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i've been reading this forum for last month and thought it was about time i introduced myself!


I have 2 children, my son,C who is 4 and my daughter, L, who is 2.


We've always known C was a bit 'different', we've had a v.hard time since he was about 18 months old and i presumed he was just really naughty and have spent the last 2 years wondering what the heck i'd done wrong. He started nursery last September and it was'nt long before he was referred to an ed-phsycologist as the teachers were concerned about his 'unusual' behaviour and suspected he has an ASD. I had never even thought about Autism and this came as a shock but i've read up loads on it and even though he is not yet diagnosed with anything i am applying different techniques and finding things easing a bit. We've just finished with ed-physcologist who has referred us on to local camhs team as she suspects he may have high functioning autism or aspergers and be hyperavtive also.


Its really odd because I am no longer gutted but relieved that there is an explanation for Cs behaviour. I am very confused at the mo though because when we have a good day i feel like a bit of a fraud and can't possibly beleive that C has autism, but I am definately reminded that i'm not on the bad days!!


Anyway, just wanted to say Hello and say that you all have already been a great help as it's good to read other people's experiences.





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i've been reading this forum for last month and thought it was about time i introduced myself!


I have 2 children, my son,C who is 4 and my daughter, L, who is 2.


We've always known C was a bit 'different', we've had a v.hard time since he was about 18 months old and i presumed he was just really naughty and have spent the last 2 years wondering what the heck i'd done wrong. He started nursery last September and it was'nt long before he was referred to an ed-phsycologist as the teachers were concerned about his 'unusual' behaviour and suspected he has an ASD. I had never even thought about Autism and this came as a shock but i've read up loads on it and even though he is not yet diagnosed with anything i am applying different techniques and finding things easing a bit. We've just finished with ed-physcologist who has referred us on to local camhs team as she suspects he may have high functioning autism or aspergers and be hyperavtive also.


Its really odd because I am no longer gutted but relieved that there is an explanation for Cs behaviour. I am very confused at the mo though because when we have a good day i feel like a bit of a fraud and can't possibly beleive that C has autism, but I am definately reminded that i'm not on the bad days!!


Anyway, just wanted to say Hello and say that you all have already been a great help as it's good to read other people's experiences.





Hi and welcome i am also fairly new but have found this forum a great help, i dont often post but find reading others posts really helpful, Ihope you do to Mrs Fussy x

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Hi cattubb welcome to the forum.The crew here are wonderful-Very well informed and supportive.The experience of good days spent wondering if you have been seeing things.....followed by bad days remembering how difficult things can be is a familiar one. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> I have Ben who has DCD and social communication difficulties.Karen.

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Hi all,


this is def a v.confusing time. If i'm out somewhere (which is v.rare as C has a habit of running away and L, being 2 goes whichever way she wants!) and C starts acting up, which is usually odd behaviour like meowing(the cat thing has been going on for about 2 years) running rould in circles or picking one child out and just staring at them and following them round about 2 inches behind but not actually talking to them or playing with them, i'm ashamed to say I get really embarassed and feels the need to offer other parents an explanation but at the mo don't know what to say, I don't feel I can say he has an ASD because he hasn't been diagnosed, how do other people deal with these situations? I suppose you must get used to ignoring the looks!





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hi and welcome i have been using this forum since last yr only recently did i get a diagnosis of autism for reece they r a wonderful bunch on here

love donnaxxxxxx

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Hi and welcome

I have found this forum one of the only places to go where people really do understand. I know just how you feel about the going out thing me and my husband find it very difficult to do as a family we have 3 boys, my eldest 6 has asd and my youngest i suspect is on the spectrum too. So we tend to go to forests/parks ect which are always a bit quieter!!! I still cant manage them all on my own outside though.

Try not to feel like a fruad i felt exactly the same on a good day plus i had people saying "hes just naughty" but ive learnt with thime to trust my own judgement more. Look forward to reading your posts.


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I am very confused at the mo though because when we have a good day i feel like a bit of a fraud and can't possibly beleive that C has autism, but I am definately reminded that i'm not on the bad days!!


Oh, I know this feeling! :D Hi cattubb. Nice to meet you.

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Hi and welcome :D


You will find this forum very helpful, everyone on here are very supportive and your guaranteed to find the answers you want.


I haven't been a member that long really and the feedback I have received has been fantastic, everyone is understanding and know how you feel down to their experience etc.


I hope everything gets resolved very soon, and hopefully talk and hear from you soon.


