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Everything posted by Clare63

  1. Pearl, you are so funny, now those cute spiders I could handle !
  2. Oh yes, yes, yes ...... like you say change in the routine !!!! I sometimes wish we did' nt have school holidays or not so many, my nightmare will begin when its time for him to go back. Good luck with the rest of the hols Clare x
  3. When my lad was in primary school and had to write stories we also tried to encourage him to relate the story into something he was really into such as football, cars, pokemon etc., Since attending secondary school its been interesting to see the different styles they use to create comprehension such as producing a leaflet, newspaper article or letter to say an agnoy aunt etc., his English teacher said at parents evening that a lot of boys struggle with imagination and this was her way of encouraging creative writing, she admitted that even though she is an English teacher she much prefers maths like my son so she is the perfect English teacher for him !!!! It might be an idea to speak with his teacher and explain his difficulties and between the 3 of you could come up with some alternatives for homework, so he gets chance to practise his writing and exploring some ideas of putting thoughts down on paper. Clare x
  4. Hi Thought I would like to try and put a photo on my personal profile, but can't seem to be able to make it work, can anyone give me some simple step by step instructions. Also please would someone explain what the protacol is for "my friends" can we just add people as we wish or do we have to ask the individual ? Thanks Clare x Oh sorry what also is the comments box for ??? should it be used a bit like pm's but I guess so others can see ????
  5. Clare63


    Well we started going to CAMHS after a GP referral last March/Feb time, had an initial assessment with two social workers who are part of the CAMHS team, then we saw a pychologists for about 8 to 10 appointments throughout the summer who then told us she thought he had aspergers but she was not qualified to do a dx we then had to wait to see a psycharist and had about 4 meetings with her and then recieved the dx. This was the 5th Jan 07 basically was given a folder of information and was told I would recieved a formal letter and that our GP and school would recieve the same and that was that. Things have been pretty bad of late with Connor not sleeping and being very anxious about going out, that I went to see our GP he said I should be going back to CAMHS, on phoning them they said our case had been closed !!!!! I now have an appointment for the 19th April for Connor at CAMHS and the letter this time says the appointment is for : - ~ Find out what we need ~ Give us information about their services ~Think about whether they are the best service to help us ~ Think about the range of options available to us I am pretty naffed off about it actually I told them and the GP that we are not coping and that Connor is getting worse and wanted to discuss options regarding medication, I've heard melatonin not only helps with sleep but can also tone down anxiety and I wanted to explore this option, but from the letter I don't know if its even worth taking Connor with me (he'll get all stressed and worried) as it just sounds a bit fact finding at least it says we are meeting with a psychologist. I guess in your case dx will depend on what has already been looked into reported etc., we started out with the referral for anxiety and OCD. Good luck. Please do not hesitate to ask as many questions as you want. Clare x
  6. Hope all things are OK with you guys down under, sounds pretty scary to me. Thinking of you. Clare x
  7. Clare63

    im off out tonight

    Glad to hear you had a fab evening and yeah how do you manage to keep going till 3am !!!!! Clare x
  8. <'> <'> <'> All sounds very encouraging, wishing you all the best. Clare x
  9. Oh my God I hate spiders well in fact terrified of em !!!!!! and I vacuum them up.... a spiders nest you say oh my goodness going to have nightmares now !!!! though I remember once when I vacuumed a particularly large one up I went and put the hoover down the garden till my husband came home. Got a dyson now so either get splattered on the side or chocked to death with all the dust and dog hairs !!!! I am a animal lover really little ones I can cope with and rescue with a duster but the big beggars no way. Clare x
  10. Jonathan, What horible wicked people, bet she is not really that popular, people probably just hang around her and her family because they are scared of her and want to keep on the right side of her, bit like bullies at school if you know what I mean. Glad to hear you managing to get away for a bit, lets hope a nice big strong fence will be put up whilst you are away and you can ignore them when you get back. <'> <'> <'> Clare x PS - sorry you can't make Oxford, perhaps next time.
  11. Clare63


    Hi Di, When we got our first appointment with CAMHS they sent a letter listing what would be discussed, in general they didn't really ask Connor much at all but guess observed him throughout the appointment whilst my husband and I answered their questions. It was not until much latter when we finally met with the psycharitist that he had to undertake some tests, which included matching photographs of eyes to emotions and short stories where someone says something literal and they tried to see if he spotted it, he also did a bit of art therapy to see how he worked and what he drew. Hope that helps ! Clare x
  12. Clare63


    Hi Di and welcome (welcome too to anyone above I may haver missed) Thanking for sharing your story, as you have already experienced this forum is great, looking forward to getting to know you better. Clare x <'>
  13. I would say it really helps.....my dear son is a real ICT buff
  14. Yet another let down, why oh why does the system keep failing our children. Thinking of you Clare x <'> <'> <'>
  15. Liz, bet you are one proud MUM, well done Adam your a star Thank you for sharing this lovely encouraging news. Clare x <'> <'> <'>
  16. <'> <'> <'> Awww Hev, thinking of you. Clare x
  17. That's wonderful, you must feel so great, bless little Kyle hopefully there be no stopping him now. <'> <'> <'> Clare x
  18. Ah Bless you Pearl, you are probably feeling the strain of all this and your poor old blood pressure is up, please do get a check up soon. Sending loads of positive vibes for the next test. Try and chill a bit this weekend. Clare x <'> <'> <'>
  19. Clare63

    music...a voice

    Ditto........... would have loved to have seen Bob Marley live. I am a simualr age to you Gerrard....it brought back loads of memories. Clare x
  20. Hedders, so sorry to hear how down your are feeling, sadly I don't have any advice for you but know exactly what you mean when you say the proffesional say you are anxious and paranoid, I have been left feeling very neurotic, I am sometimes worried I will end up believing them, but I know my child and the fight must go on. Thinking of you <'> <'> <'> Clare x
  21. I am lost for words !!!!! <'> <'> <'> Clare x
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