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Everything posted by LittleRae

  1. Personalities of the year? Nellie, Baddad, Bid, Carole.........?
  2. I googled 'Asperger' & got the link there - but I think it was on the second or even third page (I was desperate, by then!). Just a thought - I know Kris wants his Krism domain back, but 'Krism' is a memorable word, i.e. if you pass the details to someone and they don't check it for a while, this name is more likely to stick with them. (I know I've recommended the site to people who don't feel ready to use it just yet but may in the future) Is it possible to have the new asd forum come up, if someone googles 'krism'? A
  3. I've learned more about AS on this forum than from any professional or book. It's wonderful to be able to see that other people share the same problems...and the same joys. I am so thankful to all those who work to make it what it is. I think we all need to realise that with the number of people on here, we DO need moderators and therefore some form of censorship has to take place when things get out of hand. We need to preserve this resource for 'the many' and if that means upsetting 'the few', then that's how it has to be. So few members of this forum could speak so truthfully about their lives to people who know us - they just wouldn't understand. It's good to be able to speak freely. On the other hand, sometimes we may speak 'too freely' and feel we are not restricted by the 'norms' of regular conversation. It doesn't happen often, thankfully, but as the forum membership grows boundaries are bound to be pushed. Someone has to make sure order is kept for those who truly could not get by without this place. Anyway, just wanted to say my bit. Well done all you guys & keep up the good work A
  4. I'm in. Make mine a G&T, but make sure it's an Irish measure - I like to be able to taste the gin! Any nibbles? A
  5. Simon Just looking through the posts on the new forum, when up pops your new signature and nearly gave me a heart attack!! Just pulled the plug on my 'puter and asked for help from a colleague, who assures me you mean me no harm! A
  6. Hi Anne Wishing you well for your son's hospital stay. My DS (9) spent 2 weeks recently in hospital for this. He has been home 3 weeks and now 'goes' about 3 times a week and is clean & dry during the day. He was on a strict routine in the hospital & we continue this at home and school using time charts. It's too early to tell yet whether it is truly successful, but this has been the best 3 weeks (toilet-wise) in years. He is still on daily laxatives to help this, but a smaller dose than previously and they will be phased out over time. Good luck A
  7. Yes - yummy voice. I remember it Theresa. It was called 'Two's Company' and I loved it - weird, because I was just thinking about it yesterday! A
  8. Have to say I wasn't terribly impressed with this. The assessors were portrayed as totally stupid (I know some aren't great, but at least one of them must have had a clue?). Dmitri's addition was awful. As was said before, he seemed to sort out all the problems. I had taped this to let my son watch (haven't yet told him of dx) but in the end I deleted it as I didn't think it had anything to offer. I thought their stay at the party was totally unrealistic, also how easy it was to find the kids at the shopping centre & the good humour they were in. I personally would have torn the place apart looking for them. I also couldn't believe the mother would wait half the night for 'Christopher' to show up. Thought the end wasn't realistic at all - would they have put up with all that noisy 'singing'? I think it tried to show too much in one short programme and didn't cover anything very well. And apart from anything else,...those bedrooms were FAR too TIDY!!!! Having said that, HBC did a great job - the accent/voice was uncanny - I was actually watching to see if it was dubbed by JJ. In the end, I guess anything that highlights ASD is good, but for me the programme was a disappointment. A
  9. LittleRae

    Oh sweet revenge

    LKS Personally, I wouldn't let it go. This Head may be nice, but will she always be around to keep the staff on their toes? What was said/written is on your child's record, therefore you are entitled to have it. Things may have been sorted for now but if something else happens in the future, it would help to have this. In some cases this may seem vindictive, but in the case of our children we may often have to fight the same battles again & again.
  10. LittleRae


