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Oh You Are Having A Laugh Aren't You?

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A guy who I occasionally do artwork for (and have known for 12 years - we used to work together) has just been badgering me to do some artwork for him (free I might point out - I don't get paid for this). I explained that at the moment I'm not in a very good way what with the divorce, my AS, my running injury, it being the first anniversary of my dad's death, and generally being depressed (I can't, for the life of me, imagine why I'd possibly be depressed right now)


He knows all this and knows what I've been through in the past 12 months so what does he reply with?


Always look on the bright side of life...cheer up me ol' mucka


I was thinking about using these graphics...


I know that there are people here with real problems but I'm reaching breaking point again and this has not been helped by the fact that I've not exchanged a single word with anyone (guinea pigs excluded) since midday on Saturday


'Cheer up' he says. Oh yes, like I've got loads to be cheery about what with everything that's already happened, Christmas fast approaching (which I will be spending on my own), the departmental 'outing' next Tuesday (oh the merriment of a group situation combined with a 'reward' of coming last when we play pool afterwards)(really, is this the best they can come up with?)(and I have complained to my boss but it made no difference - his attitude is that I've announced my AS to world so I should have recovered from it by now :o ), a torn back muscle and a thumping headache


Some days I wonder if it's worth the effort :crying:

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>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


The Neil - take heart from your online buddies - I always enjoy reading your posts.



MP !!!!!!!!!!!!! (to those who dont go there this is from one word association)



ITS not all bad

Tally ho


Soon it will be January, the days will start to get longer and the season of Good Will be over.


At least he values your expertise?



hugs Phoebe

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TN, I think how your feeling isn't surprising, considering what you've had to deal with of late. Thinking of you and hang on in there till Jan......then you will happily go home and relish the peace and quiet after spending day with us lot :devil::)>:D<<'>

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Sorry your feeling down its always hard when people say things like "its not the end of the world" :crying: i really hope you feel better soon


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I know that I'm all mopey today but it was the way that people just don't give a <insert rude word here> about how anyone else feels or that maybe, just maybe, 'now' isn't always the best time to go asking favours, or they just come back with some trite words of wisdom when they have no idea what the hell you're going through (I'm not having a go at you Phoebe by the way - it's aimed at idiots who can't understand how life with an ASD can 'skew' things)


I'll pull myself together eventually (I'm too pig headed and stubborn not to) but I'd best do it soon otherwise I won't have had time to prepare myself for ASD-fest 2007 up in Newcastle (if I ever manage to find a decent calendar then Jan 20th will get marked up in big red pen, if not then I'll just make do with having to remember it). If I can last another 27 minutes then I can flee from the office, make a small 'den' under duvet and hide for 12 hours (if the incessant squeaking from the guineas doesn't get too much of course)

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Oohh, sounds good, think I'll join you in having a duvet day :D Oops, sorry, just realised that may come across as abit rude :rolleyes::shame::lol:


I'm off to my duvet too, with a nice big bar of chocolate and praying the kids don't find me......... :ph34r:

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Oohh, sounds good, think I'll join you in having a duvet day :D Oops, sorry, just realised that may come across as abit rude :rolleyes::shame::lol:


Well I'll be honest, it's a bit 'forward' and I'm sure Mr Bagpuss wouldn't be too happy. What kind of a man do you take me for? If this was the nineteenth century then I'd probably faint :lol:


I'm off to my duvet too, with a nice big bar of chocolate and praying the kids don't find me......... :ph34r:


Ahh, the advantages of not having kids (or chocolate (sadly) - maybe I should make a 'detour' on the way home...)

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first of all i think you should draw a nice pic of a pile of poo, then hand it to her and say there you go mate....then stop off at the shop on the way home and get a big bar of choc to eat later..... >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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BFB that's ace advice. Draw a really rubbish graphic art thingy, whatever it is you people who draw do, and then maybe he won't ask for your advice anymore. Ta daaaa!


