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Everything posted by Brook

  1. WoW... what lovely news... Brook
  2. Shaz, I really hope it turns out to be something that is very easily put right... lots of these <'> >< <'> for you.. Brook <'>
  3. My situation is very similar to Paula's, my son was unable to cope in mainstream and the LEA said he was most likely too bright for the special school and didn't have learning difficulties..... my reply was he has difficulty learning in an environment that he cannot function in, therefore he has a learning difficulty, he is really thriving in his special school and he is now reading in assemblies (couldn't attend in the mainstream, too much for him) he is loving PE (couldn't cope with it in the mainstream) he NEVER says he doesn't want to go to school, infact he had to have a day off for dental treatment and he was going crazy because he wanted to go to school.. (he used to beg me to keep him off at his old school).. my son is most likely the brightest kid in the class, and I have seen his confidence grow and grow, this is so different to the child that was near to breakdown, he is a big fish in a small pond and he is happy and all the while he is happy he will continue to learn and achieve.. he is in the right environment to meet his social and emotional needs, therefore his academic side of things is now shining through.. and the school he attends sets work to meet the individuals level, so he is not being held back. Good luck Brook
  4. Is this it Karen..?? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/6496725.stm Brook
  5. Brook

    New Messages

    Mine says I have -3 messages..........minus!!! proves how popular I am.... :whistle: Brook
  6. Kathryn.......18 blimey!! Sounds like L reaching eighteen has stirred a mixture of emotions for you <'> HAPPY EIGHTEENTH L Brook
  7. Dont know if this link helps hev....?? maybe someone could explain it in English......because I aint got a clue.... http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/sen/schools/nmss/ Brook
  8. Although this is not quite the same....I posted a topic quite a while ago about other people not really understanding my sons difficulties...... thought you might like a read as it has the same feel of frustration in it... http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.ph...ic=3704&hl= Brook
  9. Caroline, you are definitely not alone with this as Kathryn has said about previous threads on this subject... My son tries his hardest to hold it all in whilst at school, but his anxiety and feelings of frustration have to come out at some time and that is normally when he comes home and he feels secure enough to let it out...... He quite often walks out of school fine and as soon as we get in the car he starts head butting the back of the passenger seat and shouting about something that has happened..... he has also developed highly obsessive behaviour and his teacher has said that he doesn't do it at school, but some of these things he does wouldn't necessarily be noticeable to someone that didn't know him so well. As for the money, you are not being selfish one bit, and If you dont get any joy with the schools side of things concerning DLA then I would see the paed, I told my sons paed that they said he doesn't show the same behaviours at school as he does at home, I said that I'd read that they can just let it all out when they feel safe and she couldn't agree more......so it's worth a shot... Try not to let the patronising talk get to you, afterall you live it every single day... Brook <'>
  10. Pleasant!!! Pleasant!!!! PLEASANT!!!!! okay Bambi now I know you think it's pleasant what time shall I expect you round tomorrow to do mine........
  11. HOUSEWORK!!!!!!!!!! how dare you swear at me........... Brook
  12. The results of the poll so far are very scary aren't they!
  13. Awww bless him Well done loulou... Brook
  14. I answered yes to both, at my sons old mainstream school one of the little girls told me that the kids knew what would make my boy scream so they would do it and then laugh at him.... He has recently told me two kids names that used to kick and punch him.......wish he'd told me them two years ago....... Brook
  15. Brook


    Yep, here to, my son is starting to understand 'certain sarcasm', but he never uses sarcasm I dont think he knows how to IYKWIM. One example that really sticks in my mind is, he was talking about poo and he was saying all sorts of horrible little boy things about it, I then said sarcastically "oh that's charming", he then looked at me quite puzzled and said "dont you mean it's UNcharming"....... Brook
  16. Brook


    Aww bless his heart..... must have been really playing on his mind perhaps he thought he had lied to you..... Brook
  17. My son used to do this ALOT, but it has faded a little, if he gets upset and frustrated he will run straight for the door and repeatedly bang his head on it....it goes right through me and I jump up and stop him, he has often had a mark on his forehead!! When he was at his old school the TA said he banged his head on the table, she said it in a way that made me think it was an accident, but when I asked him he said he did it because he didn't understand what to do with his work..... I'm quite lucky that he is not physically aggressive to people, but if he is angry with anyone he will not lash out at them but hurt himself ie...headbanging the door or he will get down on his knees and headbang the floor......... When I used to do the homework with him he would really get anxious and upset, he would then end up gritting his teeth and smacking his head on the table..... But like I say, this isn't as bad as it used to be, he has learnt to shout alot instead now.. but he does do it if he is going through a particular difficult phase.... infact it's one of the signs to me now that he is not coping with something..... Brook
  18. Brook


    Just saw this update.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6402113.stm Brook
  19. Thought this might be helpful in this forum: Not sure how up to date it is though.... http://www.after16.org.uk/ Brook
  20. Caroline.. <'> yep, have felt the same too, and I'm sure many others have, you feel that way because you love him soo much, I've learnt the meaning of 'love hurts'...since I had my son..... he is a fantastic kid and he means the absolute world to me, but sometimes I feel so helpless when I cant help him, I have sometimes poured things out to friends and they have said things like 'oh, he's bright I shouldn't worry about him', they really cannot relate to how much it hits you in the pit of the stomach when kids shun him and laugh at his 'eccentric ways'......... but I have learnt something on our journey so far, and that it is not my son that has the problem it's the blooming rest of the world.....(well some of it!) I must admit though these times of upset are getting less frequent.... chin up Brook <'>
  21. Thanks BD, it looks really interesting, especially as they are going to follow them in years to come, it would be good to see what sort of jobs they have etc.. etc.. will defo watch, especially if I'm snowed in.. Brook
  22. Sounds like a stim to me. Sometimes it's a way of drowning out unwanted stimuli, or the other way around and trying to get stimuli, depends on the situation I suppose. Maybe there is noise he cannot cope with, or smells, lights etc... sensory issues. But does sound like it's his way of coping. My son paces alot and sometimes makes noises with it, he usually does this if he has had too much excitement or if he hasn't been doing much. Also he does it when he gets in from school, I think it's his release. Brook
  23. <'> <'> Simon & family <'> <'> Brook <'>
  24. Hi Sue, I know that doing this is possible, as I know a child that started school a year later than they should have, but I'm not too clued up on when they get older, so I googled it for you and came up with this: dont know if these rules apply to each area or if each area has their own.. maybe you could google this using your area.. http://www.lea.tameside.sch.uk/governor/chronological.htm Brook
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