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Everything posted by lisann

  1. Glad you enjoyed it did ya save us any ????????? Lisa x
  2. lisann

    JOB !!!!!

    I went for interview today first in 8 years boy was I scared was up against 4 mums but guess what I got it over the moon. So come September I will be in employment yipee and studing oh it is suppose to come in threes mabe Char will start to sleep (well there's always hope). Lisa x
  3. Hubby and me where rolling god that is so funny I could actually she myself doing that. Lisa x
  4. lisann

    Hi everyone

    What a clever lass you are well done hun !! P.S Where have you found the time??? Lisa x
  5. FANTASTIC news CONGRATULATIONS. Viper The saggy sacks where big but boy Chars todger was tiny hubby said he didn't inherite his Lisa x
  6. That's brill mine still not shown up applied for second time in May !! Lisa x
  7. Good luck to Reece for tom have a lovely trip and to Mum try not to worry he'll be fine. Lisa x
  8. lisann


    That's great can totally understand how you feel we waited a year for ours and ended up in the time between buying a large silver cross three wheeler cost us a fortune. Char now has the Major tho' much lighter and he sits better in it. Lisa x
  9. lisann


    Well done Reece Lisa
  10. Char's the opposite he just likes being starkas Lisa
  11. T's mum where you gone i hadn't noticed Glad you are back love Lisa x
  12. Fab news that is brill well done your little man Lisa x
  13. Hi and a warm welcome we had a problem with my hubby's parents and we just ended up ignoring the comments easier said then done.If we tried to deal with a situation with Char while we where at their house and they put there too bit in then my hubby would say let us deal with this mum.It is only now she has watched us dealing with him the right way and seen how quickly the situation can be stoped as she started asking question relating to ASD.Befor he was just a solit kid and we needed to give him a smack bum ye right!!!! Lisa x
  14. Hope you get it sorted it must be costing you a fortune and driving you mad!!!! Lisa x
  15. lisann


    Hi Viper never been but have a fab time hun Lisa x
  16. lisann

    Hello Campers

    Know of one in France that is suppose to be good! Lisa x
  17. lisann

    RIP Pootie...

    Hope puter is mended soon it's like loosing a limb not being able to get on here ( maybe not that bad but you know what I mean) Lisa
  18. Fingers crossed legs and arms too for your little man! We got red and white day with a penalty shoot out umm Char can't kick balls very good doesn't understand it has to go in the net and went wearing a blue t-shirt good luck to the teachers that's what I say!!!LOL Lisa x
  19. Personal I'd say no but that's just me.I think it is terrible to say but in this day and age there are too many people out there waiting to take advantage but maybe I too strict!!! Lisa x
  20. This is one of our fav haven sites.You will have a ball and it isn't too busy and crowed this time of year.Char loves the tiger club and the night entertainment he stands out of the way of the other kids but tries to join in with Rory and the gang. Enjoy oh I'm so jellous Lisa x
  21. lisann


    Lauren the capsules can be opened up and the powder put into a drink and taken much easier than trying to swollow them. Lisa x
  22. Hi yes it has to be a ped' for Melatonin because it doesn't have a medicane licence in this country.Doc can prescribe the Val something a anti-histamine and diazapam and some other things.Doc will tell you what he thinks is best for you son. Char only has 4 / 5 hours sleep with at least two wakings in that time and up for good latest 4am.Melatonin will only aid him to sleep it won't keep him asleep. Lisa x
  23. Justamom think Mums should too acording to DH : 0 Lisa x
  24. Could you try something like a gameboy or portable dvd player,leappad or colouring book toys in car etc..........?????????? Lisa x
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