Anyway, here it comes TNT so deal with it. You know what I'm going to say before I even say it and yet I'm still gonna, so nerrr. (Before I do though, I totally know how you're feeling and CAN sympathise)


BUT. What else did you want him to say? He's a man, dude, he's not gonna say "hugs and kisses and feel better soon" or anything like that. Well he did, he said what he said, that's just a bloke's way of doing it. He's also similarly not going to say "well I won't ask you right now because I think you need to go back to bed and keep feeling sorry for yourself."


You have every right to sit in bed and feel terrible, every right, you've had a stinker of a year and it's nearly over. You also have every right to sit there for as long as you want until you feel ready to feel better again and think more positively. But just because you have put most things on hold at the minute so you can get to grips with all the bad things that have happened, it doesn't mean that everyone else is going to be thinking the same. They have their own lives and own distractions and own problems and to them those things are the centre of their world. Just like the guinea pigs and being on your own and your injuries are probably the things at the front of your mind right now. It doesn't mean that they're selfish for being concerned with their things or you're selfish for being concerned with yours. It's just life innit, nothing or nobody is perfect. He is probably aware of the difficult situation you're in right now but might have forgot to what extent when he asked for your help. He might also have thought the work could take your mind off things for a while. He also did show as well, in his own funny (and admittadly, annoying) way that he does care and that he is thinking of you and wanting you to be happier and feel better again. Surely that is better than nothing.


One of the biggest things I have trouble understanding and coming to terms with as an Aspie is that NT people don't see the way we see. They almost can't see over/around the day to day immediate things that concern them. For example, some people are racist but they can't see the bigger picture of it being pointless to waste energy and emotion hating people when we all live together and instead can only focus on their immediate feeling/concern of I hate black people or I hate white people. NT people can also be selfish and act in a not nice way to get what they want. I don't get it either, but it happens.


What I'm trying to say is that NT people have many a great "faults/flaws" that we Aspies don't understand. But that's just the way that THEY are wired. In the same way that they don't understand us and our "faults/flaws" because it is the way WE'RE wired. An NT person's selfishness is like an Aspie's inability to get jokes. It doesn't make us bad people or them bad people, it's just the way we are. Everyone can learn and adapt and make changes and some people are better than others. Not all NT people are complete weirdos :lol:


As much as we want people to give us a break sometimes and take us into account with things like eye contact or being in a social situation, we also have to give NT people a break for not getting everything right all the time. For making mistakes and not engaging the brain before acting. For sitting down to write an email to a friend asking for help and not 100% stopping to think that it might not be the best time to be asking them.


It's not coming out exactly right what I'm trying to say, but I think you will know what I'm banging on about. Ultimately while you have every right to be upset at throw away insensitive comments like your friends, and to expect them to be a little more understanding, at the same time not everyone has all your problems/bad things that have happened at the forefront of their brains because in there as well is their own problems and things like "what shall I have for tea?" or "what time is that programme on I wanted to watch". Give yourself, and your mate, a break. Email him back and say thanks for the chin-up but.....and try to explain a little bit more about your situation and include everything because chances are he might have forgot to think about some things. If he's worth keeping as a friend he will understand and hopefully back off a bit. If not......keep practicing drawing poo piccies :lol: :lol:




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Wise words from badonkadonk there :). Hopefully the other bloke had a bit of a cringe after, when he realised he might have sounded too flippant.

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Well that put me in my place (I probably needed it though so thanks) :notworthy:


Del (the guy who wanted the graphics) is not the type of person to let little things like me being unhappy get in the way of getting what he wants and won't have given it a second thought. What's worse is he's known me for 12 years, knows how stressed I get about things (Me? Stressed? Bwuhahahaha) but also knows that even if it puts me off the chart, I'll still get done what he wants getting done. Maybe I should stop being so 'reliable'


I suppose I shouldn't get upset - He's an NT and their simple brains tend to block things out rather than actually work or think about/consider other people. Rise above it Mr Neil and think happy, calming thoughts... :pray:

Edited by TheNeil

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Why don't you put yourself first and take what you want from the works outing ( maybe a good nosh up?) and give the pool a miss? Unless you actually enjoy playing pool - which is something I can't relate to!

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I suppose I shouldn't get upset - He's an NT and their simple brains tend to block things out rather than actually work or think about/consider other people.



Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :huh: Just wanted to say, I guess, that just because someone is NT it doesn't mean that they don't have enormous problems and worries and insecurities and self-doubts and miseries of their own. :(


~ Mel ~

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :huh: Just wanted to say, I guess, that just because someone is NT it doesn't mean that they don't have enormous problems and worries and insecurities and self-doubts and miseries of their own. :(


~ Mel ~


I know Mel and it was just a flippant remark made in jest (the 'filter' that should go between my brain and fingers/mouth doesn't work very well). I know that a lot of NTs have lots to deal with - I was just having a bit of fun at your non-Aspie brains :shame:



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I know Mel and it was just a flippant remark made in jest (the 'filter' that should go between my brain and fingers/mouth doesn't work very well). I know that a lot of NTs have lots to deal with - I was just having a bit of fun at your non-Aspie brains :shame:





That's cool. Anyways, how d'ya know I'm not an Aspie as well!! Huh?? Huh?? :dance::P


How's the running going, think I read you'd picked up an injury recently! :(

I have been ill and couldn't run for 12 days, so this week I'm running every day to make up for it! :blink:


Take care.


~ Mel ~

Edited by oxgirl

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That's cool. Anyways, how d'ya know I'm not an Aspie as well!! Huh?? Huh?? :dance::P


How's the running going, think I read you'd picked up an injury recently! :(

I have been ill and couldn't run for 12 days, so this week I'm running every day to make up for it! :blink:


Hmm...that's thrown me. How do I know whether you're an Aspie or not? Do you need Sodoku's explaining to you? Did you cry at the end of Bambi? Do you know what you're having for your tea every day for the next week? Do you have an obsession for something that no-one else understands? Can you look people in the eye when/if you talk to/at them? :P


The running hasn't been going good...well at all actually (which is a bit of a <insert rude word here> as I seem to have spent a small fortune on winter running tops recently). I think I did something really bad about a month ago which caused my achilles tendons, my shins, my ankles, my shin splints and my calves to erupt and start screaming with pain (they were waking me up in the middle of the night they were that bad). So I took two weeks off (no running at all :crying: ) and worked on my shin strengthening exercises.


I also invested in a new pair of running shoes (the previous pair had some medial support (on the shop's advice) and I figured that this might have 'unbalanced' things - time for a change (and this time the running shop said that I didn't need the medial support :huh: ))(the new pair are pretty though) and set off for a very short 5 'minuter'. Absolute agony with the backs of my ankles screaming with nearly every step. AARRGGHH


So another two weeks off with no running (and no strengthening exercises either) and I tried again at the weekend. The verdict? A few 'twings' here and there but no real pain (thank God) and I managed a 15 minute session last night. Probably be another couple of weeks before I'm back to going to the running club though (I'm being ultra-cautious at the moment)(that and the fact that after being off for a month I look totally useless so need to get back up to speed - oh the price of vanity :lol:)


Take it easy with the running and don't do too much too soon (or you'll come a cropper). Besides which, with Christmas coming up, you'd best try to be injury free just in case you need to 'escape' over the festive season :lol:

Edited by TheNeil

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Hmm...that's thrown me. How do I know whether you're an Aspie or not? Do you need Sodoku's explaining to you? Did you cry at the end of Bambi? Do you know what you're having for your tea every day for the next week? Do you have an obsession for something that no-one else understands? Can you look people in the eye when/if you talk to/at them? :P


Wait a minute....I'm confused! Do you mean that if you cry at the end of Bambi it would be a typical Aspie thing to do or non-typical? I know the tea thing and obsessions are typical but I'm a bit confused on the other two :huh:


I'm very good at Sudoku *blows own trumpet* and I picked it up quite quickly. Similarly I blart my eyes out at the end of Bambi and any other Disney film where a character dies. In fact, nowadays I only watch two thirds of most Disney films because I can't watch the death bit. (Except for the Lion King where I only watch Pumba and Timone doing the hula dance...*clears throat* "If you're looking for some big fat juicy meat, come and try my buddy Pumba here cos he's a treat, come and down to dine, on this tasty swine, all you gotta do is get in lineeeeeeeeeeee. Areeeeeee you aching (yup, yup, yup, yup) forrrrrrrrrr some bacon (yup, yup, yup, yup) heeeeeeee's a big pig (yup,yup) you could be a big pig toooo, huh!") Ahthankyouverymuch :clap::wacko:


