audio transcripts of talks, more recent studies from 2005 showing dangerous links, miracle cure cases from the UK and more. NOTE the videos will definately put you off this stuff, (if you find them credible) as the potential damage to children and babies just isnt worth the risk IMHO, if you are one of the unlucky ones to manifest noticeable symptoms. 2 history and fraud related sites http://www.dorway.com/enclosur.html http://www.mercola.com/article/aspartame/fraud.htm DONALD RUMSFELDS INVOLVEMENT VIDEO http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld.html OFFICIAL ASPARTAME INFO PAGE http://www.aspartame.info/index.html DEBUNKING OF THE PR CAMPAIGN AND STUDIES http://www.dorway.com/offasprt.html TYPICAL SCARE SITE WITH SYMPTOM LIST http://www.dorway.com/badnews.html MORE REASONED REFERENCED ARTICLE http://presidiotex.com/aspartame/Facts/Arizona/arizona.html RECENT SUFFERER CURED http://www.shropshirestar.com/show_article.php?aID=40475 2005 italian study Shows DOSE RELATED CANCER RISK + BBC DOWNPLAY OF THIS STORY http://www.ramazzini.it/eng/fondazione/eve...agli.asp?id=210 http://www.ramazzini.it/fondazione/docs/AspartameGEO2005.pdf FULL REPORT http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4683371.stm "The first results of the experiment show: 1) a dose-related statistically significant increase of lymphomas and leukemias in female rats. This statistically significant increase was also observed at a dose level of 20 mg/Kg of body weight, a dose inferior to the accepted daily intake permitted by current regulations (50-40 mg/Kg of body weight);" BEAR IN MIND WE MAY CONSUME 200mg/Kg bw p/day ARTICLES ON HOW MONSANTO ABUSE THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/abuse/ VIDEO INTERVIEW OF NEUROSURGEONS FINDINGS (MUST SEE IF YOU BUY THIS DEAL) http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/blaylock.html http://www.dorway.com/blayinv.html ANOTHER INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT VARIOUS DOCTORS INTERVIEWS/PAPERS/AUDIO http://www.dorway.com/doctors.html SUFFERER/ACTIVIST/DOCUMENTARY MAKERS SPEECH 06/2/06 http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/newmexico.html PETITION FOR LADY SERVING 50 YEARS FOR METHANOL POISONING HER HUSBAND? ASPARTAME? SHE PASSED A POLYGRAPH TEST BUT HEY, CORPORATE PROFITS WOULD PLUMMET IF THE TRUTH GOT OUT RIGHT? http://www.petitiononline.com/wnhodfp/petition.html finally if your undecided and believe that no-one would really allow this to be happening then this is the film for you "THE CORPORATION" DOCUMENTARY (DEFINTIVE FILM OF OUR AGE) http://www.thecorporation.com/index.php?page_id=2
  18. Thanks Jb i hear a lot about teens and children being the same but never met an adult who is like it. when i mention it i am given the feeling that im supposed to have grown out of it
  19. does anyone else have problems with food? i have always had difficulties eating to the point that my mum was accused of starving me as a baby, i would eat only weetabix for 6 months. my mum has always been pretty good about it and in general gave me foods she knew i would eat. as ive grown up it hasnt gone away. its like having pregnancy craving permanently which can last for a short while or for years. after having my twins all i wanted to eat was scotch pancakes but they had to be particular ones from a particular shop, this went on for 2 years! and when i couldnt get the pancakes i would be in a foul mood. i could eat some other meals but only if i felt i could tolerate it. if i try to eat something i dont want or am not fond of i get really nauseous and can be sick if i dont stop eating when i start feeling bad. i have a really bland palate which makes it difficult to go out to eat anywhere, my husband is embaressed by me at some of the things i eat since having children it has gotten quite bad and i have eaten very little for nearly 10 months now. all i could eat for some time was toasted pitta breads, and maybe jaffa cakes and pistachio nuts. i dont really get hungry and forget to eat or drink. i used to be able to eat a lot of convenience foods so i didnt have to wait too long for the food as the longer it takes the more unlikely i am to eat it, smells and looks during cooking really put me off, but i have gone off all that type of food now. i cant do anything about it, ive never been able to get over it. yes i can force myself to eat but then i am left for ages feeling so sick that it means i can do very little afterwards and i hate feeling like that, i dont see why eating should be such an unpleasant experience. has anyone felt like this? everyone who meets me say i should do this or do that to cure me but they dont understand what its like to be me. when i was at school the docs tried to tell me that i was anorexic and that i was worried about how i looked! i never agreed with that. i just didnt like going in for dinners as i was always made an example of becuase i would never clear the whole dinner and pudding, if sent with packed lunches i just didnt like how packed the halls were so i pretended to go home for lunch and hid outside til everyone came out. im feeling frustrated at the moment as ive run out of 'my' foods, cant get out to get any so cant really eat anything. im annoyed as to why i am like this, makes life so bloomin difficult
  20. hi, my son was dx asd last year and then his twin sister was noticed to be having difficulties at nursery, i have been told by jasmines consultant that she is most likely spd as he doesnt think she is on the spectrum, the nursery and their SALT are arguing that she has severe spd and also asd. so i have been looking into what SPD is and it does describe jas quite well, but i feel she is def on the spectrum so im waiting to see what happens in the next year or so
  21. and ego! he sounds full of himself i noticed that the replies were all praising him and no critical which given the subject is very strange
