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Everything posted by llisa32

  1. Yeyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Welldone!! Many congrats <'>
  2. Hi Soraya <'> it must be awful...can only imagine how frustrated and upset you are feeling <'> In my view it is absolutely 'their' responsibility to keep him on that bus once you have put him on it - he's 14 not 18, and you would not dump him in the middle of the countryside yourself - nor would you give him 'permission' to go wandering around the countryside himself. They either need to provide someone to keep him on the bus - using distraction/company/whatever...or I think you are well within your rights to refuse to send him due to concerns about his safety. I truely hope you can get some support from the right people on this <'>
  3. llisa32

    my positive thread

    Did I not hynotise you to forget that?? Okay....ok..... You done great today and you got one week and one week only to 'forget' you SAW any wrinkles or any sign of a 'prominent' nose!
  4. A Kangeroo suit!! J has just asked me if Santa can get him a Kangeroo suit for Christmas so he can put his fav little reindeer in the front pouch I'm just 'awwwwwing' all over now! Mind you he's now 8 and the size of a 10 year old so not too sure how 'practical' this request is gonna be...but no doubt Santa will try his best ! Feel free to add what either you or your nearest and dearest really really want <'>
  5. Fantastic News Mel!! May that be the start of things to come <'>
  6. Thanks I have the opposite trouble with J...I think he'd gladly move into the Doctors surgery. ..but mention dentist or teeth cleaning and he's a running!
  7. Hurrahh!!...J had round 2 of 'cleaning' and building up to a filling session with pead dentist this morning. He was adamant that he was not having a filling...at all...never!! His exact words were' You are not putting something thats not a tooth in my mouth!' So...we convinced him to get them cleaned and I took away some of the filling material with us back to the car...then had a session on how it felt, how the hole in his tooth is letting germs in etc. I then remembered that they prob had gel for numbing gums..and said how bout if they put numbing gel on that bit of your gum and mummy will have some too - 'Ok - deal!!' So we rushed back in..I had a word with the dentist...mummy had some gel, pretended I couldn't speak properly etc to make him laugh...then he nearly broke my fingers squeezing my hand whilst she did the filling... But...horrah !!! - he had it done and he was sooo pleased with himself afterwards!! I'm hopefully the remaining filling will now be much easier to get done on next visit! Dead proud of him
  8. Congratulations all new 'Mods' I'm sure you'll all do a great job Question from me now...just a 'outta curiosity one' How do you 'become' a mod on this forum?? - we have something similar in terms of format and so on (although obs not content) at my place of work and generally (for some reason - theres a Q of peeps waiting to become 'moderators'...every quarter year the current group of mods meet and decide who's gonna hang up their 'mod clogs' and they take a 'vote' on the peeps waiting to have a turn at 'modding' The only time they'd take on extra 'mods' is when the member base has grown substantially Is that how you guys work it out?
  9. Aww...thats really great <'> Sounds like M had a great day and you must be dead pleased <'> It's lovely when we hear of days like this May you have many more <'> Edited to add....obs not so great YOU fell off the flying fox
  10. Hiya - you've got lots of really useful suggestions and ideas on this thread Another approach I thought of which may or may not suit you is to be upfront about your 'reluctance' to initiate conversation etc...ie: Instead of walking up to him/past him and saying 'Hi' how about approaching him when he's on his own at some point soon and opening with 'I'm not very good at starting conversations, but I've noticed you sometimes sit on your own for lunch/dinner etc - would you like some company?' It kinda takes away the worry for you of him 'thinking' you're not very versed at opening conversations, as you've already acknowledged that in a very matter of fact way - does that make sense? Sometimes for me if I know I'm scared about doing something either because I'll feel embarassed or I think I might mess it up, I'll state that in my opening sentance and I find it relax's me a little. I have been known to 'open' a presentation with the sentance 'wow, it's pretty scary having to talk to such a large audience' but for some reason once I've acknowledged how I'm feeling in a roundabout way it helps!! On the other hand you may prefer some of the other approaches that have been suggested by much more sensible peeps! <'>
  11. You just need to keep repeating to yourself over and over whilst you're there: ' The kids are having fun.....the kids are having fun....the kids are having fun......' I've had a party for J most years and can honestly say I usually find them pretty tiring and stressful, BUT the upside to that is you do get to feel like parent of the year cos the kids usually do really enjoy themselves! Take a deep breathe and go for it!! - it sounds great having it in the hall and the kids will love the castles. My son's eight next week and we had his at a sports centre yesterday - we got to throw kids off a ski slope in huge tyres!! - now thats quite fun Hope it goes well today - I'm sure it will...congratulate yourselves with a huge glass of wine later! <'>
  12. Hi Cariad <'> It sounds awful <'> If I were you I would ask for an immediate meeting and enquire what exactly they do to ensure your son has a peaceful existance whilst at school. Whatever the problems of the other children it is not acceptable for their behaviour to impact your son's life. There should not be violence or bullying of this nature either happening or happening without consequence. Ring them up and get an appointment asap It may have 'seemed' like a great school...maybe it still is and these were isolated incidents...but...you can't worry yourself to death and not know for sure...particularly if it turns out it's not a 'great' school. You're not worrying out of context - you need to investigate and pursue this <'>
  13. llisa32