I mean for goodness sake, I'm already questioning my alleged Aspieness because I haven't bricked anyone this week and no one has pointed at me and yelled "run for your lives, it's an Aspie!!!" Are you now telling me that just because I can't watch the end of Cool Runnings (why doesn't it show them going back next year and winning gold, damnit!) or can't even look at the box cover for Ghost, are you insinuating (how very dare you) that, that is un-Aspie like? Me dear? An Aspie dear? Well dear? No Dear. Just because a person likes to play the same game over and over again while wearing the same clothes day in day out, doesn't mean that I can't make eye contact and don't get jokes. Me! An Aspie? How very, very, dare you.


Anyway, you were probably meaning that it was an Aspie trait anyway, or that you're just a big girl (muahhahaha). Either way it doesn't matter now, I've completely lost the plot. It must have been christmas shopping, physical christmas shopping (I already did everything I could online) that has sent me over the edge and made me speak like a bad Catherine Tate character. What a ****** liberty!!


Glad you took my post in a positiveish way, I was worried you would start blubbing like the girl that you are, or worse, release your inner evil Aspie and come and beat me to death with a brick. Phewww!




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Hmm...that's thrown me. How do I know whether you're an Aspie or not? Do you need Sodoku's explaining to you? Did you cry at the end of Bambi? Do you know what you're having for your tea every day for the next week? Do you have an obsession for something that no-one else understands? Can you look people in the eye when/if you talk to/at them? :P








How did I score??!! :P:dance:


Oooooooooooo, sounds like you've been having a rotten time with the injuries, bad luck. Sounds like you're taking it nice and slow now, that's a good thing, hope you get on okay from now on.


When I couldn't run for 12 days I was yearning to get out there and vowed I'd run every day for a week when I was better. So today, it was the third one in a row and I was nearly home and thinking, gee, was I really dying to be doing this, now all I wanna do is stop!! :lol: Ooooooooo, sore legs!


~ Mel ~

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Wait a minute....I'm confused! Do you mean that if you cry at the end of Bambi it would be a typical Aspie thing to do or non-typical?


Ha ha, maybe the psychs should add this question to their dx list, 'so tell me, dear, did you cry at the end of Bambi?, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'. :lol:


~ Mel ~

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How did I score??!! :P:dance:


You've got loony tune disease - please proceed directly to the nearest psychiatric ward. If you dance rather than walk then you're a hopeless case :lol:

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Wait a minute....I'm confused! Do you mean that if you cry at the end of Bambi it would be a typical Aspie thing to do or non-typical? I know the tea thing and obsessions are typical but I'm a bit confused on the other two :huh:


I'm very good at Sudoku *blows own trumpet* and I picked it up quite quickly. Similarly I blart my eyes out at the end of Bambi and any other Disney film where a character dies. In fact, nowadays I only watch two thirds of most Disney films because I can't watch the death bit. (Except for the Lion King where I only watch Pumba and Timone doing the hula dance...*clears throat* "If you're looking for some big fat juicy meat, come and try my buddy Pumba here cos he's a treat, come and down to dine, on this tasty swine, all you gotta do is get in lineeeeeeeeeeee. Areeeeeee you aching (yup, yup, yup, yup) forrrrrrrrrr some bacon (yup, yup, yup, yup) heeeeeeee's a big pig (yup,yup) you could be a big pig toooo, huh!") Ahthankyouverymuch :clap::wacko:


I mean for goodness sake, I'm already questioning my alleged Aspieness because I haven't bricked anyone this week and no one has pointed at me and yelled "run for your lives, it's an Aspie!!!" Are you now telling me that just because I can't watch the end of Cool Runnings (why doesn't it show them going back next year and winning gold, damnit!) or can't even look at the box cover for Ghost, are you insinuating (how very dare you) that, that is un-Aspie like? Me dear? An Aspie dear? Well dear? No Dear. Just because a person likes to play the same game over and over again while wearing the same clothes day in day out, doesn't mean that I can't make eye contact and don't get jokes. Me! An Aspie? How very, very, dare you.


