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Everything posted by madme

  1. This may have been posted previously. The time to submit your experience or ideas about how to help SpLDs in schools is up on 10 October. While primarily aimed at dyslexia they will also touch on dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Please take the time to read the link and send an email. http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/jimroseanddyslexia/call.shtml Also see the following website http://www.patoss-dyslexia.org/ Thanks
  2. Hi my son has a diagnosis. We went private as it was never going to be recognised by his school. It took a lot of research to find the right peson who is quite well known in this area and dyslexia. There is also the possibility of doing a computer programme test designed by Professor Butterworth but it is not necessaril; i'm told fool proof. The dx meant that he gets specialist maths 1:1 and that has made a difference but there is no cure he still has great difficulties with maths but at least this way he should get through his GCSE although the LEA are threatenng to remove this help in year 10 so we may have to go back to tribunal for this again. There are some interesting books on dyscalulia. Good luck.
  3. Great and well done but be sure that 20 is ok before accepting. Life is all about compromise unfortunatelty :thumbs: :thumbs:
  4. hope it went ok. Hopefully you are asleep. <'> >< <'> Life really is sh**sometimes. Foregive me hope the weekend goes well for you both. I have to say having just watched "question time" that I feel that this gov has squandered so much. My daughter came home from school with a copy letter from the great Pm about spending for education abroad. I'm sorry but I do feel that we as such a small country with so many problems should concentrate on sorting out our education internally before we feel able to tell others how it should be. And before we start saying that money should be sent abroad. If I pay taxes here and have done since I started work my child and others in this country now should benefit first. I am no racist. I am just seeking to say that we dont have enough at this crucial stage and so must be realist. If in the future we are again in a strong position then we can reconsider. I am no racist. I just look at the money they say is allocated to such projects and as such hardtimes feel that people here should have the help- we all have to fight so hard and it can only get harder.
  5. If its only in Part 5 then the provision relating to ASD won't be dealt with in Part 3 which is where it needs to be. His diagnosis and difficulties should be in Part 2 and provision in Part 3 Contact IPSEA asap. There is a good book by ACE about statements.
  6. madme


    Glad to see you will pop in. You helped me in the past and so many others.
  7. Hi I would also suggest SOS SEN. IPsea are great but be patient as they are usually overloaded with work. Leas also sometimes back down about assessments on the day and indeed the day before the Tribunal. If youm woant to find out more about how your LEA have plaued things in he past have a look at the SENDISt site which if it hasnt changed will stilll have stats for all leas going back a few years contained within the yearly report. Good luck.
  8. Yes we have this with our DD (diagnosed Aspergers). She is 7. She goes to an after school club who have found her to be very hyper. She was dx recently as also having SID and the school have just ignored the recommendations as they don't experience any problems! We are awaiting a follow up from OT who were going to make contact with the after school club to give them some ideas as she is still very hyper when we pick her up. When we can we take her to the park on the way home to run off some energy. I wrap her up tightly which can help. I also massage her which is calming. Sometimes however what she really needs is to run and run. I have no answers but I can sympathise. I look at other mums with their quiet children and wish that mine wasnt such a whirlwind and could sit still.
  9. Hope you hear soon. Good luck and well done.
  10. I hate our LEA and in particular the guy who deals with the TRIBUNALS and mediation. He is a bully. My son is at an independent school for Specific learning difficulties. This is his third year there. The LEA have just conceded the changes to his provision recommended by the school - after months of stonewalling following the annual review over 5 months ago. But they have said that we should expect a battle next year- year 10 as they will be looking at all the provision and seeing whether this is an appropriate placement. They are happy it seems to pay the normal fees but not those for the 1:1 lessons that he needs in maths and literacy. They indicated that the school should provide this help through their standard frees and that they shouldnt have to pay more and if the school have to charge more to provide for his needs then perhaps it isnt the right school. The fee structure has always gbeen the same and when he started he had 1 1:1 in maths which is in his statement.I have asked for all this in writing as I feel that they are trying to get us to back off asking next year for more help again. Some independent schools who are specialist in SPLD charge one large fee and give the child what they require- others charge for the help as required. Year 10 is critical and going to tribunal takes so long its definately a game to them. We have had to fight so hard over the years- several appeals and a full blown 2 day hearing. I just feel that my whole life is worrying about the next step. I know that we will also have to fight to keep him there at age 16 for A levels if he wants. I know that its about money but he is settled now and has some friends. He is working hard and making the most of the opportunity. They just want to find a cheaper option. Unfortunately even when you get them into a school the battle still goes on.
