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Mr Salvador

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Everything posted by Mr Salvador

  1. TOOLKIT DOWNLOAD LINK http://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/resources/transition%20toolkit.aspx
  2. hi livelife, I am noticing that those posts were 10 years ago. I too am looking for this toolkit! perhaps someone who has already downloaded could provide a download source? the website seems non-functional at present, links to 'buy the domain' doesn't fill me with confidence OK ive answered my own query again... http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CC0QFjABahUKEwjHjMHclYXGAhUlmtsKHQC0APg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autismeducationtrust.org.uk%2F~%2Fmedia%2FAET%2FAssets%2FGlobal%2FPDFs%2FTransition%2520Toolkit.ashx&ei=ODN4VceQHKW07gaA6ILADw&usg=AFQjCNE_96uFQhPAC9P3YKvIwN-c_jDtQQ&bvm=bv.95039771,d.ZGU seems its just for children, I am an adult trying to transition into aspergerism
  3. wow im used to that one, 'my partners teenager', her two don't throw things but I know what mean nerves are shredded. this is why I have been looking into abilify. my gf says im a beautifu person when im calm, but when things make me stress out like that she thinks im a [expletive]. im still waiting for proper diagnosis though so they wont give it to me until then due to 'side-effects'
  4. My partner chats to many people at her works who have all manner of mental health issues as she works at medium secure unit. some of whom are on anti-phycotics. in one hand it may seem sensible for her to have the trade she has and on the other hand I am slightly nervous just to trust everything she says about medication so im asking you guys on here hoping il get honest and logical responses does anyone currently take Abilify? some sights are saying they are the wonder cure for all mental health and other sources say that having 'sudden death' on the side effects is not worth taking it I don't want to anger the people who care about me, but at the same time im not sure if I could logically justify taking a chance on something that says there is a chance I could just die on the spot?? any thoughts?
  5. I think there at some point the definition of homo sapien was either lost or trandformed. clearly if there were interbreedable species around at the time then interbreeding there took place yes? therefore the mixed up newe humans of today will be a randomised mix of all the triats of all the species, due to the mechanism of meiosis, and mendelian genetics. thereforeit is possible for traits of those los to the past to be carried on and either pop their head up or not I too have noticed those with pronounced brows, even a baby with pronounced mono-brow. im sure other links are present, such as why are there more ginger people from ancient celtic roots, and why sickle cell only affects afro-carribeans I would be very interested to learn more about this theory im sure they are not all negative effects though, im sure at one point they had purpose and am convinced that we are still made this way for a reason I believe that perhaps what and who are is part of natures experiement that got called 'survival of the fittessed'. maybe making up stories and idle chit chat isn't a good thing in regards to evolution? and maybe it is a failed attempt at higher levels of thought?! I for one understand that my brain does things many others cant, I just have trouble explaining it to everyone else... perhaps one day it will be seen as 'gifted' and not just disabled
  6. I know they don't always work, especially once its gone past the point of no return. My therapist says I should try to practice the breathing if I have enough foresight to be preventitive. I think livelife was right saying you shouldn't try to hide it, if you want to rock rock, these days I just seem to stare in shutdown and bite my jaw. I also have propanolol for PRN. Do you have any PRN meds?