Anyway, you were probably meaning that it was an Aspie trait anyway, or that you're just a big girl (muahhahaha). Either way it doesn't matter now, I've completely lost the plot. It must have been christmas shopping, physical christmas shopping (I already did everything I could online) that has sent me over the edge and made me speak like a bad Catherine Tate character. What a ****** liberty!!


Glad you took my post in a positiveish way, I was worried you would start blubbing like the girl that you are, or worse, release your inner evil Aspie and come and beat me to death with a brick. Phewww!





Don't worry Emily, I don't doubt your sanity for a second (thanks for the impromptu Timone and Pumba outburst by the way - very, err, tuneful) :lol:. I shall put your little 'outburst' down to the excitement of Christmas shopping :dance:


I don't cry at the end of Bambi (mainly because I've never actually seen it :blink:) - I was just testing Mel's emotional state to see whether she has things jumbled up or just missing altogether. The fact that she was able to give a definite answer instead of becoming confused proves that, while possibly insane, she's not an Aspie. And you'd be amazed at how many people don't get Sudokus (or maybe that's just because I'm surrounded by idiots)


I'd forgotten about the 'bricking' criteria - maybe that's what makes my rucksack so heavy each day and explains where those dead and dying bodies at the end of the drive come from (the bin men are beginning to become suspicious I think. Perhaps asking for a second bin bag each week has alerted them to my AS-ness. Hmm, I must consider my options carefully...)


And, just for the record, I AM NOT A GIRL!!!!!! I have proof of that too (not that I'll be presenting this 'proof' in a public forum of course). I'm a stubborn, ice-cold, pig-ignorant, northern bloke who most certainly doesn't cry at the end of Star Wars when R2-D2 gets shot. Poor R2. You will fix him won't you? You must fix him! Oh why did he have to be so brave? :crying:

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Oh alright, for goodness sake!


Don't get your knickers, oops, I mean VERY MANLY BOXERS in a twist.


Sheesh, anyone would think you've got something to hide :P





Shouting and whinging about being called a girl is still a very girly thing to do, no? Ya silly blubbering wench! :lol::lol: *runs off*

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Shouting and whinging about being called a girl is still a very girly thing to do, no? Ya silly blubbering wench! :lol::lol: *runs off*


It's no good you running off - my legs are on the mend now


Just you wait until Newcastle and you'll get some good fashioned northern violence inside you :lol:

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You've got loony tune disease - please proceed directly to the nearest psychiatric ward. If you dance rather than walk then you're a hopeless case :lol:



Ah, as I've always suspected. Ah well, if I don't speak to you soon you'll know they've chucked away the key! :P


~ Mel ~

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Ah, as I've always suspected. Ah well, if I don't speak to you soon you'll know they've chucked away the key! :P


Would you like a bowl of fruit sending to the hospital? :lol:

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Would you like a bowl of fruit sending to the hospital? :lol:



Nah, I'd prefer some Revels please.


BTW, I'm still a little unclear, I mean you didn't give a sliding scale or anything for the Bambi thing. What if, say, a single tear trickled silently down my cheek in a dignified manner, would that give a different result than if I'd have sobbed loudly and unabashed into my cocoa??!! :blink: ....... I'll get my coat.


~ Mel ~

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Nah, I'd prefer some Revels please.


I suppose the staff could throw them at you through the little slot in the cell door. There would of course only be coffee and orange ones left though as I'm sure the bag would have met with a small 'accident' on the way to hospital resulting in all the nice ones having been eaten


I shall remain tight lipped about the Bambi question, if only to send you (further) round the bend worrying about it :lol:

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It's no good you running off - my legs are on the mend now


Just you wait until Newcastle and you'll get some good fashioned northern violence inside you :lol:


Did I say run? I meant waddle like a penguin. I'd stand no chance :crying: Unless you run like the big girl that you are that is :lol::dance::lol:


Northern violence eh.....ooooooooo.....scaaaaaaaaared. Let me explain again what I look like. A big fat Johnny Vegas look-a-like, only a girl. (Just about) Lots of fat means lots of weight behind punches which means that I would kick your skinny running like a girl bum. We aye no pushovers in burrrmingham don't yow know.


