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rainbow queen

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Everything posted by rainbow queen

  1. i was in this situation-regarding private renting ect,,,,i moved from a 2 bedroomed private rent but the second room was only a box shape.............into a 3 bedroomed private rent ..........i managed to get housing benifit upped but it didnt cover it all so i payed 25 a month out of my cash................but the house was really damp...it was victorian ...heaps of space but boy it ended up making us all ill.............there was no yard or garden[u must write down all the negative points about where u are]................mold grwing on windows and in cellar...it had been flooded ....house smelled....gas bills was huge and electric and was still freezing cold.............windows were ######.......ect............... i honestly thought id never get a council property as like some one said they just isnt enough council housing about.....since everyone has bought them........... but i did ..........i even got a 3 bedroomed in a good area...............took me year ....but it became my goal and i wouldnt let it drop............... i wrote letters mainly as i find they can fob u of more on the phone..................i photo copied them and sent them everywhere........ head of housing housing associations[cause council said they needed proof id applied to them to ] local mp counciller for your district doctors health visitor in my case police force [had a past with ex] i wrote real long letters about it all effected our health and mental health...............photo copied all my paperwork thast i had on my son and his appointments ect............. dont be shy on telling it the worst it is....................... maybe i was lucky because the private house id got was in real bad state and had many points i could argue over................like the fact it caused asthma in my son.............and i ended up in a and e one night cause i couldnt breath.............mold i even got environmental health involved. oh yes they were sick of hearing from me................they fobbed me off till .....i broke there will................. please dont give in...............i know it takes up more time wring to folk but it was worth it for me .............i even went as far as sending my local mp a photo of me and my sons........... ....
  2. hi all on recent appointment to salt-they assessed my son again,and said he has know caught up with basic lang.....so he may not need a iep... she gave me a form to fill called pragmatics and said she would be sending the school one..........i looked out it and the things on it are excatly the problems that lead to all the trouble i have with him..... previous to this id sent lots of letters in trying to explain this -to which i never really got much feed back on-and only now i have been given this to fill in-son was 5 in june........ i just wondered is this the norm.....and why have they only just given me this now-when iv been struggling explaining this for past year[this is lang and understanding part]. and also will anything come of it.......im certainly going to make sure i get it all down....because this really is whats causing the trouble and meltdowns in our house??
  3. <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> i havnt got any advice but sending you some hugs--i completely understand you feeling neurotic---- the thing to remember is alot of these folk just pass the buck around -i wouldnt let it get to you-i know its easy said than done.....just dont give in.....
  4. <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> take care of yourself honey-think positive-i know its hard to do must be something going on -ive had a similar spate of mad incidents occuring one after another.......... Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
  5. oh thats really awful <'> <'> sorry i dont have any experience but i hope you manage to sort it out xxxx
  6. hello <'> <'> <'> please dont feel guilty im on medication ,maybe the tablets you are on are not working for you,some can make u feel really sleepy -i know cause i was like that for a long while-also sleeping is a form of escape,ive tryed lots of different ones. i also have to take a mood stabiliser too,and have checkups with pychatrist,before i had these mood stabiliers i was getting like that about leaving the house ect.....it also doesnt help when your children have put you through some terrible ordeals in public too -i think thats effected me in a way-dealing with that as well you musnt blame yourself make sure your eating well ,to get your energy levels up,and vits can help too. take care xxxx
  7. DS1 also doesn't believe in Santa, big issue with belief concepts, so far have managed to convince the little one not to listen when he says anything about it, would like him to be able to hold onto that imagination if possible that made me laugh-for years my 5 year old would argue with me about father christmas ever since i took him to a school fair and he saw him and screamed the place down.....................everytime after that he would state that father christmas was at the school and no where else...ect....and certainly wouldnt be coming down our chimney ect..... i sort of gave up mentioning him.....but now my 3 year old is interested in it.............so you got to try havnt you lol ive just bought 2 etch a sketch from woolworths for my 2-i used to have one as a girl
  8. i bought a magnetic board from shop and magnets----asked my sons social worker to get me the symbols done for us
  9. this cant be right-why would they take your son off you? p.s. ive just had dealings with ss myself -but for another reason-but yeah you really got to be carefull around them.............as i found out ....but thats another story.................... they must be something that can be done-what are there reasons for doing this?
  10. i can say now hedders please dont let the school try telling you different agaisnt your gut feelings-my sons school was exactly the same. ive since removed him from it. my son when he was 2 and a half to 3 -had rituals of having to say the colour of every door we passed in the street to get to nursery-if i didnt let him or tryed to hurry him-he would do complete melt down and sit down and refiuse to move one way or the other-the screaming was terrible-i endured the screaming for years thinking it was normal behaviour............... he also had obsession with adverts and logos and brand names and shop names - he would name every car make in the street and he remembered them all to,then there was the standing on grids-along every house in the street then the green man button issuse came along................the list is endless........he still dose it now but its not as intense,but its still bad. there was times i had to drag him along the street-or carry him for ages -whilst he basicly kicked me and head butted me...............all this was going on outside of school /nursery,amongst all the other stuff.............my son is passive at school and complies-but i pay for it when he walks through the school gates..............
  11. my son was very same as what stephanie has descibed here ----- Sometimes it is what they say rather than how much they say - and the way they intepret things. My son could never understand the difference between "you" "me" "I" "mine" etc. We used to go in a shop and he would say "look, there's a toy like "yours" instead of saying "mine" .. and he wouldn't say "I" he would always use his name. He talked fine in terms of words, he could tell you what any object was called, any country, but he had trouble stringing sentences together and past and present tenses. He was just strange with language, he never called me Mummy or asked questions until just before he started school ... and now he never stops asking questions and everyone of them starts with "Mummy ....!" Lol. my son got asssessed by saying what age he was speaking and understanding at for his chronically age ie...at chronically age of 3 he had speech of 1 and a half --ect.....
  12. rainbow queen

