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Everything posted by butterfingersbimbo

  1. oh no thats awful! will c and p it and send it on. you know its so much cheaper for the nhs to blame a parent than it is to actually help a child in need........it really gets my blood boiling!!! hang on in there chic!
  2. thanks for the welcome guys! wish i had known about this place years ago!
  3. i tried evening primrose for my pmt and i was still like a rabid dog......vitamin b complex helped me! havent tried fish oils with el as we are veggie and she wouldnt take them.
  4. i live in dread of them taking el's melatonin away!!! she has been taking it for a year now and i dont see how we ever coped without it! she started on 3mg and it was great for several months and then lost its effect. so the paed put it up to 6mg and its been happy nights ever since! saying that tho, el still wakes up in the night, not every night but several nights a week, and she still has awful nightmares, but its being able to watch a tv programme when she goes to bed, that keeps me sane and she feels better for it too. occasionally she has had a little break from it but she asks for it back cos she can really feel the difference.
  5. erm.....i am with badad on this i think.....personally speaking i find it hard enough to get people to see past the stereoptype of autism, ie child sitting in a corner rocking back and forth....to start all of this would be a total nightmare for us.....i did watch the programme and it really worried me.......i would never want el described like this, she is autistic and thats that! hope this doesnt offend anyone!
  6. hi, sorry, am not sure who you want to take notice of this report, but if its any help, my daughter's paed was a great help when her school were being unhelpful, he kicked some serious ass! good luck!
  7. hope you get a better house soon thats more suitable for your family, not sure what to advise so am just sending you loads of pos vibes.....
  8. wow sounds like G is a smart lad! I have only recently told el that she has asd, but like you having been planting the seed for a long time. she has known about the adhd for a couple of years as she is on meds for this, but have dilly dallied about the asd as i thought it would be really difficult to explain. in the end a friend of mine with an aspie son lent me a book that she read with him. her son came running up to us on the way to school shouting "i have asd and so does el!!!" which did make me laugh! it occured to me that its far more daunting as a parent than as a child!
  9. hey i can share your anger and frustration here....my daughter wasnt "labelled" until she was already well behind at school, struggling not only with her school work but with her realtionships with everyone around her too. and it all comes down to money!!!! i often sit here and wonder how different el's life might be if she had been officially diagnosed at four.... all i can say is, hang on in there....
  10. am very sorry but had to have a giggle at your post......my el used to have a poo fixation too, oh what happy days they were..... . her favourite trick was to poo in a doorway and then repeatedly open and close the door over it.....sigh, how i loved it when she did that!!! how come they can poo and spread at the speed of light? its a mystery to me and probably always will be....oh and her second fave was to poo in the bath two seconds after getting in....... and now give me a poo bum to clean rather than a snotty nose any day.....i am immune to poo now!
  11. think i might have to start watching house.....does anyone remember st. elsehwere, the hospital series years before ER? anyway there was a doc who had a boy with severe autism....
  12. wow that was really helpful to me as a parent! it has just made me think of loads of things that el says or how she reacts to things....and now they make sense! and she also has a great sense of humour, as you seem to! why do people think aspies dont have a sense of humour? maybe they are a bit too slow to get it....anyway, big thanks for that!
  13. its so sad the state our children need to be in before they will help them it must be so distressing for you. hope that they can see you and your lad as soon as possible, fingers crossed someone will have to cancel and they will phone you on the off chance. hang on in there!
  14. oh no i really feel for you, it sounds like you are going through a complete nightmare. keep fighting them, sending you loads of positive vibes and a big hug.
  15. Hi All, I have got a ten year old daughter with ASD and ADHD! and two dogs, one a jack russel and a senile, half deaf mongrel she is an only child as I thought that I was the worst mother in the world and so really shouldnt have any more children. my daughter was given a "possible asperger's" dx when she was about to start school, but it was never confirmed officially until she was eight years old and about to be kicked out of school for being violent, disruptive and spending the majority of her school day crawling around on the floor barking like a dog....(you might have already guessed that dogs are her big obsession). she was also then diagnosed as being adhd and dyspraxic and after a month of thinking about stimulant meds I decided it had to be worth a try and she has been on them mostly since then! to be honest i think myself and her teachers would have had nervous breakdowns without them After a long battle, my daughter now has a statement and gets twenty five hours support in the local mainstream primary school. I am looking at senior schools for her, and am thinking that she will be unable to cope in either of the two local senior mainstream schools. so thats about it really! thanks for reading!
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