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Everything posted by Mike_GX101

  1. Usually whatever I liked that I heard during breakfast...it stays with me all day playing in my mind...who says you need headphones??
  2. A friend of mine ran down a steep bank towards a canal when I was really young and ploughed through some long nettles. They were upset (as one would be from being stung so many times!) and the others were like all "oh my God, are you alright!" and yet I was standing there trying not to laugh - it was quite awkward and I feel shame to this day about my reaction!
  3. Thanks - that has lightened my day!
  4. While I did not know about the autism back then, I have always had a stammer. This can almost be used as a yardstick to see how distressed/anxious/emotional I am inside. Before my move to this new school when I was 13 I went through about a year without a stammer - my speech was perfect and I felt brilliant. But my stammer returned almost vengefully following that move to that new school.
  5. Get her to join in the discussion here/or at least show her a link to the page. We'll soon get her supportive!
  6. Where the mind goes the body follows...
  7. Yes I see lots of people like this moping around with their hands on their heads as if the world's about to end. And yet right across the road from where they're sat is a huge library full of books and opportunity...
  8. Perhaps the biggest and most exciting conspiracy of our time is the one about 2012 and the end of the world! I just love watching/reading the frenzy unfolding, etc. You see all these really far-fetched theories for things emerging on sites such as You Tube and you've just got to watch them just for a giggle!
  9. I was always anxious about school too. I still remember sitting in the car going to one of my new schools and feeling that horrible churning-sensation made worse by breakfast and coffee. And then it was like...I was on my own up against this whole Unknown. The morning was slow to start. It turned out I arrived about 2 hours before school actually started so I sat in the registration class on my own for 2 hours waiting. And then when everyone did arrive I remember being sat as if in a glass bubble while everyone else chatted. Another chap started around the same time as me in that same registration class and he was like the coolest kid within a month, whereas I had a lot more difficulties even starting up in conversations; even the teachers found it amusing. I also remember ending up in the wrong classrooms on that first day (and many times after it too) and the teachers seemed to show almost no support and thought it was a joke - as did the classroom idiots! I still remember a French lesson in the afternoon of that first day where the others were far more boisterous than I'd been used to up until that point (I was about 13 at that time). I'd been moved schools that frequently because of moving house so many times that I never did get the chance to really settle in! I'd left lots of good friends behind in my previous schools and all of a sudden I was on my own again in my glass bubble and in, I suppose, almost a state of shock! The following day after that first I didn't want to go in...there was like a physical force stopping me and if it hadn't been for the fact we still lived 15 miles away from that new school which meant I had to be driven to school, I probably wouldn't have gone in again! It was like me against them. I didn't know anything about Asperger's back then (I didn't find out about it until I was 24 when someone recognised I had very deep asperger traits). But going back to the school thing...it's as if all the kids automatically pick up on that "difference" and you know what kids are like at 13 - everyone has already made their friends and any outsider, especially one with Asperger-like traits will probably fare very badly. I know I did. It was literally a case of survival - a fight/flight situation; akin to going into a war zone unarmed!
  10. Is she really taking the mick or is that just how you're perceiving it? Take her away for a chat, maybe have a coffee with her and discuss it. There might be a whole raft of reasons and meanwhile you could tell her how upset you are over her advice. You might both surprise one another.
  11. Interesting thing you've done with your avatar there - you had a photo when I answered you before and now you've replaced it with 4 squares in a larger square. Why is that? Is that a sudden attempt at distancing yourself from feeling anything I wonder??
  12. It's OK if you can sleep but if it is minus 20 degrees outside and the wind has been howling through the rafters and your bedroom is cold and you are suddenly gripped by a panic attack...the last thing you are likely to be able to do is sleep. I have been in that deeply scary double-dipping panic attack state and I've run out into the freezing cold and raced around trying to get myself into a state of normality again. It is scary when it happens not least because you don't know how serious it is. Do you risk dozing like the dead or do you rise like the living and get as active as you can??
  13. In my opinion you should only ever offer your shoulder if you're going to be supportive. If you cannot do this and cannot comfort them, then the kindest thing to do would be to avoid the shoulder-thing entirely. Imagine how they might feel if they saw your stone-cold reaction in a reflection somewhere?!?
  14. Sorry but it gives me the creeps just reading what you've typed. Are you on any sort of medication?
  15. Oasis is a good one. I've been using it now for about 2 years. Messenging is free on it and the search function is quite nifty and local...I've even made some friends with some people on it away from the site and all without paying a penny! And for a dating site that it pretty rare!
  16. Anyone know of any newly-weds on here?
  17. That kind of thing even has a term Sa Skimrande: Schadenfreude
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