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Everything posted by madme

  1. Oh well I just typed a long post only to lose it. Firstly <'> >< <'> Secondly go with your gut instincts. Thirdly sometimes one label isnt enough. My son is dx severe adhd (hyperkinetic disorder_ aspergers, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. We have also been told that there are dyslexic tendancies, SID and possible APD. The four main labels were attached not for the sake of it but because they were deemed necessary as he "evolved" There is a great book by Lisa Blakemore Brown about the autistic tapestry. I would certainly consider reading as much as possible about each of these areas. A multi disciplinary team is necessary. It is possible to ask for referral to a tertiary centre in cases where it is not clear cut eg Good luck.
  2. Defies belief. You need a solicitor to advise you asap.Think I told you how to find an appropriate one in my post last time, I would also report the matter to Ofsted, make a formal complaint with the LEA and the school. Its all about risk assessments = your solicitor will advise fully. Good luck.
  3. Hi. I would recommed that you buy the Gabbitas guide to sen schools if you don't have it already. I found it really helpful and in fact that was how we found our son's current school. It has independent and state mainstream and special and mixed. you can buy it by paying by card over the phone. Have you actually talked to the schools that you are interested in or visited. I talked to loads of heads and sencos and visited quite a few with and without my son. We whittled it down to two. I let my son choose as it was a secondary placement. He is boarding and it was his choice. I miss him terribly but I know that its worth it. Good luck
  4. Don't wish to hijack the thread but I wondered if anyone's child had a difficulty knowing when they want to do a poo. My daughter (8 aspergers) seems to say she has stomach ache a lot which is clearly better once she has been on the loo. She was dx as having SID last year. Is this common?
  5. Both my kids had problems with this. Mydaughter is worse than her brother was. We used a flannel for a long time and then a really small brush for baby teeth. We were advised by an OT specialising in Sensory integration disorder to rub her gums gently with a finger to help with the de-sensitisation. It has a bit. We also found a really groovy toothbrush that plays music louder as you brush. My son even had to go to the dentist every few weeks at one point as the dentist was so patient and really helped him with the cleaning and build up. What made him do it more was as he hit his teenage years and started to take an interest in girls- then he had a real motivation to do it! He still has issues about brushes and certain pastes but he copes.
  6. My son had them for night time until he was about twelve/thirteen from about age 8 when we his psych did a referral to the incontinence service as he was appalled that the Gp had taken no action. He had a bladder problem and a diagnosis of ASD/ADHD. We had to fight for them. My daughter had a dx of ASD but we never got nappies for her despite her still needing them at night until she was 7. It seems to vary from area to area. And yes at the grand age of 13 my son is now dry and I'm very relieved! Good luck.
  7. Yep we had one recently. I felt compelled to buy it ( sheer nagging power not proud parent ) DD was beside herself at seeing her name in print, She also enjoyed reading all the others work. It was quite enlightening seeing the different levels within the same year groups. Some kids were clearly very talented.
  8. Cariad, it seems there are a few issue in your post. With regard to the lack of school provision you ought to take legal advice- some solicitors will offer a free first session. Check out the Law Society website to find a local Solicitor who deals with Education law Secondly your chjild may have a personal injury claim - have you considered a CICA claim- have the police mentioned this? Again you will need a local Solicitor - someone specailising in Personal Injury- you may be lucky and find someone who deals with both areas. Thirdly- the prosecution- call the NAS and see if they can help. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be able to help. Cant see why he cant give evidence - has it gone to the CPS for consideration. If its in France then agian you may need specailist advice- the NAS may be able to find someone to assist. Sounds a terrible situation to be in. Hope you get some help soon. Take Care
  9. We have found a local go kart track that is really cheap and Dd (8) has just started going. Its her new obsession. Spends hours on the net looking at things to do with this. Knows all about Lewis Hamilton's career. Dd's only concession to being a girl is the odd dash of pink. Do any of your kids like karting? She seems to be quite good has been a few times and loves the speed- I'm hoping that all that concentration for a few ghours will knock her out!
  10. I had a real isue with shoes as a kid - would insist on wearing shoes about one size too big- had a lot of sesnory issues. My mum dreaded the visit to Clarkes each term. She says that i was really embarassing as I would be so akward. My Dd (dx SID and ASD- 8) is just the same. I hate shopping foe shoes or clothes with her. My mum now understands perhaps why I was like that. I have to take DD this weekend and would love to send hubbie but he just wouldnt have the patience.
  11. Yes Thorpe and Alton do offer fast passes on proof via the disabled exit. We have found it a god send and wished that it had existed when son was small. We have an annual Tussauds pass but found on a recent visit to Chessington that they are changing their system due to abuse. Thorpe may also change but hasnt as yet- something to do with the number of "disabled" visitors at Chessington, Call them to check what they currently require as proof. We had produced letters stating the diagnosis from Consultant. I think Chessington is moving moire over to difficulty with queuing rather than having a disability as being sufficient.
  12. Wish that I had never started this thread.
  13. Take care. It can be a "shock" even though you "knew". <'> ><
