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Everything posted by lizzie

  1. Hi Everyone, words I dont use in my house are I WILL THINK ABOUT IT, MAYBE or NO!!! K hates these words and flips out if I use them!!!
  2. HI Bagpuss, since both my parents died I have had little or no support, I have found that people tend to either avoid contact with me or refuse to acknowledge that K has AS. A couple of months ago, my best friend and neighbour, who I have always considered to be the most caring understanding person I know, told me that she cannot be my friend anymore because K is too much like hard work, she also stopped her children, who have been friends with K since babyhood, from playing with K. She told another of my friends that she didnt want anything to do with me or K because, she believes that there is nothing wrong with K that a good hiding wouldnt cure!!! Apparently K hasnt got AS, I just use that as an excuse to let him get away with murder!! At first I was devastated, I couldnt believe that this woman who Id shared all my thoughts and fears with had turned on me and K in such an evil way, I thought I new her, I was so wrong! now I dont let her upset me or K now, the way I see it she is not worthy of walking in my sons shadow, and its her loss not mine!! Apart from my other friend H and my oldest son who is 21 in june, I get the biggest majority of support from this forum, when I joined a few weeks ago, I was at rock bottom, now I feel more able to cope and I wish Id come here sooner!!
  3. The poor man!! Hope he pulls through thinking of him and
  4. Hi Tylers Mum, I had similar problems with my son when visiting the paed, he would get really wound up while the paed was trying to talk to me, and then by the time she got round to talking to him he was upset and uncooperative and we would end up ending the appointment early, now we have seperate appointments I go to the clinic to see her on my own, and when she needs to see K she comes to my home, this way has worked brilliant for all of us, now K see's the paed as a friend more than a doctor, Im not sure if all paeds would be as obliging as ours(she is FAB!!!) but it might be worth asking if perhaps you could see your paed without your son every appointment, sorry I cant be morehelpful. Lizzie xxx
  5. HI Zamen, I can totally understand how you must feel, I hate bullying I believe it is the thing that most kids remember about their school days long after they left school, I know when I think back to school(many many moons ago!!!) its the taunting and hair pulling that springs to mind first, thats sad! My 11yr old also got bullied when he started comp in sept and no matter how many times I got in touch with school it made no difference at all, if anything it made it worse, in the end I lost my patience and had it out with the bully myself, that made a big difference!! That particular bully left K alone, the thing with bullies is, when one stops, there is always another little s___t waiting to take his place!!! Grrrrrr I hope you get things sorted for your little one, I dont thinks these other kids realise the hurt they cause. Good luck! xxx
  6. Mmmmmmm let me think...........would I have another child???er............no!!!!! Unfortunately I think I might be passed it!!!
  7. lizzie