  7. Also the bit about them not wanting to admit something might be wrong with us because it would mean they would have to either amdit in themselves or be at fault for treating us as poorly behaved. So sorry to hear you have this issue too. I pray one day they can easily test another way I heard they can now find traces of all infections we've ever had as there's some trace they can detect. All the best you guys
  8. For once unfortunately I have something I can empathise with. My parents have also gone before diagnosis and know how stressful it can be getting misdiagnosed with other things that people throw at us when they don't know. Doctors said I would grow out of it and they just passed me off as badly behaved even though I begged them to tel me what I had done to upset them, later beleiced to be childhood seizure or other rocking. My new gf works in mental health and has helped me to accept my asperger and be at peace with myself. But the trips me up when I speak out of turn or struggle to listen to her or attempt humour, she barks at me and says im hiding behind my symptoms and I wonder if she even knows me or cares at all. It can be very frustrating I know. I'm hoping for family help with adult diagnosis so my esteemed journey into my own mind can be settled once and for all. I also hope that diagnosis will give some releif to the ones that care about me so they know I wasn't doing it on purposely and will help them to understand people like us better and love us for who we are no matter what. Good luck
  9. I think most subjects come up on google searches, try not to be so angry and concentrate on the things you do well. my dad is dead too, he was a wrong'en. good riddance
  10. scary to think that some will be tricked by this. same as the 'gay cure'. pointless and dangerous in society. more understanding of us is needed and acceptance
  11. hmm...whats the trick im missing here about the chocolate guys? I used to gorge on dark chocolate when I was down and im guessing your telling me theres some science behind it now yeah?
  12. Mr Salvador


    I take propanol in addition to amyltriptiline and diazepam, which is even harder to get. I think they are more willing to hand out the propanols because they are not addictive like the diazepam are. I described to the gp how at the beginning of my anxiety attacks I feel my heart race and that's when things get ugly. so he prescribed these for me quite readily to ease physical symptoms of anxiety as well as the amyltiptine if I know im going somewhere where im likely to have an attack then I can take 1-4 of these up to 4 times daily and I generally take 2 and its fine as a preventitve like when going to town or shopping where its busy. the diazepam I keep for when its too late for preventitves and I need something stronger. however the gp's monitor these strictly and you have to prove you can be reasonable with them or have someone else look after them as I do I don't see why the gp wouldn't give you the propranolol unless it would interfere with any other meds you take for other things, my doctor seemed to think I had a well researched opinion of why I thought they would help me. they just leave that on my repeat prescription and I take them 'as and when'
  13. Totally right liveife. As mentioned before in my posts, I am frustrated having lived that life being forced to conform. Its horrible, accurate point about blindness I've used similar before...or if someone had a wheelchair would the doctor say 'jist hop up here a sec' no absolutly not. Just I have suffered somewhat searching for other ways to get my diagnosis without childhood witness, and have also suffered at the hands of those you describe, making us feel we have to conform. My advice wasn't to cease rocking, just advice to keep calm when the shutdown mode is looming
  14. Thankyou I agree. I should however have tried to add possible solutions to rocking at work, I don't rock anymore I seem to go into a starring one when I go shutdown. My therapist says I should take a good breath in through my nose and blow out through the mouth for twice as long. Apparently when people get anxiety we breath in more than we breath out that makes anxiety but when we breath out more we relax, and then went on to say not to worry about running out of air because our bodies will breath if we need it. Not sure if it works with everyone or at work but it does help a little when I go to busy places
  15. hi, this is so much like something I would write but didn't. I also learnt (unfortunately) how to 'pass' as neurotypical and am annoyed at myself for ever trying. I feel like I missed out on so much listening to the old man saying 'nobody likes a smarty pants' (or at least profanic words to that effect. cough) now that I am awakening I feel like I shouldn't have to conform. I wanted to be accepted for being me now. and would like to encourage others to also be happy being non-conformist. don't be differernt, be special!
