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Really proud mummy!!

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Kyle is 5 next month, and the only words he has ever said consistently is Oh dear! We've heard, or thought we'd heard and then not been sure as he'd never repeat anything, the odd word but nothing more, he's been completely non-verbal.


He started school in October and he loves it!! They started signing with another little boy in his class (Kyle mainly uses PECS) and were amazed when last week when Kyle signed Please!! So I did it home with him and he now signs please whenever he wants a snack or a drink! :thumbs:


Lately he's been "asking" us what toys are called (he holds the toy and puts his hand on our mouth to make us talk!) and then on Sunday he picked up a police car and said Car!!!! I was so amazed I was shouting to DH "did you hear him did you hear him!!" and then he did it with the digger as well!!!! Two words in one day!! We were so pleased, but wondered if it was just one of those one off never to be repeated occurences!


Well on Monday I had his parents evening and his teacher had been so excited to read what he'd said, and she told me that when they'd been doing a parachute game he'd said Ping!!


I got home and after dinner he was standing on the chair and asked me what it was and then repeated chair!! He also said car and digger again!!


And best of all he said Mummy!!! :clap:


So after nearly 5 years of almost no words he's said a whole load of them in a few days!! I'm so proud of him, I hope it's just the start! It was so lovely to hear him say Mummy at last, I was nearly in tears!!


Oh, and his parents evening was good, all the teachers and assistants love him, and he loves school. They are going to do more signing with him as he picked up please so quickly, hopefully this will help with his communication as well.





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Aww thats amazing!!!!!!

I bet thats a moment you will never forget, saying mummy!

It sounds like you have had a really posotive week, long may it last, i hope its the start of things to come for you and your boy, if he can also communicate with sign that may also help the words to come, either way it must be so nice to have that communication, loadsa luv x

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That is marvellous news :thumbs:

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Wonderful. Well done Kyle. :thumbs::thumbs:

My 5yo is completely non-verbal but I live in hope. His only consistent words are "ging-gang" which he got from a toy vibrating snake that sang ging gang gooly. He uses these words as a greeting and likes to shout them a lot because they usually get a reaction. His use of pecs is minimal but he will exchange for some items of food or drink - they seem to be the only motivators. I must have a go with some signing now as well.

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WOW what a really emotional post I cried just about as it must of been so nice to hear him say mummy I am so pleased that he has made a real achievement the little things we all take for granted so happy for you.



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Oh Vicky


Wonderful, wonderful news, both the speaking and the fact he loves school.




Many more celebrations to come I hope.


>:D<<'> >:D<<'>


K x

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Thanks for the reply in my thread, Vicky!


Yes, it's fab! I have only heard MUM twice......but I am very happy about that. Small steps are as important as the Big Ones!


I am really happy for you, and hopefully this is only the start for both of our boys!


I wish you all the best!

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Oh fantastic - well done Kyle :-) It must be a fantastic feeling - hopefully one I'll have some time too!!


Lynne x

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That is fantastic news for all of you,


I've heard that singing out things to non-verbal children can help sometimes too like this is how we wash our face wash our face wash our face etc to the rythem of londons burning or similar, whilst doing the action and pointing to the face.


Really happy with your news :thumbs:

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That is lovely news. When this happens, it is priceless.


My son was answering me back tonight - not bad for someone who was non-verbal when he was 2.5 years old. Chocolate buttons also have a bit of my heart as that is the first thing that he used for his PECS :wub:


Take care



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So pleased for you Vicky, hope this is the start for Kyle.


(I feel all emotional reading your post >:D<<'> )

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That's wonderful, you must feel so great, bless little Kyle :wub: hopefully there be no stopping him now.


>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


Clare x

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