And anyway my boyf just happens to look a bit like a Serbian arms dealer so you'll have to face both of us. Nurr Nurr Nurr :P





P.S. You better start teaching the g-pigs how to lift weights!

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Did I say run? I meant waddle like a penguin. I'd stand no chance :crying: Unless you run like the big girl that you are that is :lol::dance::lol:


Northern violence eh.....ooooooooo.....scaaaaaaaaared. Let me explain again what I look like. A big fat Johnny Vegas look-a-like, only a girl. (Just about) Lots of fat means lots of weight behind punches which means that I would kick your skinny running like a girl bum. We aye no pushovers in burrrmingham don't yow know.


And anyway my boyf just happens to look a bit like a Serbian arms dealer so you'll have to face both of us. Nurr Nurr Nurr :P





P.S. You better start teaching the g-pigs how to lift weights!


You soft southern nancies. Lean speed muscle is what you need like the ultimate 'skinny guy' Bruce Lee :notworthy: . We're bred hard 'oop north' so throwing you pair of Brummies into the Tyne won't present much of a problem - Coming from Birmingham, you probably need a bath anyway :P


(No need to teach the guineas how to lift weights, Mr Shuff's backside is the size of a small African country and he manages to carry that around all day long)

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There would of course only be coffee and orange ones left



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*runs screaming in circles*). Not that, please, anything but thaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........................... At least save me some toffee ones!! :o


~ Mel ~

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*runs screaming in circles*). Not that, please, anything but thaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........................... At least save me some toffee ones!! :o


~ Mel ~


Maybe although I'm not sure you mental patients know what you're saying half the time


Perhaps you really mean that you only want orange and coffee ones. As I believe Freud once said when addressing the committee on mental well-being in 1902 "The inner child protests through the medium of the external form but, because of this very protest, we can assume a positive-negative re-assertion of the child like state. To break this cycle of inter-generational dependency we must do the exact opposite of what the inner child actually asks of us...so no toffee Revels for you" :devil:

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Maybe although I'm not sure you mental patients know what you're saying half the time


Perhaps you really mean that you only want orange and coffee ones. As I believe Freud once said when addressing the committee on mental well-being in 1902 "The inner child protests through the medium of the external form but, because of this very protest, we can assume a positive-negative re-assertion of the child like state. To break this cycle of inter-generational dependency we must do the exact opposite of what the inner child actually asks of us...so no toffee Revels for you" :devil:



Okay, okay, you're right, you're right, please, PLEASE only give me those yummy orange and coffee ones, absolutely under no circumstances are you to provide toffee or maltesers! :pray: (*whimpers like a jelly*).


Blast that Freud!! :angry:


~ Mel ~

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Okay, okay, you're right, you're right, please, PLEASE only give me those yummy orange and coffee ones, absolutely under no circumstances are you to provide toffee or maltesers! :pray: (*whimpers like a jelly*).


Blast that Freud!! :angry:


~ Mel ~


Well...only if you promise not to gnaw through the straps or pull the rubber wallpaper off the wall :lol:

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Well...only if you promise not to gnaw through the straps or pull the rubber wallpaper off the wall :lol:


OKAY, OKAY, just gimme the toffees!! (*snatch*) .............. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's better. ;)


~ Mel ~

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This has got to be the most un-aspie conversation I've ever seen on here :lol::lol:


It's brilliant!



Here, have these yummy orange and coffee Revels, my treat! :whistle:


~ Mel ~

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Here, have these yummy orange and coffee Revels, my treat! :whistle:


~ Mel ~


Well there's gratitude for you - giving away the Revels that someone brought to the hospital for you. Tsk, tsk, tsk :shame:

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Oh, just chuck any spare Revels my way.....I'd eat ANYTHING covered in chocolate.....you won't need them Mel...you've got birthday cake to eat and that's just plain greedy :P:lol:

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I love the coffee revels :blink: I was so upset when coffee creams stopped being sold in pick n mix sections that I seriously considered making them myself :blink:

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