  16. hi, thanks for that. im sure ive heard of that before but then my gp is telling me that York hospital doesn't do diagnosis and hes got to apply to leeds to do the test and apply to York for the funding?! surely he would know about the tuke centre? other obvious complications include lack of parents to give childhood witness. my new partner works in mental health around here and has been amazing helping me with this. she is able to talk to the doctors in words they understand and are used to hearing. shes been amazing really. im hoping that her desrciptions will be enough but am trying to get my sister to get my estranged mother to write something down for me that will help although I cant hold my breath. in some strange way in her mind she might construe anything she could write as an admition of guilt for her part in what happened to me as a child. hope my partners and sisters comments will be enough. I always known I was different, and I always knew my brain could do things others couldn't. even as a small child I used to talk about things and my mother was confused and told me I shouldn't know things like that how do I know this? he thought I was a witch and tried to beat it out of me as if my behaviour was though choice. and unnoticed childhood sezires where they described me 'chanting' and rocking back and forth in the chair with my eyes rolled back in my head. through a long journey of searching for the why, I have come to the realisation that being an aspie with dyslexia is the only thing that ever made any sense out my life. through the abuse I obviously learnt how ways to hide myself from people all too well. I had become a stranger to myself trying to conform and since ive started the journey in 2007 when my sister told me to 'read this' after shed been told by the mother that 'maybe she missed something with me' as she is now a teacher and sees asd issues everyday...but I digress, since I started the journey im becoming more and more comfortable with my new life as 'aspie and proud'. i express most of the symptoms listed and am more than certain that this is me. i really am comfortable with it now and am learning to relax and 'be myself' and explore the hyperisms that my brain can do where others cant. maybe at some point i will be able to find a way of making money from my super talents and never look back again at the things i cant do or understand like the lowest form of wit. im hoping diagnosis will give the people who care about me some respite from their frustrations that they just think im just a stresshead with no emotion or social skill i would also like to further my journey connecting with like minded others so that i can explore the full capability of my mind and never ever hide my intelligence from others again. perhaps i dream of having an aspie counterpart in life where we would learn faster ways to communicate and ultimately invent lots of new things as i did as a child, so that my mind can make me money instead of trying to conform for minimum wage 9-5 tedieism false faced realty which never works because they never like the new guy trying to re-oragnise their business, even though they know what im saying is logical, just so stuck up because they been there for 20 years...blah blah now im just ranting any updates on the Yorkshire diag stuff, most appreciated
  17. I agree, there are children on here and I seem to only curse and swear when im talking. I cant seem to help it when im talking, however typing is something quite different and I don't believe that impluses, twitching or twitch-words like swear words can be excused when you type and have time to edit the text. obviously that's one of the things that makes me nervous talking to people because I often cant stop my mouth reeling off. but I repeat, text type gives you time to revise your language before you click post
  18. hi, I guess this is the problem though isn't it? sizlers bf, as I am, is probably 'too' logical and what seems logical and reasonable to me doesn't always seem so 'reasonable' to my emotionally minded gf. finding the words to explain is hard... so if theres been tension, and I go off to process and rationalise whats just happened, my logical brain makes the decision that if I do this and she does that then the trouble will cease. however she divulges to me that even though what im saying would make sense in another situation, right now shes upset and/or angry and even though she knows what im saying IS a solution, that 'right now' shes not ready to talk because shes still feeling the emotion that I either never had about it or dropped rather too quickly for her liking. middle ground isn't usually one of my traits, not sure about anyone else but im usually either red hot switched on or stone cold switched off mode. middle ground and compromise is hard for me because I guess ive already assessed the situation and know that my view makes sense but when others make decisions with emotion and no logic its hard for me to give up ground on that. oh dear me how is that even helpful... ok try again... so maybe im trying to say to you that middle ground would be the answer if the partner can causiously explain to the aspie that there is logic on compromise and explain 'how' what you are trying to get your aspie to understand about the relationship issues has logic to it. when my gf says to me she wants space I think she doesn't love me and start the anxiety cycle...since she has researched more about aspergers she is learning to be more descriptive about the 'why'. she then explained to me that just because I am very tactile with her doesn't mean that she is in the mood to be tactile, doesn't mean she doesn't love me but she is just trying to say to me that at that moment she is looking for some time to reflect on her own thoughts as they don't happen at the speed mine do. she explains to me that if I can learn to give her the space she needs and leanr to pick up the mannerisms and expressions NT's notice more easily, and allow her to process her day at work, or trouble with kids etc, that she will come to me for hugs and physical contact. and that if I can learn this patient approach that she is more likely to come to me feeling horny instea\d! ...Since she explained the details of the situation, that apparently 'everybody just knows', we are aking progress with our relationship slowly but surely. She is also learning that empathy is not sometihiung I can do and perhaps you can learn too, that you must be super descriptive when it comes to feelings and I for one don't have many and don't understand thiose very well at all. don't be afraid to talk to him about how you feel, just choose your terminology wisely and remember to say stuff like 'you did this, this is how it made me feel, incase you don't understand that feeling its like this... and this is what I would like you to do about it for the following reasons' maybe that could help?
