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Everything posted by Tally

  1. It would appear that I ordered this from a catalogue, but I can't work out what it is. Any ideas?
  2. Tally


    The perfect way to find the missing sock is to finally decide to throw the remaining one away. Works every time.
  3. It's very rare that I remember my dreams, but it does happen if I eat enough cheese. That's excluding the dreams I had whilst on antidepressants. There was one about being chased by a big green blob (think "The Prisoner"). There was one where I found a dead woman in the back garden - this freaked me out for weeks . . . understandably. There were lots of wierd ones, mostly wierd, and only a few scary ones. At that time I also had some very realistic dreams about completely normal events. Some mornings I would wake up and think it was the day after it actually was, because my dream was so realistic that I thought it was a real day! And these drugs were supposed to make me feel better
  4. Best thing to attract mice (to a trap) is raisins coated in cocoa, or dry catfood. Take it for a long walk, or a short drive, before releasing it, else it will come straight back in. Make sure all food products are stored away in cupboards, preferably in boxes. Mice will eat through paper, cardboard, and polythene. Check all your floor-level cupboards for evidence - chewed packets or droppings - the droppings are really tiny by the way. I keep getting mice coming in through an air vent, but my cat catches them before they eat anything, and leaves the corpses beside my bed. And you really don't need to iron T-shirts
  5. Tally

    Can't sleep

    I'm convinced my husband had sleep apnoea cos he snores quite loudly, sometimes stops for a moment, and then lets out an enormous snort, before carrying on with the 'normal' snoring. I've checked, and he is not breathing when he goes quiet. He won't go to the doctor about it cos he refuses to take any time off work. You can get some sprays which are supposed to be good to stop snoring. Hubby won't buy one as he doesn't have a problem with his snoring (cheers then). I won't buy it cos it's about ?7 for 30 days supply, and I just can't justify spending ?7 a month on myself. I hate the snoring. I roll him onto his side and it stops until he rolls back, normally just as I am finally drifting off to sleep. If he's been drinking he usually swears at me when I try to roll him over. It really gets me down sometimes when I can't sleep.
  6. Tally

    Money shops

    Mortgage lenders offer to lend you more than you need. You can get 110% mortgages (so you can buy furniture), you can special offers for 1st time buyers where they add the moving costs to the mortgage. When we got our mortgage they were trying to get us to borrow more, they couldn't believe that we were happy not to decorate it throughout before we moved in. My husband's friend has just bought his 1st house. He's borrowed more than the value of the house so he can buy brand new furniture for every room. I hope he likes the furniture cos he's going to be spending a lot of time with it, being as he can't afford to go out any more. I think that this is going to cause serious problems in the future, which is why we didn't do it.
  7. I had a lot of ear infections as a baby, and was given Augmentin, and now have AS. I had heard about a possible connection before. I understand from my parents that the signs of autism were there from a very young age, but I do wonder if the antibiotics had any effect. I will never know for sure, but I do know that I will never take this antibiotic again. I am allergic to antibiotics anyway. The allergy symptoms were always blamed on the ear infection, but then we moved house and our new GP recognised these symptoms as an allergic reaction. So there's no risk of me being given Augmentin anyway now.
  8. If you or your husband are a member of a trade union, they may well offer a free will-writing service.
  9. Tally


    Maybe she still would like to talk to some people about autism, without letting on who she is. It would probably be really hard for her to go to a 'real life' support group, and people would probably feel very little sympathy for her. But money or no, autism is still hard to deal with.
  10. Congratulations! That sounds like a really nice car. I hope you enjoy it.
  11. I finally had my hair cut when I found that I could sit on it. That was 2 years ago now, and I'm not in a hurry to go back.
  12. Tally

    My b****y toe

    I broke my toe when I was about 8. My mum dropped a cast iron saucepan on it. I kept telling her it hurt when I walked, and after 2 months she took me to the Dr, who sent us to hospital. The Xray showed that it had been broken so badly that it was more mush than bone. My mum was well embarrassed. It still doesn't bend as far as the other toes.
  13. Thank you for your suggestions. At the moment there is no spare cash. After the bills, there is ?30 a week for food for 2 people. I work in a supermarket, so I get 1st pickings on the reductions, so this does go further than you might think.
  14. Sorry, I've just realised I posted this in the wrong folder. I meant to put it in the Help and Advice folder. I'm sorry about this.
  15. I need some help, and I don't know who I can ask. I'm not really coping with everything at the moment. It's hard to explain. When I lived with my parents all I had to deal with was wages, and my bank account, and keeping enough petrol in my car. When I moved out, I rented a room in someone's house, so I had to pay rent, but that rent covered the bills and stuff, and I had to buy my own food. Now I live in my own house with my husband, I have to pay mortgage, insurance, electricity, gas, council tax, water, food, everything. I get very confused. I've been charged some late payment fees on my bank account because I didn't pay something that I thought they took the money straight out of my account, and I keep getting sent reminders for all the bills, and I don't remember getting the bills (once might be the company's mistake, but it does happen a lot, from lots of different companies, so itmust be me). Does anyone know if there is someone who could spend maybe half an hour with me every week, to go through my mail, sort out what needs to be kept, what is rubbish, help me write cheques and get them ready to send, that kind of thing? If someone could just help me to write a list even, it would be a massive help. I'm getting in a complete mess, and I just need a little bit of help to keep on top of things. My parents live too far away to help, and my husband can't do it as he works really long hours and is severely depressed at the moment.
  16. I wanted to change school when I was at school. My mum wouldn't let me at the time because she thought I was making things up and being silly, pretending I was unhappy just for the attention. I can explain why now, but at the time I couldn't. I eventually did change school when I was 16 and she couldn't stop me, and it was the best thing I ever did. I think that if your son says he wants to change school, there may be more going on than he is able to explain. Is it possible to home-educate him until your move?
  17. As a child I was far 'more' autistic than I am now. As an infant, I behaved in ways that you would associate more with low-functioning autism, and I refused to speak to adults (except my parents) until I was about 8. Now I definitely fall into the Asperger's category, hold down a full time job, a marriage, and own my own home, even if there are some misunderstandings along the way.
  18. No, I meant you could search for the british association of Psychologists on Google
  19. You would need it hosted online first. Then you put the link to the picture like this: [url ]http://www. etc . com[/ URL] (without the spaces) Then your picture will show up.
  20. If your dad is a very unkind man, then this is possible. If he's nice, then I don't think he would have done this. The only person who could tell you for sure is your dad.
  21. You could try searching for it on Google.
  22. Luke's other book is called "Freaks Geeks and Asperger Syndrome." You could try a book shop. Even if they don't have it in stock, they may be able to order it. Or you could try amazon.co.uk Or ebay.
  23. Tally

    Middle names...

    My parents are boring. They just called me by my name. I HATE it when my mum callsme darling, as I don't know which darling she is referring to - me, my brother, or the cat.
  24. Will, I think your writing, whilst not 'beautiful,' is perfectly clear. I like cats . . . even my cat who licks the toilet.
  25. My colleague told me that whales travel to shallow water when they are going to die. If the whale knew he was going to die, that this was a naturla thing, would this make your son feel better?
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