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Everything posted by helenl53

  1. Hi Little Nemo I have been struggling to understand why the DfES would have given me the advice to go for re-assessment for my son - but I have gone onto the SENDIST site and realise it is because there does not seem to be any right to appeal to SENDIST if the LEA refuse to make amendments to the statement after the Annual Review!!!! This is due to come up for my son next term and the LEA tried to push us into having it early. I have checked to COP for time constraints - but I think I now need to look at the Education Act. I have looked through the Annual Review section of the COP and there is no mention in there of any right of appeal in any shape or form - it seems that in this case, the LEA have free rein to make the decisions that they see fit. If my interpretation is wrong - can someone let me know because it is such an important point. Thanks HelenL
  2. One of my friends is due to go to the school in about 10 days for an annual review which she said has been brought forward and she doesn't know why. In the past she has not been given any reports prior to the meeting - she has been given the psycho report on the day. Not much happens at the review. I was advising her that the reports for the review should be circulated to everyone at least two weeks before the review meeting. Today when talking to her, it seems that she has a very very dodgy statement and that the description of his disability is not correct. He has had the statement since pre-school and he has since been given a Dx of Asperger's. I have suggested that she ask for a re-assessment as he has sensory, communication and socialisation difficulties - all related to the AS which are not on the statement, nor is there any input from the SLT and OT. She has already requested a referral to them on my advice as he has been running into difficulties that are proving difficult to resolve (I think that these issues are outside the experience and remit of psycho services). I have suggested that she do this in replacement of a review meeting. Here is my question - is there a fatal flaw in requesting a re-assessment. It is something I may request for my own child and I seem to remember being told that the LEA can use the request for re-assessment as an excuse to delay for 18 months - I didn't understand what I was being told. I am worried about advising this parent and making things worse. Thanks HelenL
  3. I don't know if this helps, but they have to decide within 10 weeks of being ordered by the Tribunal to issue a statement or a not in lieu. From memory, it has been about 3 weeks? - so keep your eye on the timetable. If they decide to statement then they have a further two weeks in which to write a proposed statement (i.e - 12 weeks from the Tribunal Order) I don't know how this fits in with your plans but you should know before the end of the academic year. Mind you - I hate to be the bringer of glad tidings - but if you do get a statement, it can take a while before it can be finalised and then you may need to go back to Tribunal Not being a half empty person - but this seems to be the pattern of things and I suppose that every week of saved money goes towards preserving the pensions! HelenL
  4. helenl53


    Hi Eva Now we know that you are in Oz - will you sponsor us all for a mass emigration TV keeps running ads asking "where the ###### are we" Have you read the book 'Hunna Pappy' - it was written by the mum of one of my cousin in law's clients who live in Adelaide. I am reading it at the moment and it is quite heartwarming. Welcome - the world is a very small place! HelenL
  5. And if something is not in place - the SEN Operations of the Dfes may be interested in knowing all about lawbreaking by the LEA!!!
  6. Hi SMT2 I think that you have seen first hand the bullying that the schools get and the problem is that if SG say that they can't meet his needs, then because it is a maintained school, there is an argument that no maintained mainstream school can meet his needs. The school's life would not be worth living if they admitted this - and I think you have seen the scare tactics that the LEA have used on this school. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place - they do owe a duty of care to their staff and the children and I can see what Darky means - I hadn't really th0ought about other parents taking action if their child came to harm and that the school knew that it was a possibility. However, what is wrong, is that there is no provision for the whole day - it all seems to be not very well structured and thought out. It should not be that a school is bullied into taking in a child without the support being in place. You need to take professional advice from IPSEA, ACE or your lawyer on this because it still seems like there is illegal exclusion happening here. Have you notified LM about the recent stuff. Hopefully, things may start to improve, but I am not sure how! Best wishes HelenL
  7. Now SV - concentrate! - I am going to send the piccies again to you. I obviously am not happy in my human form I got to see one of the other students portfolio - she got 80% and I can see exactly why I don't get marks like that - I am such an non-conformist and I don't seem to be able to stop my work becoming a subjective narrative - but hey - we need rebel hens without a clue!! Love Hen with a porpoise!
  8. What a relief - fantastic!!! HelenL
  9. Thank you everyone - I feel embarrassed sometimes about sharing good things. But J did have a really rough time and he deserves to get on. Nellie, one of my fellow students got 80%! - but I am doing this to be taken seriously when I do my Wolfie stuff. Thanks again everyone - I really am so proud of J. He really has remarkable courage and tenacity. SV - did you see the Dolphin piccies. I am one of the large mammals in the picture!!! I am the one that doesn't have a blowhole (leave that to the old man ) Love Helen
  10. Hi SV I passed - just - 65% - but I can't be a scholar and an urban gorrilla Love Helen
  11. helenl53


