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Everything posted by smiley

  1. smiley

    my positive thread

    Only one day (and that's only the morning!) till the end of school for siiiixxxxx weeeeeeeeeks!
  2. Monkey makes cards for whoever he wants to - and i give him a set amount of money, so he can choose a present himself. It's very interesting watching him choose - it becomes very obvious who he feels has helped him the most - and who hasn't! I'm always delighted to get a pressie from the kiddle-winks. But the ones that always get to me are the hand made cards - with something lovely written in them by the parents
  3. About time they did this! Not sure if the figures have even been worked out - but it would be very interesting to see what percentage of the prison population had an undiagnosed difficulty.
  4. Hiya and welcome to the forum, Sometimes, it can be unclear at four how our little ones are going to develop - and the professionals seem to want to wait a couple of years to see how they go. My son has always had very obvious difficulties - but it took until he was five to have a clear diagnosis. He was premature, which slowed the process down too, we're the twins very early? That can sometimes put the professionals off giving a definite diagnosis when they're still teeny. Very, very frustrating - but as long as their needs are being met, i wouldn't worry too much. You can get a private diagnosis - or ask for a second opinion. It depends on your own gut instinct. <'>
  5. Thinking of films - i was talking to a friend today. She didn't believe me when i said I'd never seen The Sound of Music! My family were (still are come to that.......... ) an odd bunch, we had a tv, but didn't really watch it. I've never seen any of the Godfather films, and many other famous ones either, - i only watched ET a couple of years ago!
  6. Awwwww Love the one of him flomped around the pot plant
  7. Hiya, Babies of three months can be very demanding <'> I have memories of my little boy at that age - my gawd, he was beautiful, but bloomin' hard work! Fingers crossed he will get into a routine soon. I know you don't like to leave him to cry - but maybe tally's idea of the cushion is a goodie. You could lay him on it and still be able to talk to, and soothe him - but it also gives baby a little room to wiggle.
  8. I don't know what to suggest But have a hug <'>
  9. Thank you Mumblie <'> >< I want to dance with the ickle animals pure, smiley, silly-happy-dippy stuff. I love it Fank you <'> Monkey's just had a dance around the lounge - he likes too. I've woken up this morning feeling like utter cr*p. My throat hurts, my ears hurt, my head really hurts , everything's all achy and goosebumpy. Even the bottom of my feet feel tender. Yuck
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmm still not working. http://www.duramater.info/braincenteronlin...eragewithin.asp Another pdf........ https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/bitstrea...6/1/pn03003.pdf (i have pdf's on my pc - do if we can't figure out a way - i can email you them. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=khVcf3p...7&ct=result
  11. Mr BD man.................I is blonde ya'know......... Enid........ there is some treatment / meds that can be given........ i'll go have a look.. Here's the pdf......... if i put the full link - you might be able to copy and paste it into your browser if it doesn't work.. http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php...5fb4dfe7e2a40f0
  12. smiley

    I'm leaving

    Know what you mean Baggy. <'> >< <'>
  13. That is a flippin' good idea Hmmmmm not sure how to find someone though. You could try to contact NAS, or Shaw Trust, or something similar..... to see if they have, or can think of, someone. I'm thinking, that way, they will (or at least bloomin' should!) have an understanding of ASD's.
  14. Hiya, The Earlybird & EB Plus courses are both fantastic. But, as you're in Surrey, and can probably get away with it - the THOMAS (CLICK - THOMAS) training is also a goodie - and as a parent, it will only cost �40. It's aimed at the pre-school ages child - but many parents who attend have children over that age.
  15. From the (very little!) i know of it - it can be similar to PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) and / or epilepsy. (Edit because my link wasn't working - are pdf's allowed on forum? )
  16. Mumble <'> Don't worry - it was lovely enough just to see you. Have some <'> >< <'> >< 's. Try not to worry about making a plan. Go for a swim - and find the hunky one! I was told i had post-traumatic-stress, i thought the Doc was bonkers, but when i read up on it - it made perfect sense. Still confused the heck out of me when it was suggested Just be gentle with yourself, and accept that, for today at least, you need to stop and relax. <'> SG <'>
  17. smiley

    Greenwich Meetup

    Flippin' heck me'dear! That was a bit dramatic!! <'>
  18. Find chocolate... sit down... and breathe... Some days are just a b*tch! <'> >< <'> ><
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a fabby day hun <'> :bday:
  20. smiley

    Eye Opener.

    <'> Fi, For me - that's the worse part. Having something, in black and white, always, always knocks me sideways - even when i know what written within it. And sometimes, when we're so focused on writing all these flippin' reports, letters, etc, it can feel like that's not our child, the emotional pull is not so obvious, iyswim. Then, all of a sudden - you realise it is your little one... <'>
  21. I agree. It was completely lacking in the report - and without that question being answered, it's hard to comment.
  22. smiley

    Greenwich Meetup

    Yikes Warren!! Did that happen when you were driving??! Scary!
  23. Baggy - sounds like a lousy day all round. <'> Mumble <'> >< You OK hun?
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