    Hi Eva, Im pretty new here myself, and I have found loads of help and support, hope you find it too!!x
  8. Hello Gardenia, nice to meet you, I only joined a couple of weeks ago and I have found everyone to be very friendly and helpful, I love it!
  9. Hi Jontythe artist, Sorry to hear your having a rough time, not certain how you go about talking face to face(new here myself) Im sure there are people who will do this though, I do know that if anyone can make you feel better, the people on this forum can, two weeks ago I was at rock bottom, and Im glad to say that Im on the up, directly because of this forum! Hope you are feeling better very soon.xx
  10. Well done Ben!! You're a star!! xx
  11. Oh my god, the poor baby!!one word.............WHY??? Theres no justice in this world!! xx
  12. That cheered me up no end, there goes me in 30yrs time!!
  13. Ahhhhhh Lauren, that is so sad... and yes it does say it all, my lad hates school just as much, I caught him trying to cut his school tie up a while back, when I asked him why he said'' Im not allowed in school without my tie'' It breaks me to think they have to spend so much time in a place they hate and where they dont get looked after properly, thats why Ive decided to home ed. x Lizzie
  14. HI Butterfly, you are not alone on this one, I remember back to when K was DX , It really is like being bereaved, you will come through this smiling and stronger, hang on in there <'> sorry Im not much help, Im on an emotional roller coaster myself just now.... I hope things get better for you soon.xx
  15. Hi again, I was talking to my next door neighbour yesterday about the problems I have been having with K's school, I told her about all the time he had off without it being noticed, and the sencos reasons for it going un noticed, she was really shocked, she has 3 kids of her own(NT) at the same school, and says that if any of hers have a day off, if she hasnt rung in by lunchtime explaining why, the school ring her wanting to know the reason!! IM now thinking, did K's time off go unnoticed because his days off just happened to be on the days that the registration system wasnt working, or did nobody really bother too much about him because he has special needs?? I am going to work out the dates(as many as I can remember! There has been loads!!) and ask to have these checked against the register, I would be interested to see the results of that! I am going to take this further though, not just for my son, as a parent I owe it to everyone who has kids at the school! Thanks for listening to another one of my rants, sometimes I feel that all I ever do is complain!!
  16. Hi Paula, I know exactly what you mean its impossible to force a big strong 12 yr old to do anything he doesnt want to do, just been through it myself with mine, dont feel bad, your not too soft.....just human. xx
  17. I got a great big lump in my throat after reading where William said he didnt realise you were so pretty!!! <'> What a sweety!! xxx
  18. lizzie

    At last

    Ahhh! Thats great Its not unheard of to come across understanding people, Its just not quiteoften enough!! Can you let me know who your hairdresser is!!
  19. Yes I thought so too! Im reporting this to Lea on monday!!!
  20. Hi everyone, just an update really about my son Ks school and the shower of idiots that seem to run it!!! Re cap.... K has had approx. 75% of this year absent from school without it being noticed by school!!! When I asked the senco how come it went un detected, the answer he gave me made me shudder!......... Apparently, they have a new computorised system of taking the registered, he then quite openly admitted that it has been faulty since day one and it only actually works 2 days out of 5!! so the other 3 days they cant keep proper track of absences!!! Oh my lord!!! What if there was a fire!! Im so glad K is no longer in the care of a school that quite obviously doesnt care! Im so disgusted!
  21. I wish there was a smiley that mooned!!!
  22. I could think of some thing else Id call him, But its not lady-like!! K's paed wasnt happy about it at all! I couldnt ever feel relaxed knowing Id sent him to that school now the trust has gone. Ive had the senco on the phone several times promising K all sorts, amazingly, I rang to speak to him on numerous occasions before the meeting and left messages, not once did he reply I still cant believe K had so much time off school without it being noticed, its a good thing he wasnt playing truant wasnt it? K has been signed off school with severe depression now and I hold the senco responsible, Im going to complain to Lea, I feel the system has let K down badly!!
  23. I am so angry!!!! I have had problems getting K to school since sept last year, he has had a vast amount of time off, since christmas he hasnt had a full week in school, but no-one at school has noticed!!He hasnt been at all since before easter........ It all came to a head recently when K got so upset about the prospect of school that he tried to jump out of his bedroom window!!(upstairs window!) I got in touch with his paed and she said she would bring K's problems up during a multi agency meeting at school that week. At the meeting before the paed had chance to speak, the head of senco at K's school was asked how K was doing, to which he replied, he is doing very well indeed He has settled in very well and there are no problems to report at the moment!!!! It had to be pointed out to him, that K hadnt been to school for weeks and was struggling with his work because the majority of his teachers were not even aware that K had AS!!! I am disgusted with them, Ive been considering taking K out of school and teaching him at home, I feel this is my only option now, I dont think I could trust the school again after this!!! Sorry for raging on but im so mad!!!!!
  24. Thanks Bluejean, I hadnt actually heard of tuition centres until I read your post, so its another option that I can take into consideration. Thanks again. Lizzie. xx
  25. Hi, I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice, you lot are brilliant! So glad I came here! thanks again. Lizzie xxx
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