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Everything posted by hev

  1. hev


    yeah i understand what you mean about needing time out of the house,my main aim daily is finding somewhere to go while steves at school,i think its like my bit of respite and it helps me cope when he gets in,i would be no good in the bb house,i would go stir crazy then again it would be a nice rest!
  2. hev

    uh oh

    morning clarkie,hope all calm today,as like the others ive been in your situation many times,it makes you feel emotionally drained doesnt it,also feel like a referee with the husband,not good at advice but hope you ok
  3. yeah its sad as my brother was always considered weird by the family,thats terrible isent it,if only my brother could have got help,he was sent to borstel for his behaviour then,he wont talk to me at all so nothing can be done
  4. stevens latest is eastenders,watches old videos constantly,does impressions of grant mitchell(not outside,thank god )had loads of obsessions but this one lasted longest,oh no the one thats lasted longest is hating me!
  5. yeah mine were useless,i spoke to them on phone,not helpful at all,never phoned back when they said they would,i didnt bother with them in end,my mp was far more helpful
  6. my mum feels very guilty because looking back my brother had aspergers,he used to rock in chair,had obsessions,a lot of things my steven has,he ended up in prison and now has completely cut himself off from us all,screams at mum if he sees her in the street,she gets so upset but aspergers wasent heard of at all then,shes a lovely mum but theres just no way of getting my brother to talk to us as at the moment he has sent off for his birth certificate to prove hes adopted,its very sad as he truly believes he is,my mums heartbroken
  7. ive been on here so many times today,i cant help it,theres dishes to be done,housework piling up,IM ADDICTED,GET ME OUT OF HERE
  8. steven keeps checking weather on teletext as if it snows its hard for him to get to school as its a long way,hes praying for snow,im not!!
  9. hev

    DLA form

    i got so stressed with mine that in the end a woman from my local carers group came and help me fill it in,its a service they do,if i had known that earlier i would have claimed years ago,that form put me off,maybe its made so difficult on purpose,i think a lot of people look at it and give up
  10. hev

    DLA form

    i hate the dla form,got another 3 years till i have to fill in my next one so i have a long time to prepare myself mentally for the stress it causes me
  11. katie is 2 and when steve slams doors and chucks things so does she then i end up moaning at both of them,then i feel guilty cos shes copying him and hes just frustrated i might just copy them when they both start,i think they would be shocked and stop!
  12. ooh i forgot celebrity on at 9,thanks tm!!
  13. they all think im on the toilet but really im skulking on here
  14. i think the reason we get upset is because out of everyone i expected my family to understand,steves aspergers is like the subject not to be mentioned,if my sisters got the flu i mention it though,steves got problems which affect his life but its like taboo,i even feel they think im making it all up(if only)i just tend to keep away from them although its hard cos its family,whoever said you can choose your friends but not family should be knighted cos its so true!we are all here for each other and i think we all do a brilliant job
  15. steves contact book today said "we have noticed that steven has 2 main courses and 2 desserts if they are available,would you agree to us allowing steven to have one of each only?" i wondered why he had put on so much weight lately!glad school have noticed,am still buying fruit at home,hes doing really well
  16. i loved that joe dolce song!what about renee and renatas song save your love?thats one of my faves,god i am sad!
  17. come on leave timmy mallet alone!i had that song on 12 inch and i played it ALL the time,i am definately leader of the saddo club
  18. lecherous smiley,lol!! ive seen westlife they were brill,i would love to see will young but apparently his shows are boring someone told me yesterday i wouldnt be bored,i love will young,i also love robbie,i wonder why he didnt go to the reunion,i thought he was going to be there,oh well ive got to go and have a boogie to my will young cd now
  19. got a call from ss today,she said there is a talk tonight on in the next town to me about living with aspergers,i know there are talks and courses on,i know about living with aspergers,i dont need them,i need respite for me and stevens sake,thanks for the link nellie
  20. get your pen and paper out daisy!!new akela will probably be understanding when he gets it,good luck x
  21. your post was so sad,hope you both ok today,must have been awful for you waiting and wondering where your son was,nothing to add but hope you both ok,love hev <'> <'>
  22. hello lil me,agree totally with what the others have said,i have good and bad days,people outside think im the life and soul and i am also what smileymab calls an outgoing recluse,you are stronger than you think,you gave me good advice when i was worried about steves eating and things are getting better,keep posting as i have through all my tough times,some days i come on here so low and i read the batcave and its the first time ive smiled all day let me know how you get on at docs love hev
  23. hello hh,hope hangover gone!!i agree that the ht letter is a load of rubbish,they think they can do what they like but we are left with very distressed children at the end of it,how sending 2 year elevens seems acceptable seems beyond me,i thought your letter to them was very well written,hope your son is ok and keep strong take care love hev
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