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Everything posted by phasmid

  1. phasmid


    D's mum beat me to it! That was going to be my suggestion...the other way to do it would be to add a commentary to a PowerPoint presentation. I would suggest that would be a 'reasonable adjustment' for the school to make.
  2. phasmid

    SENDIST Tribunal

    Don't forget to address any points you disagree with in the LEA's paperwork and cite the (deliberate?) late arrival of your copy of this submission for the late arrival of your own. Make it very clear that you expected a more professional aproach from the LEA when it comes to getting paperwork in on time, you know the sort of thing "If they cannot get this right....etc, etc" Lay it on thick about how typical this attitude is from them etc. Don't rush your response, take your time and lay the blame right at the LEA's door!
  3. Thats really good news. Oh....and he's right about the fish tank's water needing to settle etc.
  4. No, it DOES NOT stop! If they try and use that as an excuse for dragging it out threaten them with the Local Government Ombudsman.
  5. phasmid

    any ideas

    AS others have already said, the school are not coping and this is already impacting on his education, now! They cannot use the excuse of not having a dx - that is utterly ridiculous and is a blatant cop-out. They should be addressing his needs, not his dx (if/when he gets one). Ask them to show you his IEP or his BSP and then ask them to explain what they ARE doing. right now, to meet the targets set out in them. If the answer comes back that he hasn't got one or the other (or either) of these ask them why the hell not when it is quite clear they need some clear strategies in place to deal with his behaviour. If they cannot, or will not, provide you with the answers to these questions complain to the head and then, if necessary, the CoG.
  6. That will put the cat amongst the pigeons! Excellent letter. I would suggest the one (very minor) addittion to this paragraph: We further note from your submission that you believe A is receiving 5 hours of home tuition per week. Obviously, there has been an oversight and somebody has forgotten to arrange the additional 2 hours because in fact, A is only timetabled to receive 3 hours of tuition per week in the home, one hour per day, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In view of this, we would be grateful if you would arrange for A to receive this additional tuition immediately so that he doesn?t further lose out on his entitlement to a full time education as laid out in the national curriculum.
  7. This is in association with the Youth Hostel Association...just got an email from them they are doing 2 for the price 1 late availability deals. Click here to find out more. Hope this is of use to some of you. Mine are all going (including Phas Jr - his ASD was no problem for them), the thing is well organised and , it seems, all adults CRB checked. Can't tell you more than that as this year is the first time any of mine have gone - so not an endorsement of any sort, just a heads up this is out there kind of post.
  8. phasmid


    We have been a few times, though not for some years and I know from friends that much has changed down there recently. But we had a great time - though there was one occasion when 'lost' phas jr for half an hour! That said they all (him and my others) had a great time there.
  9. I've posted a big bit about exclusions here. Hope it helps.
  10. Morning all. The forum had problems due to it's server hosts having problems...but we're back!
  11. Kathy this is not unusual with our children. Phas jr expected to be able to draw like (insert ANY famous artiist here) and when he couldn't he would go ballistic! It took a few years to get him to realise that his drawings were pretty good in their own right even if they didn't look like a museum piece. Like with all his other work HE set himself very high standards, set them for others too when working in groups (but thats a whole new thread!), and could very rarely meet them. It can be heartbreaking to watch a child 'fail' when the work they are producing is pretty darn good to everyone except themselves. As I said in my first post, talk to her teacher and ask her to explain why the apparent discrepancy between verbal and written feedback, if the explanation is a reasonable one fine, if not challenge it. But I suspect you may have a few years of this to put up with.
  12. phasmid


    No probs BP...better to be answered twice than not at all.
  13. phasmid


    KAte, click on my controls at top of the page and look for the link to 'Edit signature' on the left. Click on that and scribe away...
  14. The only thing you can do is ask the teacher. Having been in a similar position in the past it is what I have done and, if you don't agree with the reasons, say so on the reply slip that normally comes with the report.
  15. Hi Andie and welcome to the forum. It isn't easy for us, as parents, to accept there is/maybe something 'wrong' with our children (not the best term but I'm sure you know what I am getting at). It can be even harder for grandparents who don't see what we see, or as often. I would suggest you could give them some information to read through at their leisure. If you click here you will find advice sheets for relatives that you can print off from the NAS. They maybe finding it difficult to come to terms with what you're telling them and information from a 3rd party source might help. You will find plenty of support on here so I hope this is the first posting of many.
  16. phasmid


    Daisy I'd say go for it if that is what you want to do. There is no reason why you shouldn't at least try. You can do a pgce over two years if you prefer to take it a bit easier following on from your degree. I'd suggest you visit the TTA website and get some more info....your college may be able to help with info as well.
  17. phasmid


    It can happen, but rarely does I'm afraid. Even if the TA is employed directly via a statement (and therefore could be classed as an employee of the LEA and not the school).
  18. Thats brilliant news...fingers firmly crossed she makes a swift recovery.
  19. No, the school are trying to pull a fast one. They will not have to pay the TA for the lunchtime period unless they are working it. If it is a meal break TAs don't get paid for them (nor do we get paid for mid-morning breaks - at least in my LEA) - so why do they have to fund it??? But none of that matters at all really. If you have a statement of 25 hrs support that is what should be provided. The funding of it is not your concern - that is their problem, they have to sort it out, NOT you!!!
  20. A TA funded for 25 hours in a primary school will be covering teaching time only. To get full time support for the whole day would require at least 30hrs per week funding (5x 1hr lunch and 5 days @ 5 hrs a day). This is another area where LEAs can be vague about 'full time support' being offered in a statement. After so many hours the TA is entitled to a lunch break (in my LEA we dont even get paid for break times even if we decide to not go home in that time this includes lunchtimes) which is unpaid and therefore our own time. There are legal constraints around this that must be followed. The best ways round this is two TAs perhaps. ! for the moring session (including covering breaktime) who hands over to another who covers lunchtime and then the afternoon teaching session....or a 1-1 mds.
  21. phas jr doesnt like loud sudden noises and at nearly 17 loves fireworks but will borrow a pair of phas' mate industrial earmufflers to watch them. however i would still get his hearing checked especially as you seem to have a family history WHOOPS! posted as phas again really must remember the log in thingy SORRY ALL!
  22. I would say that the school are not taking steps to make 'reasonable adjustments' in light of your son's expected dx. This goes against the Disability Discrimination Act, however you may not be able to use it until you have that DX. Have a look on the Disability rights commission website and see what the schools code of practice has to say about it.
  23. this one from phas jr "EYE, EYE!"
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