  11. How very sad for you to end up in this position. Hope he gets the help he needs. <'> >< <'>
  12. How awful. Personally I would just take him somewhere yourself. Some people are very thoughtless. We have had this quite a few times-my son's childminder whose son was in his year when in primary invited all the other boys but not my son- but we werent aware until we popped around after school to drop off his present. We could see the party and my son was so upset- but they were so stupid they turned off the lights and pretended not to be in- with all these kids!
  13. Isnt it great. I know the person whose fab idea it was and it has spread across the country. We even have autism friendly kids theatre. Spread the word= hopefullly more cinemas will get involved.
  14. We also face this. Son 13 is asd and adhd and various other difficulties. We had a fight to get him statemented but it has been worth it. DD(7) is different but in some ways more complex but not as seen by others. She does now have dx of aspergers but school report no difficulties in any respect. Her after school club can find her hyperactive and she has quite a few issues. By the time she gets home she can be really hyper and the OT has written a report saying that she needs sensory help throughout the day so that we as parents arent faced with a child who is still awake at midnight! Lets see how the school take this in September. As she is very able they are v dismissive! It is v frustrating as she has needs just as my son but hese appear to be dismissed because she is very clever. Ot say she has needs but as she attends school out of borough she cant get OT input. School deny any need!
  15. My son hasn't in the past reacted well to a GA= anaethetist commented that needed more than he expected. Afterwards took ages to come around and wasnt very well. His dentist found that the usual anaesthetic wasnt sufficient in the chair with locals. I think that I myself have a fairly high pain threshold. I had some root canal treatment without anesthetic as I found the injection too traumatic. We all find it hard to tolerate the dentist. My DD ( also as) hates the dentist and toothbrushes! I am currently massaging her gums in a bid to densensitivise her gums. I am told that some SEN dentists are really helpful.
  16. <'> >< <'> >< <'> I have had some of these arguments recently with my son. And on one occasion he made the first move and gave me a hug and told me he loved me ( and I was so proud as he showed howm much he is growing up) We all say things we don't mean in the heat of the moment. I'm sure they love you very much after all if we don't care then we rarely argue with that person! Hope you are feeling a little better soon.
  17. Can I also suggest that you go for counselling?It may help- particularly CBT. I also use a punch bag!
  18. Do let us know. We have just completed these and awaiting the results. The school teacher said "never" to every response- all 8 pages ( i have as a result lost all respect for this teacher as I cant see how she can comment on teeth brushing etc)Thankfully we got one filled out by the after school care team who have highlighted all these appropriate areas.
  19. I hope that a few hours later you are feeling better. Perhaps my first post was overly practical- rather tellling of my training. However if you were my child I would be beside myself and it worries me that this can happen so easily. <'> >< <'>
  20. I'm sorry that this has happened. It must have been very frightening. Is there someone who can check you over? You ought to make a complaint. If you can take photos of the bruises and other injuries. Can someone help you so that they can verify when they were taken ? Can you speak to a tutor or anyone who might help? <'> >< <'>
  21. Unfortunately the system that we have seems to want to make the child fail before it will take action. I've seen this with both my two. With my son we got a stat assessment despite the school but that was because we had CAHMS on board had we not then I think that we would not be where we are today. THe only thing is to keep plugging away and get the evidence to support. Eventually you will have enough evidence. My son was dx by CAHMS as having a maths difficulty at age 7. School wouldnt listen. At age 7 his score was age appropraite. As things got harder he fell further and further behind. At age 10 he was dx as having dyscalculia. Now he gets the right type of support and is catching back up. Whty shou;d he have had to fail so badly damaging his self esteem.
  22. Can I just say that while I posted the original message the heading is not mine. Someone merged it with another and overwrote my heading. Please can someone change it back to its original ? I also posted later to show that I had based my post on an email- it was in fact from a Solicitor. - I accept that my original post didnt reflect what had happened. Thanks
  23. I think that Doodle has put it very well. Good luck
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