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Everything posted by lindy-lou

  1. hi caroline,firstly well done on your succesful DLA claim, We have just got our award and it lasts until exactly a month before my daughters 5th birthday,it does sat on the letter that when she is 5 we should reapply for the mobility component too.
  2. Hev if you ever need someone to talk to PMme and i shall give you my phone number <'>
  3. Sorry to hear of your sad loss jill,my sympathies are wih you and your family <'>
  4. Welcome home kirstie <'> Glad you had a great time,i hope we can see your pics!!
  5. hi,welcome on board,hope you find loads of support and information you need here
  6. Yes absolutley!!i get alot from Ebay and Paypal and also banks that i dont even use, I got very worried the 1st time i received one,i agree it is best to warn people and let them know how real they can look
  7. I get these phishing emails all the time,no bank will send you emails like this,best thing to do is ignore them.
  8. well i told her usual teacher and she looked very surprised to say the least,it is her headteacher who takes her on a thursday and friday who is the b***h,i shall be seeing her today
  9. lindy-lou

    we went swimming

    Well done hev!! It is the 1st hurdles that are always the hardest to get over,we love swimming and im no kate moss believe me (already have a bump a 6 monther would be proud of ) India is a pure natural in the water,totally fearless,it is a joy to see her have so much fun,i hope you continue to go,you get a real buzz from swimming,always makes me feel like ive done something worthwhile
  10. If i ever have any windows updates that need installing i get a notification bubble at the bottom right of the screen,much the same as when i connect to the internet,there are malicious pop-ups that look very convincing and microsoft like,you have to be extremely careful what you click on.
  11. It is lovely you have this very special time with your son,it sounds wonderful and i wish i could do the same thing with my girls,he is only 7,still a baby to me,dont worry about what anyone else may think,do it for as long as you both enjoy it and are comfortable with it
  12. there is also a care premium on it too,it adds up to about an extra ?40 a week,i have worked out that all in all i will be better of by about ?120 a week,so makes not going to work and looking after india a bit easier
  13. yes it can be backdated for 12 weeks i think!!
  14. yes thanks paula,i did apply for it at same time as the DLA but got turned down and told to reapply when i got dla,also get the disabled child premium back dated on childtax credit also.
  15. Yes it is being backdated to the 2nd december 2005 and we have been awarded it til july 2007!The money will be fab,but more than the money it feels like such a victory in making them believe me,and such a slap in the face for her teacher who said we didnt deserve it.
  16. Oh it has so much!!i cant stop grinning like a cheshire cat
  17. We got awarded middle rate DLA!!!!!!!!!! No mobility but i didnt expect to get it really,i think she really is entitled to higher rate personal care but at the moment i am just so happy to have got any at all!! How much did i enjoy going in and telling her school today,oh yes,it was just the best feeling ever I feel like i have climbed everest!!
  18. http://www.nas.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=253&a=9629 Me and my sister are attending one of these seminars in july to help us to deal with my teenage nephews newly found sexuality,just wondered if anyone else has attended one and wether you found it helpful or not?
  19. I have enjoyed it,it is my eldest daughters 12th birthday today Happy st georges day
  20. Fab news glad to hear he is on the mend! welcome to the world little man <'>
  21. lindy-lou

    Eagle cam

    Isni it brill!! The eggs are supposed to hatch in 5 days,i shall be witing with baited breath,would be amazing to see them hatch!!
  22. lindy-lou

    Peter Kay

    I watched it til i fell asleep,great stuff!
  23. If i could be granted a 1/5 of the patience of this couple i would be a happy woman,truely amazing and inspirational parents and children.
  24. My sister told me about the boy and his mum being missing yesterday,we were talking about it as a friend of ours is severley depressed by looking after her autistic son,it is such a tragedy that people are allowed to feel like this and go without the help they so urgently need,my thought and prayers are with the family at this awful time
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