    Hi LKS We have had a similar problem for families in our area. We did not have any SLT's - the last one left at XMAS. They have now recruited but a NQ SLT which is not appropriate for our kids. If there is provision on the statement and it is not available from the LA resources then it should be 'bought in'. The LA can not escape a statutory duty just because they do not have the resources (human or monetary!). I have a SLT for my son - I had to arrange for it myself and I have a feeling that she is a freelancer as no one has heard of her. HelenL
  12. Hi Shortie, Try and get a ticket for Tony Attwood. He has a wonderful way of explaining things! Then we can see you there! HelenL
  13. Just need to share this before I go to bed. My little one had a hideous time at his previous school and for the last 18 months he has been in a wonderfully supportive setting. He plays in the school Jazz Band (one public performance so far and a few to go ! -) and has suggested that I try and find venues for them to 'gig'. His drum teacher plays in a group and J has been picking up the lingo! Today his teacher told me that he has a 'large part' in the school play this year. I finally got it out of him this evening! "It is not that important mum" says he " I play the part of a beggar who eats a chicken bone, dies and gets carried around by everyone" - I can't wait for this one! What an achievement. Love HelenL
  14. Hi Shortie and welcome I have recently become aware of a Support Group in Stroud in Gloucestshire They have Tony Attwood as their guest speaker on 19th May. Their website is as follows:-SASG
  15. I am pleased that Hev is ok. As for Wendy - she is special - a very caring lady - and I can say that with the benefit of experience! She and Nellie came to my rescue during a particularily black period in my life. Hev - love and kisses- hang on in there. Best wishes HelenL
  16. helenl53


    Hi LKS I would be very reluctant to let anything go. Our children change in their needs and my son does really well with his language and I naively thought that he would be discharged by the SLT but she explained that she would need to review him every term until he left school as his needs would change and especially when he hit puberty. This makes sense because of the verbal and non verbal language etc used by teenagers and I suppose this is the time when the communication and socialisation isssues become a real problem for our kids. I think it would not be unreasonable to request that the provision of SLT monitoring and observation be undertaken by the service at the beginning of each term for a period of say 5 hours spread over the first two or three weeks. As good as the LSA's are, they are not able to observe and evaluate the progress of your child. Will let you have J's statement later this week Best wishes HelenL
  17. Hi Witsend Where is our cyber sticks of rock then! helenL
  18. Hi SMT Hang on in there. Have you reported this to TW, JN and VW. I know I am a complete pain about writing to everyone - but it is the only way. A letter to Mrs M, copied in to TW, JN, VW and your new friend LM! I know she can't do anything - you have to follow procedure, but the comment that they need to sort out things will go down on record because the LEA should be in there sorting this out and they are not. Was there not supposed to be Outreach in today from L School? This is so aggravating in view of the progress you and T have been making. It is easy to say - but please do not let the bar stewards grind you down. This is just what they want to do. Back to my work! HelenL
  19. Hev- you poor girl. I know you have had a tough time. Please talk to LindyLou. Keep talking to all of us. HelenL
  20. Oh dear Jill - deepest sympathies
  21. I am bumping this up so that weekenders get a chance to see HelenL
  22. Oracle - well done for this information. I spoke to the Director of Children and Learning who has responsibility for my LA and I have to be honest and say that he was MOST HELPFUL! I can not read minds (unfortunately) but I was getting the feeling that these are the DfES 'big sticks' and that they really will be reliant upon evidence gathering by parents and individuals so that they can do a bit of beating! It seems that as far as the Government are concerned - 'Every Child Matters' and these appointments seem to be a watchdog with teeth role to ensure that Childrens Trusts put everything in place so that ALL children achieve the five outcomes. We have to do our bit. If the watchdogs are only given the Local Authority version of 'how well' they are reaching the targets, then there will not be a lot that they can do - but if they have information that contradicts this, then they will have to take a closer look. This may be the break we have all been looking for Helen L
  23. Suze and Trance - you have got to let us know whether the PP person is employed by the LEA or whether they are 'bought in' Please let me know - I really am interested! HelenL
  24. I am worried that it is someone on this forum - there are any number of people at the end of their tether. No doubt those who don't understand will call her selfish Whatever we feel - this poor woman needed help. HelenL
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