    my positive thread

    Thats great Elun.. <'> must have been hard to say how you were really feeling..I know I don't very often Glad you feel relieved..that in itself might help a little Hope you start to feel a little better soon <'>
  14. llisa32

    my positive thread

    Weyhey!!! - well done Mumble , great news bout yr mum and you've obviously done a fantastic job with your lecture! And phonecalls as well.. .....whatever you're taking I'll have some purlease.....you haven't snuck a date with 'lee' in somwhere as well have you? Mine for today are (I'll be greedy too! ) 1. Managed to get the RIGHT pills from docs to sort my sinusitis out! 2. Got tons of paper work ton 3. Gotta very happy sprog cos he broke up from school for half term, and......he's made the football team again for a match after half term!!
  15. llisa32


    Hi Tally <'> Have you got some Ibuprofen indoors? - try taking some just as you're going to bed..theory being it will help relax your muscles and esp while you sleep, so it might sort itself out overnight. If not do you have a chirpractor nearby you could visit tomorrowif still painful?
  16. Hi - just curious really...I know in my son's LSU lesson today they had him doing some maths on a desktop whiteboard and some spelling games and he really enjoyed working on it - obviously they can't use it for everything but I think they've tried it today for maths as I had mentioned that I thought he was finding it hard to do maths on the 'graph paper' that they now use in year 3. Anyone elses child have trouble with maths on graph paper??
  17. Hiya, unfortunately this is one of those 'loaded' topics where you'll most likely find a split school of thought and it may/may not help you to decide. I think you need to go with whatever will make YOU feel most comfortable, but at the same time not running the risk of your son being exposed to more than he needs to. Your options are: To postpone....but what then? To proceed - will you cope with worrying about the 'what if'? To postpone and enquire about single jabs My personal pref is option 3, but thats just what I have done already and I know that I didn't want the 'what if' - that said there is a whole lot of differing opinions on this topic and I think you just really need to be comfortable - it's a very personal decision. Good luck with your decision <'>
  18. Great News Paula! - well done Hopefully will all makes your son's school life a little less difficult <'>
  19. llisa32

    Mumble Mopp...

    You noticed!! Tell you what....I've got work to do now...so lets talk about this later really later.... much later.... And if you're too busy to 'negotiate' with me later then obviously thats absolutely fine
  20. Hi Canopus - Congrats on the new job! I can only advise considering the company I work for but this is how It works within there: Contractors can be given the sack with a weeks notice - but the upside to you is that equally you'd only ever need to work a weeks notice rather than a month. The pays generally better being a contractor but usually you do not get access to the 'companys' 'perks' like private healthcare, Occupational health etc. But...it may well be different where you will be working, I can only speak of my own experience. Do they have a website at all for employees where maybe HR policys and such are available ?
  21. llisa32

    Mumble Mopp...

    I've spent long and protracted negatiations chasing llisa off , Ladies.....don't even consider that Mumble is joking re the above Apparently I'll never remember what he looks like ever again! I did think when I read this thread though that at least I'm not loopy!! but if I gave my share up does that mean my 'loopiness' also got passed on....???
  22. Thanks for all the replies <'> Seems that J spent practically the whole maths lesson today with matron...he told her he felt dizzy and like he was going to collapse! - he must have looked not too bad though cos they didn't phone me and he was physically fine when I picked him up - and actually after he'd had a go at me for not phoning matron and telling her to send him home, he started telling me all the things they'd talked about and how he'd had some water before the next lesson etc etc. He's also realised after talking to matron exactly how many days left till half term and he's very happy about that!! So we've had a nice evening, I let him have takeaway of his choice and as usual it was pizza, he sat there like a king at a feast! - 1 plate full of pizza the other full of chips and garlic bread!....ben 10 cartoons on the TV - what better way to wind down deputy head and senco both got back to me today expressing concern etc and saying we all need to have a meeting again asap, and funnily enough nothing was written in home/school diary today!
  23. Hiya <'> Funnily enough the form teacher made a similar comment to me one morning this week after yet another discussion about english lessons...'Well, I think he's happy you know'..... And she would know that cos....
  24. <'> Paula...I'd be feeling exactly how you are so feel free to vent! <'> They sound useless, disorganised and rude! I hope the meeting on Monday brings something positive and big thumbs up to your army lady who sounds like shes on your side Frustrating though I know...this whole thing of feeling like you're 'on 'sides'. in a perfect world we'd all be wanting the same thing for our kids but it seems not. Good luck and I hope you manage to stay calm and keep your patience with em <'>
  25. Thanks Mumble <'> Teacher has had 2 copies of the letter outling his difficulties and suggestions on how to help him cope I'm just about to do nuther email to all of em, cos at the moment I'm feeling like I should rescue him I know he's probably sitting in a lesson okay now...but underneath I know he's not - if u see what I mean
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