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Everything posted by ray

  1. ooh heck - now, just to clarify, when I sang the praises of 7of 9 in the off topic 'star trek' thread I was naturally referring to her intellectual prowess. phew, glad thats been cleared up
  2. I lurv star trek. i can remember when i was seven yrs old being allowed to sneak back downstairs after me and my sis had been sent to bed to watch the original star trek series, i would have been 6 or 7, probably 1969/70. i can always remember there would be some alternative versions to the end credits and one of them ended with a really scary face that used to freak me out man(one had a sexy green dancing woman - but thats another story) still a big fan today, although I thought that the last series with the quantum leap guy was a bit limp (no pun intended). best of recent years was the borg, and that 7of 9 - whoah! I also read a lot of sci fi (when taking a break from reading the classics of course - not) - just finishing the latest alastair reynolds 'pushing ice', and just finished '9tail fox', which was excellent. And of course, the greatest of them all is Dr Who.
  3. 'But yesterday i didn't - Pipolar disorder!!!!' Baddad - me too, today I might want chicken, tomorrow I'll need steak and kidney.....
  4. ray


    Just wanted to share something with you guys. Went with my 17 yr old AS son to our first spanish lesson at adult eveing class last night, and it was great. Once he got over the innappropriate laughing episode at the exotic accent of the venezuelan teacher he was great. He really enjoyed it, picked it up better and quicker than half the adults (including me), and we had to do the first role play of the night in front of everybody else and he was cool as a cucumber. Adios amigos!
  5. yep, this happens all the time with my lad, all of a sudden it will be the fabric softener, mum's perfume, even my deodorant, that he can't stand but we wont have changed any of these
  6. would agree with everything being said, its probably all about routine, even now, at 17, there are certain things we have to do, and say, in a certain order, otherwise my lad can get very annoyed
  7. hello, & welcome. have son, 17 & AS. haven't really had to deal with violence, but lots of anger, and becomes extremely frustrated very quickly over what we might regard as v.minor things. would say though as hormones have started to settle down a bit, he's less inclined, although will still meltdown occasionally. came home today from college vowing never to return because he had trouble opening the door of the bus when getting off, and others on the bus had a bit of a giggle.
  8. Alex's mum suffered a loss during pregnancy. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer just after we found out she was pregnant, and she died 6 weeks before he was born.
  9. My AS son seems to have the opposite issue. He always has music playing and its 'the quiet' he doesn't like and finds very unsettling.
  10. well done oreo I like trains too - where I work I can look out of my office window and see the train station, and when a really big train goes by our whole office shakes
  11. well how about their finest moment coming when reeves and mortimer took a look at them, bob mortimer as dave hill - comic genius. Having said that i'll always have a soft spot for '###### on feel the noize'
  12. well done, i'm off for a nice kipper tie ray
  13. ray


    I'm Salisbury Hill?? I have concerns on two counts. Firstly, isn't this some old Peter Gabriel song - wierd old dadrocker and it reminds me of Genesis, probably blandrock at its worst. Secondly, Salisbury is in Wiltshire, and I'm from Hampshire. Its not your fault (Krism people), but I gues you are not aware of the generations old emnity that exists between our two counties, the cross-border skirmishes, the notorious cownapping incident of '74, I could go on. So, numerous erratic and erroneous posts on their way until I can escape....
  14. housework? whats that then? I've checked the jargon buster, can't find any reference at all. right - i'm off down the pub for a pint
  15. Kathryn, just seen the book reference, and just ordered it via amazon for �9 for our 17yr old. Thank you.
  16. in my experience you avoid: 'depends', 'maybe', 'perhaps', 'we'll see', and 'dont know' alex said to me last night that he 'didn't want to put somebody's foot out of joint' - i think he mean't nose
  17. Just want to say thanks for the input everyone. Had an email back from one of the senior guys in the dept who apologised and said that the teaching assistant in question was new and that they would talk to him about the incident to ensure he chooses his words more carefully in future. And also that someone would have a sit down with Alex and explain that the world wasn't about to end in a cosmic fireball. Just hope its enough. Once again, thanks, and have a cool yule. Ray
  18. Some of you may remember the recent problems Alex (son, 17, AS) has been facing with fear of dying, and many of you helped out recently with hints and tips, and we saw his GP, and eventually its faded. Yesterday at college a prat of a classroom assistant blithely told Alex that the world could end at anytime as it could get hit by a meteor, we'd all die, and know nothing about it. As you can imagine, when Alex got in last night he was a complete mess of anxiety and fear over dying again. When he finally explained why, I was furious, tried to phone college (no answer), so sent a stinging email suggesting (not too gently) that this person needed re-training, and that someone needs to explain to Alex that this wont happen (even if they believe its conceivably possible). Am I overeacting? He's in a Learning Disabilities class, with other ASD kids, and others with different challenges. I'm still pretty cross this morning. ray
  19. hello. my son (17, AS) has been a bit obsessed with the whole death thing for quite a while now and whilst it seems to be ebbing from the real intense fear of a a couple of months ago, it still pops up every now and then. he's just got a work placement through college at sainsburys and we are all thrilled to bits for reasons I wont go into here, but a couple of nights ago he said it was great, as long as he lived that long! He is worried about going to sleep and not waking up, although there was an external push (an obsession with a pop singer who died of a brain tumour). He has been to see the doctor a couple of times, the college counselor, and been paralysed by fear over this. Anyway, all we can do is keep stressing how fit and healthy he is, how nothing ever happens without a reason (drugs, drink, accident etc etc) and eventually logic will win through. Bit diff for a 5 yr old I know. But when I came here for help on this a couple of months ago, the thing that came across was that this is extremely common. ray
  20. ray

    Gordon Brown

    whilst I share your contempt of the prat who made the comment I'm afraid I don't see Brown's response as anything more than a typical politicians opportunistic response to score points over an opponent and show himself in a better light
  21. ray


    my lad (17, AS) has a great imagination, always imagining our various grisly endings, numerous and inventive ways in which his precious CD collection could come to harm, play acting as a diva etc etc one thing I've been meaning to ask is do you think there is any connection between dreaming and aspergers? I find that Alex has an amazing recall of his dreams down to the smallest detail, and, to him, are they are extremely vivid. One of his sleep issues is that he has in the past been afraid to go to sleep because a dream he's been having has been particularly scary. ray
  22. William - that was excellent, thank you.
  23. When I first read this post yesterday morning at work my immediate though was that this person was being deliberately provocative, I tend to see things like this at work, somebody will chuck a 'grenade' in just to get a reaction, with many and varied agendas. However, the thoughtful, rational, and mature responses from all the krism crew (yoh!) has further heightened my already immense respect for the people on this forum. Very fishy.
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