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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. <'> Sorry things are so difficult. I don't think school should be something to endured, IMO, we all learn better when we are happy and relaxed, I think this would apply to anyone, and I would have hoped that education staff would recognise this and be putting into place, as quickly as possible, strategies to help your son. I wish I could wave a magic wand for you and make things better! (I could ask my DD to, she is a fairy apparently!) I hope you get some help soon <'> <'> <'>
  2. Well done to your other half and your daughter. Really pleased you've had a good week and thank you for sharing it!
  3. Hello sunnyme, and also everyone else who have joined recently!
  4. <'> <'> Sorry I don't have the answers, when your hubby is around do you get any you time? If not o you think that it would be possible so you get a short break? I wish I cold help but sending you lots of <'>
  5. <'> So sorry that you have to go through this. I hope that you will get some support at last though, take care <'>
  6. Glad you're feeling stronger today. If the PP person says anything to you about medication again, ask to see their medical degree!
  7. Good luck for tomorrow.
  8. Congratulations Adamsmum and Ultramum.
  9. <'> Sorry, I haven't any advice, hopefully someone has and that you et the provision provided that he needs. Take care.
  10. <'> I know a hug can't solve problems but I just wanted you to know that I hope things work out for you.
  11. Conratulations, he is gorgeous, I hope he continues to get better/stay well!
  12. Good luck, I hope the LEA help you get the provision which is right for you son and he is soon settled and happy.
  13. I hope your mum can get this sorted for you. Sorry you had to go through such an appalling experience.
  14. Hi Loupin, my youngest is just approaching 3 and seems to think rules and regulations are made for breaking, I am hoping that it is an age thing which he will grow out of. The HV seemed to think so, but to keep an eye on it because he was very oppositional, even for his age. He seems to like nothing more than trying to wind the other 2 children up, he has picked up on ds's fears and phobias and uses them against him, and he seems to get great pleasure in physically attacking his sister and actively defying me at any given opportunity. He does, sometimes, have short periods of being quite easy going! I am considering taking him to pre school for a couple of sessions a week until he starts nursery because he does seem to enjoy that sort of thing. He is quite a quick learner and might benifit from a new environment to keep his mind busy and have some him time, it will also give me abit of me/housework/washing/shopping time. Do you think this would help you and your little one? I do think that sometimes he is worse when DS is having a bad time so some of it could be his way of saying "don't forget me", which we wouldn't but they are so young it will be difficult for them to understand what is going on around them. Sorry for the waffle.
  15. <'> <'> <'> I hope everything goes well, thinking of you.
  16. Hi Moira, welcome to the forum, I agree with you, its a fantastic plac e for support, information and shared experiences! <'>
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