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Everything posted by shortie

  1. if anyones near weston-super-mare thru hols let me know,i'm only an hr away!!!!
  2. hi chappus and welcome to the site!! i've only been a member on this site for a few wks,my daughter was diagnosed just under a month ago,we've got ed phyc coming to see her soon to find her a pre-school place in sept but theres not alot here as she needs 1-1.everyone here is really helpful and i just like to be able to talk to people who know how i feel!!!hope u find it as good as i have
  3. hi keepingmesane, my DD has alot of sensory issues,i did a "more than words" course and we did a section on all the senses which ifound really interesting,the book is really helpful,our OT was really good and she knew sensory issues and ASD go together but i wouldnt worry to much,they are only a part of an assessment team and dont have the final say,it involves all differant proffessionals!!
  4. my DD was dx in april,she was also dx thru pead,ithink if u already know theres a chance DS IS autistic it can help speed things along. I first saw pead in december,he asked LOTS of questions and observed her for a while(mind u she had a massive tantrum so that didnt last long)he knew i thought there was a chance she was ASD so he was very straight with me,he arranged for a MULTIPLE PROFFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT(included,pead.OT,SALT,play therapist,hearing & eye test)this took 4 wks on a monday morning and had results 3wks later with dx of ASD!!!But from the day i spoke to DD's playgroup teacher,about her problems to day of dx it only took 6mths and 1 day!!! pretty good when i read mums on here that wait YEARS!! Good luck and i hope this helped a little
  6. took DD for blood & urine test today,it was absolutely AWFULL!! taking the blood wasn't the problem i dont think, it was the fact i had to hold her really tight which she hates,it took me holding her,2 nurses to take the blood and 2 play theraspists to try & distract her!!took blood from her arm then her hand,STILL didn't get enough but the nurse said it would have to do,she refused to put her through it any more as she was hysterical!! as for the urine test they gave me the pack to do at home,taking it in tomorrow when she goes bk for HEARING TEST!!another day from hell But on the bright side went to a parent support group this morning and it was great,really friendly,they even do a pre-school session every day so days shes not at SALT,I can take her there,they will even pick us up in mini bus as i dont drive
  7. i feel like i'm on my own(except for u brilliant lot now)my family try to be supportive but i feel like they just dont fully understand,they always seem to be looking for the "normal things" my DD does especially my dad and my DD's dad who is still having problems dealing with it cuz he thinks its all his fault(had some of the traits when he was a child but never given a dx)we're not in a relationship anymore but he sees DD every ngt after work,he usually gets here in time to put her to bed etc and he sees her few hrs at weekends but he's never came to any appointments with me since this all began,if it wasn't for my older girls i probably would of cracked by now,especially my eldest,who by the way found out on friday she passed her final exam and will be qualified nurse this summer,REALLY proud of her she even did the "more than words programme"with me and gave up her time in between assignments and work.as for friends,some have been fine but dont see them often and the one i really thought was a good friend really upset me,she has a son same age as DD,i used to see them quite often but when i told her last nov specialist thought see was ASD i havn't heard from her since,maybe she thinks its contagious or something!!
  8. shortie


    hi Eva,welcome to the forum!!been on here nearly a wk now and i'm hooked,everyone is really great,things u read will make u laugh and some make u want to cry but i love it,somewhere to go where people REALLY know how u feel!!!!
  9. butterfly,i know exactely how u feel my DD was only dx less than a month ago,even tho i was expecting dx it was still a shock,it makes it final,no more ifs or buts.saw my doctor yesterday cuz i'm so tired all the time,mainly cuz dd's sleep is haywire at the moment but doc also thinks i've got mild depression,he wants to put me on a mild anti-depresant but i'm not sure,but told him i'll think about it'i must admit tho i can get upset really easy at the moment!!finding this forum helped,i dont know anyone else with an ASD child either only a mum at playgroup who i only see for 10 mins on a friday,so just remember ur not alone,u can chat anytime
  10. shortie

    Midlife Crisis...