  14. Can I just add both my children are diagnosed. My son is a teenager diagnosed over 6 years ago with Hyperkinetic disorder , asd traits and dyspraxia and a couple of years later with Aspergers. My daughter was diagnosed Aspergers 18 months ago. Both were NHS diagnoses and by teams. Can I also make it clear that none of the posts that have upset me have been made in response to my posts. I can just remember how it was and how desperate I was for answers. In fact I never ventured on a site like this pre diagnosis as in fact I really had issues about admitting that there was a problem
  15. I don't post that often. I come here for support and have found a lot over the years. I have to say I'm quite upset by what appears to be an underlying current of criticism. None or perhaps I should say few of us are experts on autism and aspergers. Most who post have a child diagnosed or awaiting diagnosis or are diagnosed themselves. I agree not everyone has asd or asd traits. If someone thinks that there child may have it then there is likely to be an issue somewhere - whether it is asd or not. I agree that we shouldnt self diagnose but sometimes I get this feeling that some almost have the approach - well I'm in the club but I don't want everyone to join. These little comments every now and then just upset me. I can recall knowing that my son was different and feeling scared of admitting it. Posting sometimes takes a lot of guts. I will now get off my high horse and hope that I haven't upset anyone.
  16. Yes. Both my kids have a formal diagnosis. My mum has some social issues but would not qualify for a diagnosis. MY dad's brother probably had a form of autism. He was labelled as slow and had odd social behaviour. He died young - mainly from his inability to communicate how ill he was feeling. I found him really hard to understand and felt saddened so many years later when my son was diagnosed that we had not really understood what was going on. My dad's cousin committed suicide and from what he tells me I suspect was ASD. My Hubbie has definiate traits. His Dad also. His grandfather I am informed had very clear asd traits - I was advised by a cousin of my husband who has a child dx with ASD. My hubbie has another cousin also with a child dx as ASD and ADHD. I have a cousin who was very ADHD ( I recognise it now as my son has a dx of severe adhd/hyperkinetic disorder as well). A few of my grandmothers siblings were very very eccentric and possibly ASD. I think that I have traits of Adhd and Aspergers.
  17. Has anyone seen this? No surprise. Our Lea didnt quite go this far but they did call the psch and try and get them to say that it wasnt severe.
  18. God it hurts doesnt it? WE have done the same with our son. Parties for the whole class return invites never Can remember one incident when we dropped by his childminders as it was her son's birthday her son was in my sons class and he had been invited to the few parties that DS had. When we arrived at the door the lights went out and the music was turned off-it was so obvious. Just wanted to give him his present- never forgave her.I didnt have it in me to say anything the next morning when i dropped off my son for school at her house and just handed over the present. My son was always so forgiving when he didnt get an invite.
  19. Hi. Its good to hear that things are going better. I was wondering only the other day how you all were. Take care
  20. I know how you feel. With my son when he was at his first school we had exactly the same approach from the SENCO. We eventually gave up and moved him- wish we had done it earlier. My son really suffered unnecessarily. I would add that he had a diagnosis from a leading NHS team but the school still tried to deny his propblems. He too is bright and I think thats why the senco was dismissive. I think if a child is not running around the class or struggling with their work then they see the child as having no problems. Roll on 7 years later and our 8 year old is also now diagnosed as ASpergers. The senco at her school has basically said to me that she doesnt see any of the problems that are mentioned by the NHS reports. Well they must be ignoring it then as the after school club have recognised when she has had difficulties. An Ot also diagnosed SID and the class teacher hasnt even read the report - neither has the senco. Academically its a good school- she moved there a year ago. She does now have a circle of friends and as its near my work we wont consider moving her unless things get bad. Having some like minded friends ( at least one in her circle has un dx asd tendancies)has made such a difference to her. Hope you get them to understand. If not do think about moving him if that could be an option. With my son I really regretted not doing it earler. He aws so much happie when he was in a small school with understanding teachers. His anxieties reduced considerably. I think I had stuck my head in the sand at the fear of the "change"
  21. My husband has had an interest in this for a long time and so has over the last year been on some very intensive training courses. I have to admit I was sceptical, however I have dipped in to the training material and quite surprised at the amount he has had to cover. He is currently looking at the use of cbt and hynotherapy together. I undrstand cbt as a lot of my cients get referred for it. CBT appears to be rarely available on the NHS.
  22. madme

    Annual Review

    What role should the LEA play at the annual review. We as parents are required to put our views in writing. His teachers have written a report stating why despite being in small class sizes he still needs extra 1:1. Can the LEA just turn up and take notes and play no role? The Lea have indicated that as it is a specialist school they do not see why they should pay for extra 1:1 in maths and literacy. They claim that he is the only child in the lea where this is the case other than those with severe complex needs. My son's school has lots of kids from lots of leas and many receive extra 1:1. Last year it took 6-7 months to get the amended statement after the review.
  23. My son is now 13(aspergers) and still does make lists although not as much. He even used to use copying paper so that he had a duplicate in case he lost it! His other favourite was collecting useless leaflets and unfortunately that still happens- I hate those stands in shops. Hope that you do get some answers soon.
  24. well done. I'm hoping to take my daughter to see it.
  25. I'm not sure if this will help and If not sorry. In many areas you can self refer to podiatry- who also deal with gait abnormailities as I did this for my son as he was walking very badly and has now got inserts in his shoes. Its just a thought. Good luck
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