    Have found the common interest in Yu-gi-oh cards and PS games a Godsend. It gives them a common interest. Would try inviting one child at a time and 'setting up' games to play. If you know someone with the same interest as him that helps. You can limit the time to an hour or two to start, but if the child has fun (even at a limited activity) that can lead to him wanting to return. If it's a first visit, it should be short and structured - set up a game & keep an eye on things so you can divert attention if you see things start to go wrong. Once the first visit is successful, others will follow
  11. 6 months from when teacher referred to EP until assessment. 2 months after that to get definitive diagnosis(went private) - in Ireland
  12. DAS Of course not! I and I'm sure many other people here are delighted that you are on here. You have taken on a difficult role - I'm sure many people in your position would have cut and run at the first upset. Your input is invaluable. STAY A ps Over the past year I've been on here, I've thought the same many times. I 'lurked' for months before posting as I didn't think I belonged here. Now, I realise that anyone with something to offer belongs here.... I have found the site invaluable and I value your contributions as someone who has contact with, and an understanding of an adult with AS.
  13. Lauren <'> Don't feel bad. You were organised. You had the information you needed. You showed them the movies to prove you had a case. The very fact that the EP began to take notice is a good sign. As for losing it, I don't think that can do any harm - if you show you can cope you get nothing. It's good for them to see how hard it is for you. Take a day to regroup. Then do up your own 'minutes' of the meeting, just to recap. I'd take the opportunity to forward copies of the letters you were cc'd on to the LEA lady (just in case she still can't find her copies ). Then ask them to come back to you within x days in writing to comment on the meeting and the info. With the EP I'd do the same and request an assessment giving x days to respond in writing. If these people refuse you in writing, it should give you more ammunition. A
  14. Mel <'> I won't comment on your son's dad as I know I'd be sorry afterwards.... My DS (9) has also soiled and wet himself at night (with problems also during the day) for the past 3 years. His problems were down to constipation, where we would have leakage once he relaxed (i.e. went to sleep). Luckily (?) he wouldn't often wake up during the night, so at least we didn't have that to contend with. Anyway, DS has just returned from a 2 week stay in hospital where he has been 're-trained' (fingers crossed here) and we now have a strict regime in place at home (and at school). He has been 'clean' at night for more than a week and clean and dry during the day. He is sometimes still wet during the night, but one hurdle at a time We struggled with this for 3 years while getting help from GP & consultant. It was decided by the consultant that a stay in hospital & a radical approach would be the best. Our DS would often refuse to go to the toilet for us and the consultant decided that he would not refuse the nurse (he did, but only temporarily ). I wasn't sure about this treatment but have to say that I wish we had done it sooner. I know it probably won't be a permanent fix as some children have to do it many times. However, he will now be going to a fortnightly clinic to re-inforce the training, so fingers crossed. Sorry, rambling on a bit. What I really want to say is medical intervention at this stage is probably called for. Good Luck A
  15. TM Absolutely, don't let up until it's sorted. Suze, I had the same response a couple of years ago when my son claimed he was being bullied, but was told by the teacher that they had no evidence of it. I 'offered' to come supervise the yard myself and bring my video camera if no one else could find the evidence! Suddenly, the bullying was tackled and hasn't happened since.
  16. LittleRae


    LizK 'emotionally incontinent'! Perfect description. I sometimes think my DS has too many emotions, all expressed at extremes. Either he's so happy he's annoying, or so sad he's suicidal.
  17. LittleRae

    P Levels

    LKS I don't think you're over-reacting at all. If it was me I'd get right back in there today and don't leave without the copy. I'm sure the LEA won't be impressed - this shows the attitude of the school. If they treat you like this, how do they treat the children.
  18. Neda I agree with HH. My son had his first assessment done when he was 5, but because he was uninterested and wouldn't cooperate, we were told he was fine and of average ability. He had a further assessment done at 6 where we were told we should re-do the IQ test in a few years but they could see no behavioural problems. At age 8 he was assessed in the high ability range, with AS, Dyspraxia, ADHD and ODD. Between those 3 years we had 3 years of constant crying and upset with relation to school and homework - we put it down to his being naughty as the experts had told us there was nothing wrong. Unfortunately, the school agreed with them. You are lucky enough to at least have the support of the nursery - I'd ask them to compile a report and ask for re-assessment. A
  19. Yes I agree. In fact, D's assessment began: 'D presents as a strikingly handsome boy..' - didn't think it was particularly relevant at the time, though.. Carole, the same used to happen to us when D was a baby - it was quite nerve wracking when total strangers would make a beeline for his pram when we were out - living in London at the time and thought it was quite freaky. He has the most beautiful dark brown eyes, long lashes any girl would kill for and until he was 3 years old curly blonde hair which was almost white. The combination was lethal - but we were never short of teenage babysitters His hair has darkened now (his dad made me lose the shoulder length ringlets when he was 3 and it was never the same again ) Have to say though, he's still quite a babe - although he'd hate for me to say it! A
  20. Happy Birthday Kerre - make it a good one!
  21. That's fantastic - well done!
  22. Would still report it to the police. This kid needs a sharp shock or he could do it again
  23. 'The software may crash occassionally, but there's nowt wrong with the hardware, is there' - Love that!
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