    New cat...

    hi ive got a cat and bought a fluffy basket for him years ago ................but he dont bother with it...........he now sleeps on my bed with me most nights.......... which is ok as long as hes not got fleas..............and them flea drops cost a bomb from the vets...frontline... my cat was a stray which i rescued -was living in a skip and seeping on old materesses,hes called fatty and ive had him 7 years now...........hes been through thick and thin with me ...........bless x
  13. best of luck to you suze and your family
  14. my son hasnt been dx but i think this is also because he was delayed globally with everything at 3 his speech was poor and they used alot of visual stuff and signing -makton to try to get feedback ect..... they meaning hospital nursery/and playgroup...... at home i had to guess alot what he wanted ect....or go through a list with him................alot of the tantrums/meltdowns occured because of this too
  15. well id waited so long i really thought that camhs would help get my son dx---well it hasnt been going a while now -had few sessions going through it all..........in fact its mostly me that dose the talking -feed back is very poor now me and my son are doing a course thing--hence id already been on one before........so i know all about the positive play stuff ect..... they actually reckon im the best parent theyve had and because im doing all the right things with my son in that time slot .....i will be finished soon....i did ask well what happens after this...............infact i made a point of saying i better not be left to it after this course as thats what keeps happening ect...... it seems alot of talk but not really going anywhere by the way do any of you know if you are actually allowed to find out what they are writing down on your childrens file-out of interest id love to know whats written down about us.......
  16. just added -dont think your alone cause ive had 5 years of this and ive took video footage in to camhs too and still no firm dx school is just as bad ive just piulled my 2 boys out from the school they were at----boy the headteacher soon showed her true colours -utter ###### ive got them starting new one this mon....................it seems a better school.......... all i can say is dont give in cause it seems they all want us to cave in and its utter rubbish -half these folk dont even know what they are talking about-----ive never accounted so much bull ###### as i have with dealing with this in my whole life...............
  17. hi i was just reading this post and im having similar probs as hedders-----and as you mentioned darky with the senco to-ive really hit a brick wall-and they too are trying to with draw my sons speech therapy-ive just e mailed them demanding that they cant?---is any of this legal? i was basically blackmailed in the head teachers office that if i choose to withdraw my sons---which i have -ive got them in another school on mon-that he can not have his appointment with speech therapist who was going to just do a reassess -and if he still needed her input he would still get a iep-now hes got nothing-and the head teacher told the new school that they have now took him of the speacial needs regestir ---right after our argument i add-without even telling me. is this mess normal affairs in all these matters??? my son still got no dx
  18. hi hedders again i know how you are feeling i just wanted to tell you cause id talked to u before on other post about iep being pulled from my son...............well ive had enough of the lot....i ended up in school arguing with the headteacher.........ive pulled both my boys out of the school and im starting them on mon at another one....................they have more help at this other school.............the headteacher from old school added hes now of the specieal needs reg...........it was almost blackmail..........in 2 weeks he was ment to be reveiwed by salt again . anyway ive had it with that school ....they tryed every angel to block me and my son......and made me feel i had no choice in the matter..............just letting you know dont let them push you about. ive written many letters to the consultant explaining all the probs my son has and how i thought he was on the spectrum. he still has no dx but i do have reports about him ect....... the school were of no help at all with me and my son..................hopefully this new school will offer him better education....and if any probs arise they seem more capable of dealing with asd matters and all other learning probs ect.....
  19. well ive been and its the usual well hes doing well at school in fact hes in 2nd group from the top......................so they cant see a need now for iep....................i did argue my case...............at one point told her she was patronising me................. it all depends now on the speech therapist who he sees at end of month..................if he will still receive input from her he will still get iep.................... but shes 12 to teach and shes got to prirotise ...........so some will just end up in class having a little bit from the teacher....................i bet my son ends up in this............... hes a year behind with lang and compreshision..............id rung her up to ,,,,,wont know till end of month when she tests my son again........... quite sick of the lot really i am pleased my son is doing well though,im on a course about trying to manage his behaviour at home.............. they wont dx him...........although he just scored on the last ados test just on the spectrum..............
  20. hello i have been on this course im now on another one called parent child game....which is very similar but on a one to one thing rather than a group. its maddening when your not being listened to and they presume its your parenting skills................ive had 5 years of this lot...............and now im getting it with the school................ i decieded to attend the course because i didnt want them saying oh well we have offered you some help but u didnt take it....................... i will admit it helped me because it is a very thorough course....but it dont take away the fact its a disability issue and not just a parenting one.
  21. thanks for the reply ...im just on my way now to the meeting......i agree with you i have struggled along all this way and now they going try taking that away from him........its bad enough like you said trying to find out how your child is progressing........think all this is just another goverment money cutting back sheme .....well here it goes im all fired up ...hope i dont get into a big argument..........
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