Take care

Di x :thumbs:

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Hello and welcome. great place this... my son is newly diagnosed (jan) and is 10 and this place is a godsend even before i got his diagnosis :groupwave:

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hi cattub

Your initial post was very similar to what i wrote back in 2004 when i first joined. Even the fraud bit. I think we have all been at the place you are at now and we will all be on hand to answer (if we can) any questions. Nothings to obsqure here. and believe me things that you thought were quirky and unique behaviours are quite common on here, i was amazed to find that K (8 AS) wasnt the only one who liked to spin around a bathplug (or something similar) for an hour at a time.


Welcome aboard. >:D<<'>


shaz x

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Hi cattub -

and welcome aboard >:D<<'>

The cat thing reminds me of a little boy who went to (AS Specific) Pre school with my son, who loved all animals and would regularly 'be' one for a couple of weeks or so. His favourite was dogs, and he would sniff people, lick their hands and even act out cocking his leg up a tree!

Always made me think of that old joke and imagine him in years to come talking to a psychiarist:

'And how long have you thought you are a dog?'

'Since I was a puppy'.....


Don't feel guilty for feeling you want to explain to people - that's always made sense to me. There's a huge difference between helping people to understand behaviours and 'apologising' for them, and I think the first helps everyone.

Hope you get some more solid answers soon.





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Hi looks like you have stepped in just at the right time As I feel pre diagnosis really does need the most support and understanding because your needing the reasurrance so a very big welcome and I feel so relieved that you have come to a really supportive place so your definatly in the right place.


We have good days too and that just goes to show the hard work you put in when we have finally got a child who is feeling less stressed and having difficulties coping with change ect... so its not that he is having you on its just that your techneques your trying are having a really positive result.


There will be days where nothing works but just keep the ideas coming and adapting it to suit your child, as every child with ASD will have their unique issues.


I have to recommend the National Autistic Society for further information as they will send you a pack that has a more indepth description to what some or similair issues going on for your son plus you get recommendations for reading material.


I hope that you find this forum helpful and you know where to come for further support and queries.


Welcome to the family.



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i've been reading this forum for last month and thought it was about time i introduced myself!


I have 2 children, my son,C who is 4 and my daughter, L, who is 2.


We've always known C was a bit 'different', we've had a v.hard time since he was about 18 months old and i presumed he was just really naughty and have spent the last 2 years wondering what the heck i'd done wrong. He started nursery last September and it was'nt long before he was referred to an ed-phsycologist as the teachers were concerned about his 'unusual' behaviour and suspected he has an ASD. I had never even thought about Autism and this came as a shock but i've read up loads on it and even though he is not yet diagnosed with anything i am applying different techniques and finding things easing a bit. We've just finished with ed-physcologist who has referred us on to local camhs team as she suspects he may have high functioning autism or aspergers and be hyperavtive also.


Its really odd because I am no longer gutted but relieved that there is an explanation for Cs behaviour. I am very confused at the mo though because when we have a good day i feel like a bit of a fraud and can't possibly beleive that C has autism, but I am definately reminded that i'm not on the bad days!!


Anyway, just wanted to say Hello and say that you all have already been a great help as it's good to read other people's experiences.






Hi Cat! >:D<<'>


Welcome! Your story is so similar to mine. My boy is also four and it took two long years to get a diagnosis for him, also around the 18th month we clicked he had difficulties. I also have a two year old daughter who is NT.


Looking forward to chatting with you!


Lisa xx

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Hi and welcome. I am Liz and have 3 kids. Matthew is my aspie. he is almost 7 and was dx at 5 with As/asd (went through a few months of assessments before hand at 4 1/2.) He has also just been dx with ADHD too.


I felt for years M was different and we would often say is he autistic but never really meant it or thought about it for a while although from 2 1/2 I was convinced it was adhd but the HV would never believe me and kept saying he would out grow it and gave me info on behaviour. eventually he started nursery and never wanted to go, he had always hated crowds and he found it really difficult going in on a mornin, he would cry and tantrum on the floor. the staff were always busy and said M was fine, I decided to go to the gp for a referrel to CAHMS. I knew there was something and by this stage really felt it was AS anyway as my grandad had it and so did a few friends sons. anyway with in 5mins of seeing the gp he referred him. and a few mths later was dx. things have got worse for him at school and now in yr 2 can't cope in mainstream. since Nov he has been in a room on his own with 1 to 1. he has just received a statement and is starting a special needs school in sept.


I hope all goes well for you and you find out properly soon!

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