    Also found out last wk,for my big 40,instead of the big party which i would hate my 3 older dd's are paying for me and my best friend to go to GRAND CANARIA, something to look forward to!!! they only told me cuz they didn't think i would leave my dd(asd)home without me for a week,but i know shes in safe hands,my girls know her better than anyone apart from me!!ohh and eldest who'll be 22 by then and very much the level headed one found out today shes qualified as a nurse after 3yrs training
  11. shortie

    Midlife Crisis...

    i'm 40 nxt yr aswell! had tattoo at 34,decided to be a rebel that wk,then was terrified my dad would break my neck!! I've got a seahorse,reason being....its the only member of the male species that gives birth and knows what true pain is....
  12. BOTTLE(vodka not nilk)!!
  13. has anyone read"let me hear your voice" i read it before myy dd had dx,abt a mum with 2 kids little girl dx first(which is why i read it) then little boy!!cried like a baby cuz all i could see was me and my dd,but did enjoy it!!
  14. my DD is just the same,she has MASSIVE screaming fits but i know its mainly when i dont understand what she wants,i also just let her calm down by herself,because the more i try to cuddle her or distract her the worse it gets!!she is verbal but 99% ecolalia and she also does what ur son does,takes me by the hand for everything,just started using pictures to communicate better(proper ones rather than symbols at moment,i think i'm david bailey sometimes)its a slow proccess but starting to work!!
  15. my 3yr old DD has to have blood test monday and urine test,any ideas how to keep her calm,i know she,ll freak when nurse goes near her and how do they get urine sample from a chlid still in nappies who is terrified of toilet and potty!!this is her first lot of tests,bloods anyway,she was only dx 3wks ago and dr said its routine!!well the sight and hearing test were bad enough
  16. my DD's dad was adopted and he never likes talkind abt his childhood,all i knew was that he was dyslexic and had behaviour problems when he was young.when i knew dd was possibly asd his adopted mum told me doctors thought he might have autism but said he was borderline and never gave them a definate dx!but then it started to fit into place how he struggled in alot of areaseg didnt look at people he didnt really know,emotionally detached,found it hard to understand things sometimes and the more i read abt asd the more convinced me and his mum were.
  17. hi there,just wanted to say welcome,i've only been member since monday and driving my older kids mad cuz i'm on here alot they cant get to computer!!hope u find it as useful as i am!!as for nail cutting i'm like Rachelp2,i wait till dd is asleep and get it done as quickly as possible
  18. my dd slept great until she was 2yrs then gradually started to wake up,for past few months she wakes up any time after 12 and thinks its time to get up so i take her down stairs and watch dvd or play.it can take upto 3hrs to get her bk to bed and she still gets up at 6 no matter what time she was up!by abt 3-4 in afternoon i'm like a zombie as shes on the go all day.she rarely walks just runs everywhere even in the house and i'm no spring chicken anymore!!big 40 next yr so she wears me out
  19. hi helenl,i looked at the sasg website last night and gonna ring abt joining,will ask abt tickets aswell,my eldest dd said she'd like to come as she does alot to help with dd,she did More than words,hanen programme with me and takes us to dr app etc(shes abt to qualify as a nurse but shes also dd's legal guardian if and when i'm not around anymore)will let u know if i get some!!
  20. my dd wasn't a planned pregnancy at all,after having 3 other children the last thing i wanted was another baby!as it turned out i found myself pregnant at 35yrs of age and had just split up with her father(older 3 from previous marriage)i was in shock for days,i decided everything happens for a reason and coped on my own,ihad a threatened miscarriage so decided not to have amnio that was offered as i wouldn't of aborted if she had had downs or something anyway!!my other dd's always said she was special cuz she wasn't meant to be and as it turned out she's special because she's ASD and i wouldnt change her for anything,she is who she is and i love every inch of her,i just hope lifes not too hard on her but shes got 3 big sisters to look out for her(ages 21,18,15)when i'm not around!!!
  21. i'm a new member,my dd is 3yrs old dx ASD.i just read ur post about yourself and although i would NEVER want to change my dd reading what u've achieved gives me hope that she will be able to cope in this big bad world of ours!although doctors can't give any guarantees they told me she has potentual to improve as she is a visual learner but will probably always need help in some areas of her life!i just want her to be happy,and m is still m no matter what and i love her for being her!she also has 3 much older sisters who worship the ground she walks on!!!thanks julie
  22. thanks !every bit of info helps and strouds only 15-20mins away!!
  23. my DD was only dx 3wks ago with ASD(also have 3 older DD's,ages 21,18,15 NT)and i'm a single mum but thats another story! i,ve heard people talk abt SS but i dont know what help they can offer!so if anyone can enlighten me please do as i'm very new to this
  24. i've just been given major by our O.T. if u havn't already got rain covers for urs,dont bother with maclaren ones there abt ?60!u can get the UNIVERSAL ones from argos they fit perfectly,just got them myself!!
  25. just saw replys from other members!this typing thing takes me awhile!!! thanks to EVERONE for ur msg's,feel really welcome already
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