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Everything posted by witsend

  1. Just wanted to send you these <'> <'> sorry you're all having such a cr*p time. Really hope somryhing positive happens for you soon. Luv Witsend.
  2. Hi mum22boys, I haven't had chance to post for a while but logged on tonight feeling pretty low to post something so similar to what you have already done thought I'd just join in with this thread instead! I went to pick my 3 yr old up from nursery tonight and was called into office to discuss his 'behaviour' (has been hitting other kids and doesn't respond to discipline!), nursery head says someone will come and assess him at end of month, she was very nice but I had to explain that 3 yr olds behaviour mnay well be copied from 10 (actually now just 11) yr olds and so then had to explain about elder sons AS etc..things is I just felt like crying because I don't know if little ones behaviour is copied or not and I don't know what's worse anymore also I felt like I was a cr*p mum and that all this must be my fault somewhere along the line, and I don't normally feel like that at all!! Anyway I suppose what I'm saying is I know how you feel, you are definately not alone with it and it's actually a relief to log on and find someone in the same boat as myself! Hang in there, take care, Luv Witsend.
  3. Just wanted to say Hi and welcome to the forum anewor. My son is also 10 with Aspergers and I am also a single parent and my AS son is frequently horrible and aggressive to his 3 year old brother. Sounds familiar eh? There are lots of great people on here who will offer support and advice. I'm in the process of teaching my eldest son to remove himself from the situation if he is stressed and taking it out on his brother and do something to calm himself down! I think he is old enough now to start taking some responsibility for his own actions/meltdowns if at all possible! Obviously this is a lot easier said than done, but we keep trying. Take care- luv Witsend.
  4. Hi Flutter - I bet you can do it! I'm glad you're feeling optimistic and tackling things with a plan. I've learnt you can wait for help from the professionals forever and (ever) sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't, but you know you're child best and usually your ideas will therefore be the best too. Good Luck - luv Witsend.
  5. For all of us and our kids to have a happy stress free New Year, and for a bit more tolerance from the rest of the world! Luv Witsend.
  6. Hi Gordie, not to worry eh? Took me seven times to pass, and I'm fab now honest Luv Witsend.
  7. Hi Tylers mum, I really feel for you, I did read and respond to your last post and all I can say is I echo what Phasmid has said. Lots of <'> to you I know you must be stressed out right now. If I were you I'd leave it all 'til after Xmas now and then see how you feel. Hope you can put it aside to enjoy Xmas - take care Luv Witsend.
  8. witsend


    OMG - used to be a plain old 'regular user' (I always thought this made me sound a bit like a junkie!! ) But now I think I'm a seargeant major!! Don't care what anyone says in my book that's promotion!! Luv Witsend.
  9. Hi loulou - why is it we never bump into each other in shops?? <'> To you and Kai. Luv Witsend.
  10. witsend


    Hi David - just wanted to say welcome to the forum. Luv Witsend.
  11. Suze <'> hope things improve soonn Luv Witsend.
  12. witsend


    Fabulous Nativities always make me cry. Luv Witsend.
  13. Been so busy (and poorly) we haven't even seen Harry P yet! But we're going on Thurs then hopefully sometime between now and new year will get to see Narnia (loved the book always). I know what you mean about cinema/pizza thing being stressfull but now my sons got used to the cinema he really enjoys it, I actually look forward to going now. For me films are something my son and I can really enjoy together, really glad to hear Narnia lives up to the hype, bring on the popocorn! Luv Witsend.
  14. Sorry phas must have missed your original post, but am glad your mum's ok now and back home The accidents bound to have knocked her confidence a bit but it's great you can have her over for Christmas - hope you have a good one. Luv Witsend. P.S your Xmas eve Xmas dinner
  15. witsend