  22. Hello everyone, i have been on the boards a little while but dont post much, i thought i had best introduce myself and my family im Deb and i think im 28, i say think as my brain and memory has pretty much given up in the last couple of years, well thats sleep depravation for you im married to rufus who is a dental student in his first year at manchester uni, a lovely bloke who is very clever but not so good at day to day living we have 4 lovely children, Kieran and Jasmine who are 3 1/2, Isaac turned 2 this week and Lauren who is almost 10 months old. Kieran was dx High Functioning ASD last year and is a bright little cookie. Jasmine has mild right hemiplegia, SPD and also is thought to be ASD so is being assessed later this year, she is very strong willed and stubborn but such a sweetie. Isaac is NT as far as we can tell so far although does show a few oddities and baby lauren is one happy little lady. i love how indiviual all my children are and wouldnt change them for the world, though the odd night off for a rest would be nice I have had M.E for 7 years or so now, when i am able i like to paint and draw, i paint and personalise childrens nameplates, height charts, clocks etc and it is my intention to set up a home based business making and painting childrens furniture and murals by mail (sections of mdf painted as a mural here and then posted on to the buyer to put on the wall) though free time is a rare thing as hubby does very little with the children and they keep me going morning to night. i used to do face painting at paignton zoo voluntarily and also have done a few murals for some dental surgeries its been a long journey of one thing after another since my twins were born but i am staying positive and am very grateful for what i have. since finding out more about ASD it turns out that i am most likely on the spectrum, my mum had a very hard time from when i was born and i have always been different from everyone else. it has been very strange to find out that im not all on my own in how i feel and how i act, quite a bit of a relief really. This website has been great for getting information and support and i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who answers my posts this is my website which has piccies of my family on it if you want to see them http://keepingmesane.moleville.co.uk/ just follow the photo albums link for pics
  23. well, we saw the consultant yesterday, i couldnt believe how nervous i was feeling about it but i neednt have! he is a lovely guy who does listen. he asked how things were going and did i have any concerns... i gave him several pages worth of concerns from me and all of jasmines workers he read through them all and tried to chat to her to see things for himself. jas was incredibly shy for a while although did perk up a bit after a while. he agreed with me and the nursery on a lot of points and shared my concerns although he isnt convinced she is on the spectrum but may well just be semantic pragmatic disorder ( i looked it up and it does seem to describe jas almost to a tee! but it can also be part of asd so will wait to see what occurs over the next little while), but he will keep an open mind as he agreed that girls are much harder to diagnose. he has referred her to the hospital SALT, who also is a lovely family man so i know he will listen and be helpful. the hospital team will chat about her in their meeting and see about getting her statemented. he would like to give her a little more time to grow and develop before doing the ados later this year, we will be back to see him in oct when jas starts back at nursery again to see how she is going and where to go next so, overall it was good and he shares my concerns which means i shouldnt have too much trouble getting her the help she needs, i am so relieved. the hospital work very closely with kieran and jasmines nursery which is great as it isnt so complicated for me so YAY!
  24. tomorrow morning i have an appt for jasmine to see the consultant again, its actually a 6 month review of her cerebral palsy to just check how she is doing but there is so much more going on now. when i last saw him i raised concerns over jasmines behaviour etc and was told that "she is allowed to be like that as she has an autistic brother". prior to beginning at their integrated nursery in oct, myself and my twins went one afternoon a week to a sort of play group held there. we began going in march and it gave the staff chance to get to know kieran and jas before starting nursery. all through this time they were very supportive of us as kieran was going through all the assessments. one particularly bad day i broke down at the group and they had a good chat with me. it turned out that they werent concerned at all with kieran, yes he was autistic but they could see exactly how to work with him and how to help him.... but they were really concerned about jasmine. this totally threw me as she seemed to be doing all what she should be doing at that age, though i did feel she was different to her peers, professionals reassured me she was fine. when kieran and jas started nursery in oct they were split into seperate groups on seperate floors to see if it was kierans influence on jasmine or not. i didnt know that this was the reason they were split so it came as a shock in dec when i was told that jas was having a lot of difficulty and that they didnt really know what was going on, in fact they had never met a child like jasmine. this kind of scared me as this nursery has been going for over 50 years and has had so many different special needs children. its getting more and more obvious that jas is on the spectrum but only to those who actually spend time with her. she has a way of making people think she is a very normal, if a little hyper, little girl. she is incredibly social but cant actually interact with other children. she gets incredibly hyper when its group time or time to do anything structured. she is emotionally unstable and can go from being ecstatically happy to really down and sad without any triggers being noticed. although she sounds liek she is chatty she actually learns certain things and then cycles it constantly. my biggest worry is that there are so many little concerns and problems that it will be hard to get people to listen. with one or two big things they get noticed but little things are hard to describe what i or the nursery mean. the nursery got the ed psych in to see her and apart from the noticeable language difficulty of talking only in single words or short sentences, the e.p didnt see any problems. so, back to the point of the post (sorry) i am dreading tomorrow as i will find out if the cons is on my side or not and whether we are in for a long hard slog to get jasmines difficulties noticed. the nursery have offered to send one of their SALT and another member of staff along to a future meeting if i get nowhere tomorrow but im so hoping it wont come to that. the nursery and jasmines sharecare worker are behind me 100% which is a relief but i still feel daunted by it all. the senco at the nursery practically said the other day that jasmine is on the spectrum and she has said that she is really worried that if proper support is not put in place then jas will really relapse when she goes to school next year. the nursery have worked so hard to settle jas, great in one way but sadly now if anyone is to observe her, she wouldnt show the problems! why is it that the professionals wont spend time and listen to those that actually work with the child, instead of ignoring them if they dont tick the box. i feel so nervous waiting the nursery has just been ofsted inspected and got outstanding across the board making them in the top 1-2% of nurserys... do you think that will swing weight with the consultant?? the staff are well trained in special needs so know what they are talking about!
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