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Everything posted by lorryw

  1. Take care and all the very best for the future. love Loraine xx
  2. Darky Has your daughters behaviour improved and what medication does she take?
  3. We use the stuff Bard mentioned on our son and shaving foam in an effort to make it more comfortable. He really hates being shaved and couldnt tolerate an electric razor. He winces and wriggles all the way through, poor lad.
  4. I have just returned from a half term break and I am so very shocked to hear about Phasmid. My deepest sympathy to Mrs Phasmid and family. Loraine
  5. Hi Mandy, Have a look on ebay. I just had a quick look searching under "UV top" and they had quite a few (including some rather strange things). I hope everything goes well tomorrow. love Loraine xxx
  6. Im so pleased for you all, I bet you feel on top of the world at the moment. Love Loraine xxx
  7. Thanks for all the replies. My lad is 22 and for all those stuggling with little ones who hate having there nails cut, does get better! He will let me cut his nails but its just difficult to get them to a "safe" level to prevent him digging them into people at daycare. He doesnt do it at home and I am quite disappointed that he has started doing this after only a few weeks there. I really thought they would have all the answers but you live and learn its never that easy.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I wont even attempt using clippers, I hadnt thought of the noise and vibration, thanks Mumble. I will have a little go with an emery board Bid. He has suddenly started digging in his nails on the staff at his day care centre and they have asked for them to be cut as short as possible. He doesnt do it at home. thanks guys Lorainexx
  9. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can cut my sons nails as short as possible without causing him too much distress. Are nail clippers better than scissors? many thanks Loraine
  10. lorryw


    Hope you had a great time. Bus passes are wonderful things!!!! (only joking) Love Loraine xxxx
  11. I agree with the others. Let him know you think its a daft thing to do and leave it at that. If you push too hard it will become a big issue and yet another battleground. Loraine
  12. Im useless in the kitchen but even I cant mess up this recipe for blueberry muffins. It doresnt even involve weighing anything first. 11/2 cup of self raising flour 1 egg 1/2 cup of milk 1/4 cup of oil (I used vegetable) 1/2 cup of sugar 1 cup of bluberries Bung all the dried stuff into a bowl. Beat the egg and mix with oil and milk Bung into the dried mixture Mix loosely together, the lumpier the better. Chuck in the blueberries and stir through. Fill muffin tins 2/3 and place in oven (200) and cook for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Good luck.
  13. Thanks for the replies. He has been going since just before Christmas and we thought he was starting to settle. Im at a loss because I really thought they were the "experts" and could guide us but that doesnt seem the case.
  14. After a huge battle with LA we managed to get our lad (22) into a day centre run by an autistic provision run by a national society (you know who I mean) We were overjoyed because at last after all the years of misery of being misunderstood in school and local learning disabilities day services he would at last get the best possible help. Wrong!! Today I had a terrifying phone call from his social service care manager asking me to ring him back urgently. My lad had become very agitated on arrival and had started head banging and they were unable to calm him. He must have only just got through the door and it was decided they might send him home and rang his service manager to check that I was home. Coming home involves a 45 minute journey and they were not sure if he was safe to travel on the mini bus with an escort. The only other option was for him to return home with a police escort! I couldnt believe my ears and was absolutely frantic at the thought. Luckily he calmed (as he always does) but they stll decided to send him home. The bus escort said as soon as he knew he was going home he skipped out of the door. He arrived home wreathed in smiles and headed for the cupboard hoping for lunch. I am at a total loss now...what do I do? If the most respected autistic charity and service provider cannot deal with him who on earth can? The bizarre thing is that they were quite happy to send him with police escort back to his 5 foot 2, 50 year old Mum. No one has even bothered to ring and ask how he is.
  15. Hi Cariad, You sound so like me a year ago!! I thought of my social worker as a "friend" and accepted everything she said because I didnt want to upset someone who was so helpful. It wasnt until someone pointed out that it was her job and that after she clocked off and went home every evening we were still left to fight another day. I smiled sweetly as she praised how"wonderful" I was and wanted to scream "this isnt good enough, get it sorted!!!" It took a push too far and yet another cancellation of my sons service before I finally took action. I made a formal stage 1 complaint (have a look on your councils website) it wasnt about her but simply the lack of services and help. Please dont feel intimidated or disloyal. I wish I had been more forceful at an earlier date. The difference in the the way we are now treated is unbelievable and we wasted almost 3 years pussyfooting around. Good luck
  16. lorryw

    Sweeney Todd

    The first hour is gore free. I just closed my eyes whenever he was shaving someone!
  17. lorryw

    Sweeney Todd

    I had a very rare trip to the cinema yesterday to see Sweeney Todd. It was brilliant, great sets, fine acting and Mr Depp was still gorgeous even as a mass murderer (and he can sing!!). Lorainexx
  18. Good luck, you will be fine. Loraine xx
  19. lorryw

    good news

    Brilliant news!! Loraine xx
  20. lorryw


    Hi We have been several times, including our 25th wedding anniversary with autistic 16 year old son! My main advice is to eat lunch as early as you can manage. The cafes and restaurants become full very quickly and it can be a real nightmare. The weather is a bit unpredictable and everytime we have been it has rained,make sure you have suitable coats and footwear. Take a look at this website, www.dlp.info, its full of everything you need to know. Have a brilliant time, we hope to visit again in December. Lorainexxx
  21. Well done! We had the same fight several years ago and I will never forget how the usher (sorry dont know the correct title) who took me before the panel winked and told me not to worry, I wouldnt be long. The panel were furious that we had had to take things so far and I was back out onto the street within 5 minutes! It was also backdated and we took our lad to Florida with the money. I also felt vindicated and urge anyone who feels a decision is wrong to appeal.
  22. I agree with Mel, she probably wants to discuss her sons possible ASD. Bite the bullet and give her a ring just tp put your mind at rest. Loraine x
  23. Hi JsMum, I think the social worker is simply trying to frighten you into keeping J at home. Medication is surely given by a doctor and your lads notes should clearly state that the medication isnt suitable/safe. I am appalled but not surprised at the response you have been given, been there have the tshirt. Social service up and down the Country seem to be totally clueless at providing any kind of support for our youngsters. They seem to think that simply providing a carer will be the answer. The problem is the "carer" will be some poor soul on a minimum wage and absolutely no idea about autism. In my own situation the only thing that gave results was a formal complaint. That is too time consuming for you at the moment and you need urgent help. Ring the NAS helpline and tell them exactly what is going on, they may be able to offer some advice. Try your GP now and tell it like it is, he may be able to push ss into action. I dont know what else to suggest. Try to be strong and I hope you get the help you desperately need Lorainexxx
  24. Totally agree with Bard, reallly not worth replying.
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