    Thanks for the replies - interesting stuff, the plot thickens. Nellie don't have time to check out the link now but will deff do so later - thanks. The diet aspect of ASD is one I've not really read much about since son was dx, will make this one of my next missions, think I've put it off 'cos it all look a bit complicated and so far I've not seen it as relevent to my son but who knows I could be wrong it has happened before (I think the last time was 1983 - only joking ) Thanks again - Luv Witsend.
  16. Oh Tylers mum I do feel for you with this one. My son often related incidents at school which I get very confused about, ie wether they are true or exaggerated or just his take on what has happened which like Carole said can be very differant from everyone elses. There are times I have disbelieved my son and then found out what he said was true after all and there have been times when I have found the reality of things that happened are not as my son said they were I think sometimes when we question our kids about a subject they can start to warm to the theme and get a bit carried away, but that's not to say I think Tylers lying, I just don't know either and symapthize with you because this ia really hard position to be in. Maybe you could talk to the teacher or head about what he has said in a non confrontational way so at least they are aware of the situation then at least if this teacher has acted out of order she may be careful not to do so again or and on the other hand if she didn't really 'manhandle' him the school at least knows how his perception of things can differ from theirs. Sorry not to be more help, probably good school finishes soon and you can get a break from it. Take care - luv Witsend.
  17. Well shame on you Viper when I met Stuart Hall (It's a knockout - remember him??) years ago my mum forced me to go over and get his autograph - I still cringe now when I think of it but hey it's my one and only claim to fame (except for once holding Marc Almonds hand during a concert in bristol circa 1989 ) Luv Witsend.
  18. Hi Lynne - I think this is quite a tricky one, I know the health professionals would prob say just let him get hungry and then he will eat when he's ready, but I know this is a lot easier said than done. As your little one has a history of poor weight gain there are bound to for you be lots of emotional issues tied up with his non eating and you're prob just relieved when he eats at all. First I would say don't worry too much about his 'cr*p diet' it's amazing how kids thrive on cr*p, but also like pooh said I'd try to keep introducing other food too without any pressure. Would it help to get him involved in making the food, so he can feel and see it being prepared and maybe try it at the same time in a relaxed fun, doesn't matter if you don't kind of way? My son is often so not bothered about food he could go for ages without eating at all, he needs to be reminded to eat but sometimes the more I push it the less he eats anyway. I was often made to eat when I didn't want to as a child so I guess that's made me determined not to do that to my kids, but it is worrying when they've not eaten a proper meal for days. Kids your sons age are notoriously picky eaters and hopefully it will improve as he gets older. At the moment my younger (3 yr old NT son) is worse than my 10 yr old AS son. Have to admit I have days when I totally ban crisps/sweets etc and more often than not they do actually then eat a decent meal, but it's hard to keep this up day in day out. Try not to let it get to you to much because then it becomes a bit of a vicous circle. Take care - luv Witsend.
  19. OMG - Yes I remember him, I loved Twos Company and Never the Twain ( I know I've always been a bit sad ). Windsor Davies was in Never the Twain with him (is he still alive?) and my sister and I still laugh now about the fact that at the end of each episode the announcer would say "Donald Sinden is currently appearing in When did you Last See Your Trousers.." for some reason this still makes us laugh :lol:Witsend PS Viper did you try and get his autograph or were you to starstruck?
  20. Rainbow queen <'> sorry this is getting you down, i know some days you can let it wash over you and others it's really hurtful and you've just had enough. For what it's worth at least everyone here will know you are a good mum. Also I think often being a good parent and being actually liked by your offspring are not synonomous! My son told me recently that when he went to tea at a 'freinds' house the freinds parents said they thought I was a bit weird and crazy!! Me!!! I reacted a bit indignantly and son said "but you are a bit"! When I said "well so are you" he just laughed! Despite what your son says I'd bet he's secretly glad of the boudaries you set etc and glad he can say this stuff to you and know he's still loved anyway. Take care Luv Witsend.
  21. witsend


    Hi - been wondering about this for a while. My son has always been a bit vomity for want of a better word! He quite often runs off to the loo, rubbish bag, sink , wherever to be sick. It's usually only ever a small amount of sick and it's not always becasue he's greatly upset about anything but I do think it happens more if he's worrying about something (which is most of the time). He does eeem to be able to vomit at will but doesn't make himself sick if you know what I mean? I seem to remember ages ago reading a post which mentioned cyclical vomiting? I think it was Carole who mentioned it and wondered what this is and how it's connected to AS. Son has been off school unwell past couple of days (as have I ) and has been vomiting quite a lot but rather than being really poorly he's just been more 'off colour', prior to this he was really upset at school about being told off for something pretty minor and I'm just wondering if the two things are connected?? Any of you had experiance of this or have any ideas? Thanks - luv Witsend.
  22. Hi laine, I often think my son is all the colours of the rainbow and that he also has colours no one has names for yet Alongside his various (and varied) diagnosis he also has his individualism (as do all our kids) which I think is sometimes overlooked in the sea of labels we swim in. What is it they said on that programme "different is cool"? Luv Witsend.
  23. Hi Bevalee - <'> to you it's awful to watch your child in such distress I know. I don't think the school are being fair telling you one thing then another, for Gods sake if don't they realise this changing thier minds will distress R more than ever Don't wait for them to ring you, get on the phone and tell them exactly the situation they are causing for you all at home, I think you, not the school, should decide wether it's best for R to go back before or after Xmas, 'specailly since he hasn't been excluded, and then tackle it from that stance whatever you decide. Tell the school how worried you are about his mental health and how there actions are contributing to your worries. Good luck, Take care, Luv Witsend.
  24. Thank you for all your kind replies, you've cheered me up a bit knwoing I'm not the only one stressed out wiht it all . Went to pick son up from school earlier to find he's in trouble for splashing (easily washable) paint on to 2 pupils coats, well SA had told him to shake the brushes to dry them but obviously didn't tell him to wash them first! So we've had to write to letters of apology to the coat owners, even though son apologised at the time to the girls and they were fine about it . Mountains and Molehills come to mind eh? Oh well tomorrows another day. Luv Witsend.
  25. Sat here off sick from work streaming with cold and feeling miserable. Just tried to send this post and it disappeared! Not my day. Feel guilty for being off work even though I feel cr*p and the pressure of Xmas now really getting to me. Have got so many things to do I'm starting to feel like a rabbit caught in the headlights , just don't know where to start. Used to love Christmas (still do really) but feel like if I don't sort it all out it's not gonna happen (Oh the responsibility! ). Should be in bed with a hot water bottle really but instead sat here panicking about presents and cards and wrapping paper and shopping and....... and not even doing anything constructive just flapping about it all, anyway rant over, hope all of you are coping better, Luv Witsend.
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