  19. For me at least, I know about personal hygiene I just don't spend time thinking about the last time I showered or changed. I like to dress comfortable and if NTs think that's scruffy who cares. Id say they waste their life in the mirror, who cares about what they care too much about if they think the things we obsess over are 'faults'. I had never ever thought about 'lookimg autistic' before and its an interesting notion, however personally I just think my brain is far more happy being preoccupied with other things. When im fixing things my mind had been doing it for ages already so when I touch the puzzle I just fix it. If my brain had been at all concerned about what I looked like, the magic wouldn't happen! #hyperismsrock
  20. Hi all, thanks for reply! Didn't think id ever find a place with 'like minded people' perhaps I have?! Thanks michela I might add you. Trekster, did you mean lots for diagnosis in my area? I've come up against problems with York hospital, my go got to apply to Leeds general for the diag and then apply to York for funding? Bizarre. Hope it comes soon. Any update on stuff in my area id be greatful
  21. middleearth I totally relate to that. I feel totally capable at work even more than capable most of the time, then when the normski's (NT's) start trying to tell me how to do it there way that's when everything starts to go wrong...they tell me what they need to happen, and my brains already worked out the best wy to do it, then they try to tell me how its been done for over 20 years and it goes bad from there...surely they'd be interested in hearing how to inmporove the process?? no they are not! they want it doing it their way even if it means doing it wrong...I hate doing things wrong just because that's how its been done for 20 years who cares...isn't that why the company isn't making profit>? but they don't want to hear it because im the new guy and what do I know??!!!!!! idiots, let them hoave their poxy job and job it jobsworth style and il take my overactive imagination elsewhere... hoping my gf will read the link you put too and translate it to me
  22. hi, I guess now I have to admit that I am that boyfriend. maybe not yours but I am him, the story is so similar to my own I had to ask my girlfriend it she had been on here before me?! so I guess even though I cannot empathise with you I maybe able to ofer some thoughts from the other side of the coin... I can say this for one thing, there may be times where he ..oh cant swear here think of another word... he gets on your wick, and really makes you question it all, but I love my girlfriend very much as im sure he does for yuou. maybe emotions aren't something we do well but I know love when I meet it, even though it does become my obessesion and make it hard for people to be loved by me. not sure if that makes sense to NT's but let me see if I can say it another way.... none of it is on purpose and no harm is meant to you, sometimes we just don't understand things until we have more information and need to ask questions to find out and understand the situation better. obviously in relationships NT's seem to take trust for granted but, and im not sure if this is just me but trust isn't something that comes naturally as many things are either not undersood or misunderstood and as I said,m furterh questions need to be asked. this does not mean that we don't trust you it just means that I need to ask you more information so that I can further understand that which you want me to understand so that calmness can be achieved and trust builds from there I guess although you should expect that trust issues maybe come hand in hand with not understanding the situation fully. when I go to new places I need to ask wuestions about what is there and how long im gonna be there and whos gonna be there and where the exits are and all that...doesn't mean im scared to be in that place I guess im just bit scared of not knowing whats on the other side of the door. does that make sense? im quite sure your fella loves you and is the beautiful person you describe, as my girl does me, don't let the stress bits inbetween spoil the good vibes. not sure if its just me or if others agree here but sometimes we just get stress about not a lot and it doesn't mean we're secretly an idiot and you're wrong in loving him. maybe it just means that you have to think about or redefine what you're definition of love and the thing about your relationship that you connect about... does that make sense?? I hope it does. I guess really im answering as if you were my gf as I am trying to learn about empathy as I know I upset her in the way you feel like your guy did to you.... I guess I hope she understands the way im hoping you will about yours
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